By Peggy Hall

1. There is no legal authority that can require you to get a vaccine against your will.

2. If you don’t get a vaccine, you cannot be coerced into wearing a mask, getting tested, or being excluded from your school or place of employment.

3. The law is on your side. You have the right to be accommodated for your medical condition or religious beliefs.

4. You have to educate your boss or school about the law. (We can help you do that.)

5. Your employer/school will try to confuse, coerce, intimidate, threaten and harass you.

This is called retaliation and discrimination, and that is against the law.

6. You have the right to determine what is done with your body.

7. It doesn’t matter whether the vaccine only has an “emergency authorization” or not.

8. Even if the vaccine becomes approved, you cannot be forced to take one.

9. You can seek an exemption for the vaccine, the mask and the testing. We recommend a religious exemption, which also includes your sincerely-held ethical and moral beliefs.

10. The masks and the testing are also “emergency use authorization” but even if they weren’t, you cannot be forced into complying.

11. Only a licensed medical doctor can prescribe a medical treatment such as a mask, covid testing or a vaccine. Your boss or school administrator has no authority to do so.

12. No CDC guidelines, OSHA regulations or health officer order can suspend your rights.

13. You have the constitutionally-protected and GUARANTEED right to life and the right to determine what it done to your body.

14. You do not have to tell your boss or school administrator whether or not you got vaccinated. That is your private information. You cannot be discriminated against for not disclosing that information.

15. IMPORTANT!! Do NOT sign any paper that says you will disclose your medical information and do NOT agree to wearing a mask or testing.

16. You do not have to defend yourself against their requests. Instead: turn the tables and demand that they tell you their LEGAL AUTHORITY to require you to participate in these medical interventions.

17. IMPORTANT!!! Don’t focus on the science (or lack thereof). It actually weakens your position. IT DOESN’T MATTER IF THE MASKS, TESTING OR VACCINES WORK OR NOT. WHAT MATTERS IS YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CONSENT IF YOU DON’T WANT TO.

18. It is UNLAWFUL for your employer/school to assume you are a threat to the health and safety of others, without proof from a licensed medical doctor or an order from the court.

19. Only a COURT ORDER can compel you to cover your face, get a covid test or get vaccinated. And even then – you can appeal the court’s decision.

20. And if you DID have a contagious disease – now you would be covered under ADA laws and your needs would have to be accommodated by law.

21. Federal law requires your employer/school to accommodate your religious beliefs – or sincerely-held ethical or moral beliefs – without discrimination.

22. Your employer/school may delay, deny or deliberately try to make it so difficult for you so that you give in, give up or give over your sovereign authority and God-given RIGHT to determine what it done to your body. DON’T FALL FOR IT! We can tell you what to do.

23. Your employer/school may tell you that they are: following OSHA regulations; following the CDC; or following their own policies. Demand that they produce the statutory law that gives them the authority to violate your rights.

24. Your employer/school will tell you that accommodating you creates a “hardship” and therefore they don’t have to accommodate you. The LAW states that the school or employer has to PROVE that the hardship is more than just minimal. Are you asking for your own private classroom, tutor, office, air filtration, personal trainer, personal chef, 24/7 medical care and chauffeur? If not, then there is NO HARDSHIP.

25. Remember: YOU do not have to prove anything.

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Comment by Doc Vega on August 31, 2021 at 3:55pm

Everyone should have this to keep the bastards from manipulating people into deadly compliance! 

"Destroying the New World Order"



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