Key phrase here: "At the stroke of a pen."


I got my monthly bank statement today. I was never consulted, they just sent it in the mail. Near the top of the page they wrote:


"We are making changes to the 'Longer Delays May Apply' section of our Funds Availability Policy for personal accounts.


Effective July 17th, 2001, at least the first $200 of your deposits will be available on the first business day after the day of your deposit. All other terms of your account remain the same. If you have any questions....."


At the stroke of a pen.....


I've got a question. When I give you MY money to hold onto so that you can make MORE money without paying me, what's the difference between you not giving me MY money back whenever I want and you STEALING it from me???


Resistance is necessary....they are galvanizing us into it.

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Comment by youhavetoforgiveme on February 4, 2013 at 1:07pm

In this case, I DO apologize for my absence.... IIRC at all, that was Chase at the time. I have long since switched to a local credit union on the grounds that I wanted to stop making JP Morgan richer than he already is. The credit union is not all that much better, but at least I feel better about it. It's not JUST chase....because of the "fractional" banking system, the bank can LEGALLY loan out another NINE dollars for each one of yours. I'm oversimplifying this a little maybe but what it call comes down to is that if everyone goes to the bank to take out all their money-- 9 out of ten people are going to be sorely disappointed. FACT.

Comment by Maria De Wind on August 5, 2011 at 9:56am
What bank is that?
Comment by Nikki on August 3, 2011 at 9:34pm
WTF!! Are there any local banks or credit unions you can switch to to avoid this?

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