Submitted by IWB, on November 12th, 2015
MonsterMind is an alleged US National Security Agency (NSA) program which is an automated response to a foreign cyber-attack.
While similar programs have existed for decades, MonsterMind is unique in that it attacks back, without any human interaction.
Meet MonsterMind, the NSA Bot That Could Wage Cyberwar Autonomously
"An individual record of an individual flow only tells you so much, but more revealing might be patterns of flows that are indicative of an attack,” he says. “If you have hundreds or thousand of flows starting up from a particular place and targeted to a particular machine, this might indicate you’re under attack. That’s how intrusion detection and anomaly-detection systems generally work. If you have intelligence about the attack tools of your adversary, you may be able to match specific patterns to specific tools that are being used to attack."
Quotes from Investment Watch article:
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