Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery

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Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
May 19, 2011

Alex Jones addresses the latest revelations about the phony document presented by the Obama White House as proof of his eligibility for high office. Author Jerome Corsi has now become the target of White House dirty tricks coinciding with the release of his new book, ‘Where is the Birth Certificate?.’ Corsi has not backed down, but rather renewed his charges, asserting that the long-form birth certificate just released by Obama is a composite forgery made up of several real birth certificates. He has stated his intent to validate these claims in coming media interviews, including a scheduled appearance on the Alex Jones Show this Friday, May 20, 2011.

Pro-Obama factions have panicked, using a deceptive “satire” piece published in Esquire under the title “BREAKING: Jerome Corsi’s Birther Book Pulled from Shelves!” in attempt to sabotage Corsi’s books sales and public support. Simultaneously, Obama’s re-election campaign is trying to score 2012 points by mocking “birthers” with a new campaign shirt that reads “Made in America” with Obama’s image and his purported birth certificate.

But why would the White House even care about best-selling authors like Jerome Corsi (notoriously behind the John Kerry Swift Boat book) or fringe “birthers” if the released document gives all necessary proof to silence the doubters? As the Latin phrase res ipsa loquitur indicates, the thing should speak for itself. In other words, the truth lies in the evidence not the pitch for the case.

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Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on May 20, 2011 at 8:56am

Go ahead Fox Nutwork, Obama has already presented the world with a fraud.
Published at whitehouse.gov birth-certificate-long-form.pd­f created April 27, 2011 7:09:24 AM
Fox has already admitted that the pdf is in layers, But claimed that their "expert" said that is a normal OCR function. Have your x-spert demonstrate. Fox has a graphics department that uses Adobe graphics tools. PhotoShop is industry standard. Your credibility is not there.
Corsi just had a battle of wits with an unarmed man.
Comment by Cryptocurrency on May 19, 2011 at 5:09pm
when Obama campaigned he cracked jokes about being from Krypton. i think he's an illegal alien lol.

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