This is an expansion and revision of the original post:
Why is it the media continually refer to government action toward Syria (any foreign policy) or the economy as that of the President (regardless of Party) and not of Wall Street ?
It is well determined:
the Treasury department has been documented to structure international alliance with the WTO in accordance with Wall Street’s dictates. Ref. ;
that trade agreements negotiated with minimum public awareness such as TransAlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations with G-20 are handled through the executive Trade Representative agency to further the objectives of Wall Street/NWO while causing havoc in the U.S.: i.e., to relinquish U.S. sovereignty to a trade tribunal controlled by WS; to send U.S. jobs overseas; to destroy our tax base; to allow U.S. firms who are members of CFR to enjoy tax free profits off-shore; to eliminate competition from non-CFR members. Ref . , ; see infra.
that Michael Posner of the State department has acknowledged the government trains massive numbers of foreigners to “overthrow oppressive governments”-- the MO of the NWO to facilitate trade exploitation and control of internal banking. The State Department has also been the CIA’s sponsor to impose Wall Street’s agenda throughout the world using the same MO. Ref. FUNDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER
that the Justice Department/Eric Holder has publicly declared Wall Street will not be prosecuted for economic crimes because it may endanger the national economy. Fines may be imposed but no criminal actions are taken. The government nor the public even know who own the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve. Even an open-and-shut case of how the FR has embezzled trillions for 100 years from the government using the Treasury auction accounts transacting over $8.5 trillion annually is ignored. The receipt and disbursements are exclusively controlled by FRBNY and have never been audited. Ref. ;
that the Treasury Department management is permeated and controlled by Wall Street rotational personnel. NWO id;
that the occupier of the Oval Office has been employed by WS and extensively connected with the CIA as were presidents Bush and Clinton. NWO id;
that Wall Street/CFR has been BO’s and Congress’ largest economic benefactor (read “legal bribes” ) and have been responsible for BO’s acceptance by BOTH political parties (don‘t you dare ask about a birth certificate);
that inflated deficit spending such as for ObamaCare is direct profit for WS bankers and writers of the legislation who are moving to lucrative affected private practice controlled by WS. This is the legislation that had to be passed so Congress could read it but cannot be repealed after finding out the lurid details and the greatly under-stated cost. The President somehow reserves the authority to nullify select parts of the legislation but contends Congress cannot. Ref. Heist, supra;
and that this control has incessantly called for military aggression for 100 years---based upon proven lies---to install foreign rulers who allow WS economic and resource exploitation which continues regardless of the political affiliation of the president.
Why should we not recognize that Wall Street controls the executive branch of government and also most of Congress by lavish campaign contributions ?
Why is Syria identified to be merely BO's foreign policy problem and not that of Wall Street’s 100 years of continuing war-mongering ?
Because the MSM is owned by Wall Street.
NAFTA is the largest trade agreement made by the U.S. which was opposed by senator Obama. The exodus of nearly a million manufacturing jobs flowing to Mexico is well documented. How much affect this has had on the bankruptcy of Detroit can only be surmised. It is resulting in Mexican trucks and drivers on the highways of the U.S. Similar trade restrictions are also used by the IMF and WB as loan “conditionalities” to enhance private profit. Ref.
Representatives of the Executive branch of government have, among other TTIP goals, “to accord non-discriminatory treatment to investments and investors from each others’ jurisdiction for both new and expanded investments, with only limited exceptions (taken on a negative-list basis).” parenthesis in original. This is understood to say Wall Street financiers cannot be excluded from local markets and that sovereignty over investment questions lies in the WTO to decide disagreements. Any new investment cannot be challenged on a national basis and any absconding of money (investment) is legal unless it is specifically listed on a negative list. Ref. Derivatives are assumed to be a given.
The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) in negotiations for seven years involves among other items, “trademark, geographical indication [GPS control of terrorists and cellphones?], copyright and related rights [control of the internet?], patents, trade secrets [only for CFR members?], genetic resources [such as GM crops?], and traditional knowledge [any adverse comment on world government is a crime? There goes the 1st. Amendment.].” Questions over ALL these items would be adjudicated by a WTO body controlled by WS. The usurpation of jurisdiction is similar to WB/IMF demands on creditor nations that has resulted in WS control of European finances. Ref. .
Why did BO ask Congress for approval to attack Syria? Because 118 Representatives told him they would impeach him if he did not ask congress. This event has been spiked by the MSM. Ref. Daily Kos claims 192 reps agreed. BO was facing a mutiny led by Scott Rigell of Virginia. Rigell’s next political opponent will have lavish WS funding. Putin helped cover up the rebellion.
What lies DC will concoct next to continue the NWO agenda of Mid-east destruction remains to be seen.
Any protest relating to issues raised herein may be deemed a domestic terrorist activity and be subject to indefinite and secret offshore incarceration without visitation or lawyer privileges--assuming you survive the SWAT team and pre-arrest car bombing or heart attack.
The disdain for the U.S. Constitution, the law, and Congressional declaration has been shown by Secretary of State Kerry who will claim that UN international treaty should trump home rule has been added this day. Ref.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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