Obama Is Pathologically Inclined Toward Maximizing His Power

Franklin's Focus 7/5/10

Obama Is Pathologically Inclined Toward Maximizing His Power

It seems as though every few weeks in every way there are more reasons
why Obama should be impeached. The following news clip is just one
more reason why this man should be stopped cold and removed from
office. I've repeatedly said he suffers from megalomania. I was and am
dead serious. The following CNN news clip is a prime example of his
power madness. These kinds of actions are those we see in
dictatorships. This is early on in his regime. He will quite naturally
become more driven to act like a dictator due to the total lack of
significant opposition to his steady seizing of more and more power.

Anybody who thinks this is a mere fad is dreaming. Power driven people
only evolve in one direction, that of gaining greater power both
domestically and internationally. One of the first signs is the
evolution of storm trooper actions that trample over the rights of
citizens. These kinds of actions are not going to be mere occasional
events. They will occur more often and with greater force as time goes
on. Power feeds itself and grows automatically. The more it is used,
the more it becomes habitual among those rulers who use it. It's an
addiction with power seeking personalities. Obama is one of those

It's time for the 'Impeach Obama' bumper stickers to appear.

Bill Clinton laid the groundwork for the smothering of free
investigative journalism in this country. Obama is now expanding on
what Herr Klinton left behind.

As a final tidbit, it's not a secret that Obama wants to find a way to
completely seize control of the Net at such time as he may wish. A
whole team of experts are working on this stratagem in labs and
offices at Langley. This has been leaked out all over the place. It's
not just a rumor.

Today's Quotation

'The effect of power and publicity on all men is the aggravation of
the self, a sort of tumor that ends by killing the victim's sympathies.'

Henry Brooks Adams, 1907, 'The Education of Henry Adams'

Warmest regards,


US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone

July 3, 2010 by legitgov http://www.legitgov.org

US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
03 Jul 2010 Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees - The Spill and Transparency -
Aired July 1, 2010


COOPER: We're talking about the government, a new a rule announced
today backed by the force of law and the threat of fines and felony
charges, a rule that will prevent reporters and photographers and
anyone else from getting anywhere close to booms and oil-soaked
wildlife and just about any place we need to be. By now, you're
probably familiar with cleanup crews stiff-arming the media, private
security blocking cameras, ordinary workers clamming up, some not even
saying who they're working for because they're afraid of losing their
jobs... Well, the Coast Guard today announced new rules keeping
photographers and reporters and anyone else from coming within 65 feet
of any response vessel or booms out on the water or on beaches -- 65
feet... Violators could face a fine of $40,000 and Class D felony


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