Posted by Europe"">Europe on May 26, 2010 |
A chilling report from the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) prepared for Prime Minister Putin warns today that United States President Barack Obama has
had served on 14 US Governors National Security Letters (NSLs)
warning that if their actions in attempting to form what are called
State Defense Forces are not halted they will face “immediate”
arrest for the crime of treason.
The use of NSLs in the United was authorized by the Patriot Act law
enacted after the September 11, 2001 attacks and forbids anyone
receiving them from even acknowledging their existence, and was reauthorized
by Obama’s “rubberstamp” Congress this past February over the
objections of both civil and human rights groups who warned they mimic
similar type “government security notices” enacted under both
the former German Nazi and Soviet Communist regimes.
To the issue angering Obama against these State Governors, this report continues, is their attempt to reestablish what are called State Defense Forces which are described as follows:
“State Defense Forces (SDF) (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, or State Militias) in
the United States are military units that operate under the sole
authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National
Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United
State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense
Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they
cannot become federal entities.
The federal government recognizes State Defense Forces under 32 U.S.C. § 109 which provides that State Defense Forces as a whole may not
be called, ordered, or drafted into the Armed Forces of the United
States, thus preserving their separation from the National Guard.”
Important to note is that Obama, as President of the United States is also its most powerful military leader known by the term of Commander
in Chief, and is authorized by the Militia Act of
1903 to federalize his individual States National
Guard Forces putting them under his command, something he does not
have the power to do with State Defense Forces.
Obama’s fear of these State Defense Forces, this report says, rests with his not having power over them, and with the bulk of the US
Military Forces he does control being stretched to near breaking with
the ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan would leave these State
military forces under the control of these Governors in “defacto
control” of the United States.
The two US Governors spearheading this rebellion against Obama, this report states, are the Republican opposition party Governors of
Minnesota, Tim Pawlenty and Texas, Rick Perry; both of whom have a deep
fear their President is destroying their Nation.
Governor Pawlenty’s fear of Obama is that since he took office he has appeased America’s enemies while at the same time shunning some of
America’s most stalwart allies, especially Israel. Governor Pawlenty
recently castigated Obama for abandoning the US missile defense plan for
Europe by saying, “The
lessons of history are clear: Appeasement and weakness did not...
Governor Perry has blasted Obama and warned his fellow Texans that the President is “hell
bent on socialism” and is punishing
his State by dumping tens-of-thousands of illegal Mexican
immigrants into their cities and small towns. Governor Perry further
warned Texans that that if “Barack
Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans...
Note: Following the end of the Civil War the rights of the individual US States to succeed from the Union was heard by their
Supreme Court in a case called Texas v. White (1869)
and who ruled that the Constitution did not permit States to secede
from the United States, and that the ordinances of secession, and all
the acts of the legislatures within seceding States intended to give
effect to such ordinances, were “absolutely null”. However, the
decision did allow some possibility of divisibility “through
revolution, or through consent of the States.”
Obama, in fearing a revolution against him by the States, this report continues, has moved swiftly against them, including nationalizing
nearly all National
Forces in Governor Pawlenty’s Minnesota in what is being described as
their State’s largest
call up of troops since World War II. Other reports coming from
the United States are stating that Obama has also nationalized the
National Guard forces in Georgia,
Alabama, Kansas, and perhaps Texas too.
Though Obama may have taken from these dissident States their National Guard forces, the Governors of the States of Alabama,
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia
still have under their sole command their State Defense Forces to go
against US Federal forces.
Important to note in this report is its stating that there are no US laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State’s
Defense Forces, but would create a dilemma for those soldiers should
they be called to service by them both at the same time. This dilemma
occurred for many American soldiers during their Civil War with the great majority of
them choosing to serve their States instead of the Federal Government.
To Governor Pawlenty’s fears of Obama appeasing America’s enemies, while at the same time harming its longstanding allies, their remains no
doubt as during this past week alone he has put Israel’s security in
grave danger by releasing
previously classified US documents relating to their nuclear
programme, while at the same time removing
sanctions on Russian arms makers supplying Iran. And in a move that
even Russian military analysts are calling “insane”,
Obama this week said he
has decided to pre-announce to the World once-secret American
ballistic missile tests and satellite launches.
To Governor Perry’s fears of Obama socializing the United States their remains no doubt either, and as we can read as reported yesterday by the USA Today News Service:
“Paychecks from private business shrank to their smallest share of ...
At the same time, government-provided benefits — from Social Securi...
Those records reflect a long-term trend accelerated by the recessio...
And in an even worse move against his own people who are still struggling to survive the growing Global economic collapse, new reports
from the United States are stating that a “secret” programme
found hidden in Obama’s socialist healthcare law called the Community
Living Assistance Services and Support Act (CLASS
Act) is about to take
from them another $150-$250 a month from their paychecks forcing
tens of millions more of them into abject poverty and debt slavery.
To the final outcome of these events it is not in our knowing, other than to remind these Americans of Dr. Igor Panarin’s 2008 prediction of
the fate lying in store for them, and as we can read as reported by
London’s Telegraph News Service in their article titled “US
will collapse and break up, Russian analyst predicts”, and
which says:
“Igor Panarin, a professor at the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian...
In an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia, he outlined ho...
They are: the Pacific coast with its growing Chinese population; th...
Alaska could be claimed by Russia, he said, claiming that the regio...
He said the country’s break-up would be accelerated by rising unemp...
“The dollar isn’t secured by anything. The country’s foreign debt h...
And to those Americans believing they will be able to defend themselves against the fast approaching onslaught meant to destroy them
they should think again, for even as these words are being written,
Obama, through the United Nations, is preparing to
disarm them all under the so called UN
Treaty On Arms Control that he ordered his government to sign.
The late great American dissident comedian George Carlin once said, “It’s
called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to be...….one
can only hope these poor souls will awaken from their long slumber
before all is lost..
"Destroying the New World Order"
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