Mark Matheny
March 26, 2016

Although Donald Trump is beating all the other GOP candidates, and leading overall in the race for the 2016 Presidency, our current President is of the opinion that Trump will ultimately not win.

Recently, Obama made a statement to Matt Lauer that he could only imagine Donald Trump giving a 'State of the Union' address on a Saturday Night Live Skit:

President Obama: The message that Donald Trump is putting out has had adherents a lot of times during the course of our history. You know, talk to me if he wins, then we'll have a conversation about how responsible I feel about it, but I'm pretty confident that the overwhelming majority of Americans are looking for the kind of politics that does feed our hopes and not our fears, that does work together and doesn't try to divide us, that isn't looking for simplistic solutions and scapegoating, but looks for us, you know, buckling down and figuring out how to do we make things work for the next generation.Matt Lauer: So when you stand and deliver that State of the Union address, in no part of your mind or brain can you imagine Donald Trump standing up one day and delivering a State of the Union address?President Obama: Well, I can imagine it in a Saturday Night skit. Look, anything is possible, and I think, you know, we shouldn't be complacent. I think everybody's got to work hard.

If you notice Obama's response, he alludes that Trump's message is one from the past, given by the Likes of Adolph Hitler, and other tyrants of history, and those men had lots of adherents. Since the beginning of Trump's rise in the campaign, the left primarily, have tried to paint Trump as a radical tyrant, to be compared to Hitler. They have constantly tried to pin the label of "Racist" upon him, saying that his speeches are those of a racist and a bigot.

Obama went on to say that he felt the American people are looking for the kind of politics that "feed our hopes and not our fears".... Meanwhile, Obama, the democrats, and the republicans are feeding the American people their "propaganda of fear" by using the media to slander and attack trump as a frightful radical hate-monger and Hitler archetype.

He also mentioned politics that "doesn't try to divide us" and that "isn't ..... scapegoating"...
yet, during the Obama Presidency our country has seen the greatest examples of dividing us as a people through both race and class warfare. We have seen tension between blacks and whites escalate drastically, where groups such as the "Black Lives Matter" crowd have literally thrived on the fears and hate coming from the left progressives who are using the Saul Alinsky Rules of Radical formula to fundamentally transform America.

And as for scapegoating, Obama certainly has used his politics to attack the Republican Party and the Bush legacy both as scapegoats for everything that is wrong with America.

Americans certainly do want to see a change in politics, but the change they are looking for, the hope that they are starting to see in Trump, is the fear that the ruling class are terrified of. The Left and the Right, both, as well as the Elites that control finance and politics from above Washington (and those overseas) are afraid of what Trump is reviving here in the hearts of men and women across our Country. He is reminding us of our pedigree.... he is reminding us that we are Americans!! We are sons and daughters of those Boston Teas spillers who stood up the the Tyranny of Elites that want nothing more than to oppress and deprive us of our humanity!

The elites are terrified not of Trump the man, but of the hope that Americans see in the words coming from him of "Make America Great Again"!

When asked again recently by a reporter if Obama felt Trump would win the Presidency, or even the nomination, Obama once again went on the aggressive to point out what he felt was the sins of not only Trump, but the Republican side as well.

Some of the things he attacked was the anti- muslim sentiments coming from not only Trump, as he put it, but also from the Republican Party. He went on to say that Trump and the GOP are anti-immigration and to top it off, they are climate-change deniers!

What he fails to mention is the fact that Trump is not anti-muslim, as he put it, but Trump has clearly stated that he wants to temporarily stop muslim refugees from entering the country UNTIL they can be checked out properly. Of course a strong majority of Americans agree with Trump's stance on this.

Trump clearly stated this saying in a press release:

"Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life," 

He went on to say this "does not apply to people living in this country, but we have to be vigilant."  

However, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the GOP want us all to believe that Trump wants to just round up all Muslims in the country and throw them out. They are the ones playing on our fears. 

As for immigration, Trump has clearly stated that he is pro-immigration. He simply wants migration to the U.S. by foreigners to be done LEGALLY!

Here is what Trump had to say at a debate on October 28, 2015:

 "I'm in favor of people coming into this country legally. As far as the visas are concerned, if we need people they have--it's fine. They have to come into this country legally. We have a country of laws. It's fine if they come in, but they have to come in legally."

Of course this is not what the current President would like to hear. Neither does Hillary Clinton for that matter. Most of the illegal immigration is currently coming from Mexico, and since South America is primarily a Catholic Nation, they are also a democratic majority. This is votes for the Left! They definitely don't want the doors to close on the border of Mexico especially. There are other reasons too, however, such as the destruction of national sovereignty by destroying our borders and causing a massive influx of peoples to come into the country who will not, and who are not prompted or encouraged to assimilate into our way of life. Quite the opposite is happening instead. We are told by our media and by the Government that we need to instead accommodate to them, and if we don't then we are bigots and racists!

An overwhelming amount of Americans are in agreement with Trump, but that doesn't matter to the Power Elite. They want you to believe Trump is a Nazi Racist.  It is important to note that, while Hitler used "scientific racism" and "antisemitism" as tools of propaganda, the Obama administration has used racism as a tool to divide the country while pitting  the Arab Nations and The UN against Israel.

As for climate-change, Obama is simply pushing the UN agenda 21 plan to bring all nations under International Carbon Taxing and ultimately International rule by a Governing UN regulatory body in league with the IMF and World Bank. The Elites are angry because Donald Trump has stated he is not a believer in global warming:

I mean, Obama thinks it’s the number one problem of the world today. And I think it’s very low on the list. So I am not a believer, and I will, unless somebody can prove something to me, I believe there’s weather. I believe there’s change, and I believe it goes up and it goes down, and it goes up again. And it changes depending on years and centuries, but I am not a believer, and we have much bigger problems.

 and because he came out in a speech condemning the UN organisation as enemy of freedom and democracy!:

“The United Nations is not a friend of democracy. It’s not a friend to freedom,.....  It’s not a friend even to the United States of America, where as all know, it has its home. And it surely isn’t a friend to Israel,”. 
Again, however, most Americans are oblivious to the fact that the UN has been caught in scandals and in atrocities around the world. Read of them here, here , andhere.
What seems like radical policies coming from Trump, are really just steps that he sees and knows have to happen to set America back on the course once charted by our founding Fathers who started this nation.
Everything Trump is attacking is in reaction to the agenda that has been pushed by both Parties that have sought to destroy our borders, our economy, our military and our standing on the world stage. Americans need to become aware of what is happening around them and understand that there is no need for a revolution in our country,- that has already happened. What we need is a restoration of the Principles and values and courage, and sacrifice that made our country great, and that can MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Vote Trump in 2016.

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