People of the world, and particularly those in the present ‘occupy camps’ around the world; 'best wishes to you all' - though you need to understand, the most fundamental objective of this, should be taken full advantage of, which is to make sure the people of the world, - who many are kicking off in various parts of the planet; get their voices heard, - and as importantly; - ‘their demands known of’. As presenlty not so many people seem to be coming out with to many concrete ideas, - as what I am saying, a new a strong foundation is required to work from, - though there is no need for hands of the Masons to lay this one, - as this must be laid by the hands of the people, those with no white gloves to protect themsleves from the blood that may be shed in order to lay this 'people's foundation', - a foundation without all these manmade vodoo religions and their anointing rituals and ceremonies - one solid enough to support the worlds populations, - which sounds all NWO, which in the right hands, is most definitely what we need, though not a 'order', but a worldwide understanding and harmony that truly represents every man, women and child on this world, - as opposed to just looking after a few million here and there of the elite families - who have got thier fingers in every pie and the world resources, that should be basically free, or at least non-profitable, or not at least so much profit being made, - as we all need; heat, light and water etc., - these precious commodities belong to 'the people' - and not to half a dozen men around the globe, - with a few thousand shareholders having a slice of the cake, whilst the people don't even get a crumb! Presently our world governments are so corrupt, infiltrated and over-run by nepotistic chums, whom in turn appoint their buddies into positions that they uphold and help cover-up all this stealing of trillions from our world public purses. - They’ve distracted us for so long, - so whilst we’re watching the football match, Come Strictly, X Factor and being sent gaga by that Lady, - being force fed false news about the middle-east, constant threats of cuts, the collapse of the world economies, wars and crime etc. – these lot have been running out the back doors with their suitcases stuffed with trillions of dollars, pounds, Euro’s and gold, you name it, they’ve nicked it from us! - They haven’t even yet really started, as it costs trillions to fund a world war, or should I say 'human cull', population getting out of hand and all that... -
Though until we address these issues, then any demand to banking reform etc. is not worth the paper it’s written on. - If we can address this cancer, and get passed certain laws and regulations, - then the world may be able to move on in honesty and full transparency, - though this can only be possible if the present nepotistic corrupt system, in the guise of a 'Demockracy', - as the only true alternative we have ever had, is the offer of the; "Blue pill or Red pill", - we have been lied to, - it’s plain and simple, - and they have been well and truly caught with there pants down, and they too know it, - thus want to lead us into WWIII, - so are now kicking the heels of Iran and causing all sorts of bother in places such as the middle-east and Africa at the mo.
For time immemorial, these elite members of the same secret society, have rode the merry-go- round, - elite families whom simply pass the baton of fame and fortune from one pirate family to the other. And every demonstration, protest march or rally, will simple be in vain, if we the people don’t address these critical and deep-rooted flaws that have suffocated any chance of ‘real democracy’ being given to the people, - as this corruption pervades all our world governments, villages, towns and cities.
Don’t even bother raises your voices or pitching your tents, if you’re not brave enough to stand up and demand that it should be; 'illega'l for any member of our local town-halls, police forces and armies, - though particularly, and should be dealt with first; our judiciary and those members of Parliament, the House Lords etc'. – as new laws need to be introduced, that prevent members of these nepotistic secret societies, - whom almost all these people belong to the same ‘one’ club - from also being able to serve in publicly appointed positions of great power and financial influence, like those running PFI; - whose corruptive hidden pricetag - in turning to private finance to help fund Britain's much-needed public infrastructure, is holding the public yet again to ransom, - they need to be stopped and these places and industries need to be returned to the public and off those with a "Common Purpose" agenda, whose purpose is far from helping the masses, but is aimed to help the select few. The BBC's recent Panorama programme did an excellent job in helping to expose as to what dodgy deals are going on. The only sincere, true and genuinely honest way to help change this world of ours into a better place for everyone, is to sign the following petition and make these points known about and heard, raise these objectives as parts of ‘our’ demands, the planet is screaming out for justice, and now is the time to act, so we can get it right for all of our children’s sakes and futures.
As well as real banking reform, we need to also make sure that all companies, no matter where their head office or origins are from or based, - must pay their full 100% income tax on all products that are sold within any one country, and tax those on really high incomes, that little bit more. And then it’s up to you lot to come up with more ideas, though failing to address issue one; the petition, - then like I say, everything else is fruitless. Viva the peoples revolution – power to the people, power to the people right on!
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Source: David McCann.
"Destroying the New World Order"
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