I too have suffered at the hands of police brutality, and on various occasions. I’ve had the shit kicked out of me, been beaten to a pulp, knocked unconscious and hospitalised by a group of more than 10 of them from TSG-Territorial Support Group, whom on this occasion all one by one took turns in giving me either a punch or a kick. I was completely innocent in this case I’ve already mentioned, yet was still framed with a GBH - Section 18 [with intent] charge on a police officer, which was better than the original “Attempted Murder” the police were originally wanting to charge us with, though thanks to an astute jury, two others and I were found; “Not Guilty” after a trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court in Essex back in 1987.
The Police work hand in glove with certain hack journalists from various newspapers when the police want a guaranteed one sided biased story in the media. They supply all the details and fabricated information about the cases directly to the journalists they are “indirectly” employing to help them in their task. It’s a regular deception trick the police use, and the media are more than happy to go along with it, - the more sensational the headlines the better.
In our case, the police were hoping on a “guilty” verdict being returned by the jury, and were quite confident of this happening because they knew that in excess of 10 police officers had all perjured themselves in the dock in order to try and secure such a verdict. This is such a frequent occurrence in almost all criminal cases, the police, like most of our MP’s and people in positions of power in general, have become so brazen with their attitudes. The way many of them conduct themselves, is because they know their untouchable and in typical Freemason style, simply close ranks and all stand shoulder to shoulder. - They will perjure and lie through their hind-teeth no matter the consequences.
In my case, they gave the impression that three of us, me and two other friends severely beat up a lone policeman whilst he was going about his normally duties, if you had read the false and concocted evidence the police had put forward to the court, you would be forgiven for thinking we were indiscriminate monsters. I was accused that whilst this police officer lay flat out on the floor getting kicked and punched by the two others, of stamping and jumping on his fingers whilst shouting out: “You’re never make another fucking phone call again”. When the case came to court, the policeman in question then produced photographs of his hands showing them all bruised and grazed. Yet neither of my two mates or I did anything to his hands whatsoever, and how he got such injuries in the first place, is anyone’s guess, though I believe they must have been self inflicted, it was either due to him punching walls, or when minutes later-on and after the alleged assault took place on him, he then proceeded to smashed the living daylights out of one of my mates faces, whilst using his bare hands to do so, - and if the truth be known, this is probably how his injuries really did occur.
Almost three weeks later, the trial and was coming to a close, the jury were out and the court was waiting their verdict. My father, who had been there throughout the trial, tapped me on the shoulder with a very concerned look on his face. He said; “Son, the Daily Mail, Express and the Sun newspapers are outside, and they want to interview you and John and take some photographs”. - I at first refused and said; ‘after the decision of the verdict was given’. My dad then pointed out what the newspapers told him; “They will be printing the story anyway, and emphasised the fact, that it would look much worst if they printed a photograph of me handcuffed and on my way to prison”, - with front page headlines stating along the lines; “Scum, Guilty of GBH on Defenceless Policeman”.
So I bowed to the pressure and agreed to have photo’s taken, - and give my version of events in the interviews to these newspapers. John and I went outside the grounds and posed for the camera’s and gave our story. I was asked what I think the jury’s decision will be. I replied, I only hope they come back with the right ‘not guilty’ decision, as I don’t think I could take being sent to prison for a crime I didn’t commit. After the interviews and photo shoot, we returned to the courtroom to await the jury’s verdict, my heart was pumping like mad, and could feel it thumping through my chest, as the sweat dripped of my hands. I looked around at my father who looked more worried than me, the public gallery was packed, yet the silence, it was so quite you would have heard a pin drop. The Masonic judge was handed the note, as he read it, he nearly choked on his false teeth, was this a good sign or bad? I see a flash before my eyes of the front page of; The Sun; SCUM FOUND GUILTY... - The foreman stood up and read the verdict out loud: “McCann: Not Guilty, Cleary - Not Guilty, O’Reily -Not Guilty of GBH- Section 18. McCann: Not Guilty, Cleary - Not Guilty of Assault. O’Reily: Guilty of Assault”. This is only because Kevin O’Reily had previously pleaded guilty to assault before the trial. The reaction in the court room was unbelievable, and I will never forget it, I was numb through shock, everyone was so emotional, I was in tears, so was my father and other relatives and friends, but the most wonderful thing was, - so were some members of the jury, they also showed great concern and interest, their thoughtfulness was the best compensation anyone could wish for. They had believed us all the time, despite the huge machinery of the Crown Prosecution Service, the Judge and police trying with all their might, the truth could not be covered-up, and this is the importance of “Trial by Jury”, and the reason they want to deny us this fundamental right. The congratulations continued to the outside of the court, and plenty of hugs and kisses where going around, even with members of the jury!
The following day, my brother went and bought a good cross section of newspapers to see what they had to say about the verdict. To everyone’s amazement, there was no mention of the trial whatsoever, despite all the aggressive persistent demands from the press for an interview prior to the verdict being returned, then insisting we have a photo shoot with them as well, or they’ll show one of us anyway, handcuffed and being led off to jail. It was quite obvious it wasn’t the verdict they wanted, the police invited the press down in the first place hoping they would give it maximum publicity, letting the public know how dangerous it is for the lone bobby on the beat. - Now however, the story had no appeal, and it wouldn’t have looked good reporting that indeed, the jury found that my mates and I had indeed been set-up and framed. Which read like a textbook theory out of Stephens Kings chapter: How to Destroy a Man, from an extract of his book; The Brotherhood. It’s a reference which explains as to what lengths the Freemasons, with the help of Masonic Police officers, are prepared to go in order to destroy or discredit anyone that might get in their way.
The timing of our trial was politically sensitive for the police, and we had become political pawns, as there had been a lot of bad negative press in regards to the outrageous behaviour of the police in general, and 23 years later and things remain the same! Stoke Newington police station and the TSG, had their fair share of shame just weeks before our trial, and some of the very same police officers, who were prosecution witnesses at my trial and who also beat me, were involved in another trial, accused of severely beating two young men. One of the victims said the police, suggested taking him: “The Holloway Route”, referring to the longest route to the police station. Some of these officers where found not guilty, and some were found guilty and dismissed from the police force. These points were raised in our trial, because that’s what was said; “The Holloway Route” to my mate John, by some of the very same TSG officers, who arrested and beat us up.
It wasn’t until I fell victim to the corruption of the police, that I ever even dreamed finding myself involved with them in anyway, I had everything going for me in my life, a thriving business, a great social life, and I lived life to the full. I didn’t have a care in the world, the same applied with my family, everyone got on with their busy hard working lives, and I didn’t had time to get into any aggro with the police, and nor had I ever wanted to. I never had much or serious involvement with the police before, and had always looked on them to being there to protect us, - if any lies were being told by someone, then the truth will always come out in court, thankfully it did in that instance for us, but no thanks to the crooked Masonic Judge whom resided over the corrupt trial, and who too did his utmost to convince the jury we were guilty.
This was the first time, - but unfortunately not my last, as I was to experience the full force of police brutality, yet another time. The police don’t like being beaten in the courts, and like elephants, never forget. I was walking a tightrope, and they were waiting in the wings, watching my every move and waiting for me to slip up, and when unfortunately I did, it was big time, - and the full brunt of the law came steaming rolling over me, though that’s another story I will touch on later on in the book.
John was a good friend of mine, completely innocent, and was beaten beyond all recognition. Some years later, he committed suicide, though it can’t be confirmed the reason was connected to that police incident, but through my various conversations with him, and other friends, I can say it was at least contributory, as his head was beaten so badly at the time of the assault by PC Billiamson, - that his head was swollen twice the normal size. No one knows for sure what kind of brain damage may have occurred as a direct result of that vicious beating by the police, yet soon after this incident, the same happy go, lucky go fellow, was suffering from bouts of depression, that stayed with him the rest of his life, - and until the day he so tragically died. As I have said; I’ve either witnessed police brutality, or been on the receiving end of it. I know their capabilities, and how they will hurt you and frame you, - as they can get away with almost anything, including murder, as you could say they’re 'licensed to kill', – really, - and where the term originally comes from, as it is indeed; the army and secret services, - whom are techincally licensed to do so, thoug now, post 9/11, it's been extended to the Boys in Blue, - or should I say black?
Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World - http://www.trappedinamasonicworld.co.uk
Consciencios Objector; A wonderful explanation, I'm putty in your hands and can see where you're coming from. Many of my posts, are extracts from the book I wrote; Trapped in a Masonic World, it's deep, not for the faint hearted, - and can be read freely, and spread elsewhere, - as well as purchased... - It was indeed written for the 'layman' - those such as my parents, family and friends in general, the 'working classes', not those who have 'lost the plot', those kind of people, whom 'think' they're 'middle-class' - when not even knowing what it really means to be from such a sector in the first place. My intention is to expose to them, - the 'working classes', that is, - because basically, many middle class folk and upwards, have known all about this little nepotistic scam for millennia, - as it's given them the cosy lil lifesytles many have aquired, they're the foot soldiers whom uphold all this continuous corruption; because even if they're not directly aware of it, - they're are still nonetheless, interwoven in this Masonic mosaic structure that controls the entire world. I want them to understand, before they go to their graves, why millions of 'our people', which is 'all of us' - have purposely been deliberately target as victims of the 'human culls' they like to carryout every time they can see they are about to lose control, and the masses begin to rise for 'real freedom and democracy' not all this red pill, blue pill, - non-alternative-demockracy, - and why it is, the working classes are always put back to the starting line in life, - when many of these nepotistic cunts are always on the second last bend! And that this lil ol world of ours, from our town-halls, local police stations, doctors clinic's, schools, colleges and universities, - our so called "religion's" - and all their sham places; of how to make money and keep control, that are full of indoctrinated sheeple, - our courts of law, the judges, barristers and solicitors and our entire government and all their related bodies....are and always have been, run and contolled by small nepotistic groups of local - to us all - families, - and whom many are members of secret societies - who therefore, have always worked in the 'interest' of their 'secret societies', as opposed to doing so in the 'public interest'! This is the only real and true cause to fight in this world, as all else is just a constant farce, a mere merry-go-round, - real revolution, requires the eradtication of members of secret socities - from also being able to serve as members of our government and their related bodies, - if the world of 'ours' is to truly become 'free and fair' from this continuously and deliberately contrived and repeated every century or few decades or so; - corruption, market crashes, protests, revolts and many demostrations, it happened in pre WWI, and that's exactly what's occuring right now and all around the globe, - the very same happened pre WWII, - we are all being blindly led down the road to one of the biggest human culls yet known to man, - that is sadly being led, and disgracefully upheld by these various members of these secret socities, - and it is my intention to inform those as to what is 'really' going on in this world, - though more importantly, within thier own families, villages, towns and cities, and all accross the world, - we, the masses, need to come together and understand, that the world will never, ever be 'Free' for anyone else, - other than those present members of the 'Free'-mason's....
That's what's so good about this kind of medium, as we can choose to reply to a post or not. The choice is yours my friend, - as is mine. You are fortunate to live in such an ideal place, where you say; "some self respect and honesty amongst Cops and we see everyday that this isn't the case around the Planet" - and that's the real problem my friend, because it's not what I see in my place or around the world, - and perhaps it's because we differ in such views, why you might have in some sense offended me, as because I don't particularly like consciencous objective comments being made, - that detracts from the main essense of the point I was making, - whilst meanwhile defending and trying to justify the actions of those I was highlighting. And as I say, this is far from an isolated case, this is going on in every village, town or city around the globe, - though not in your place, - which as I say, is all good, - though only good for you, and those honest cops you're refering to, and not the rest of us.
*To follow on from last comment underneath; The top cops then pass the message down the thin blue line, pervading the same kind of message throughout the ranks of the force in the form of “Chinese whispers”, so that when this kind of message is then passed on to the ordinary PC by their superiors, it’s giving them the thumbs-up to get their battle dress on, having their truncheon in one hand, Taser gun on the hip, mace spray in the breast pocket and with their riot shields in the other hand. And as indicated by the boss, if it’s too peaceful, then just lash out and beat the first innocent newspaper vendor whosoever just happens to be strolling along minding their own business, - that way you might hopefully provoke a reaction from the mob, and we can then steam-in, and give em all a good old beating, and with a bit of luck we might even kill the odd one here and there, and not to worry if it does come on top, your be protected, because we can’t have a copper grassing on his superiors, saying; “Well, we were encouraged by our superiors to go out and kick arse”.
When someone deliberately chooses a name; "Consciencious Objector", it's then very difficult for them to read much well anything, with having this 'consciencious ojective' to constantly respond to. It's like trying to make a postive out of a negative at all times, when at all times is certainly not appropriate, as you help detract from the actually matter that is being raised, and perhaps that's your real objective, - so when a nonce-case child abuser is caught red handed, - the consciencious objecter, will often say; "Well, the rest of his family aren't child abusers". Which basically we don't even know what the truth is in such a case, - though more importantly, such a comment is trying to make light or even brush over the real 'actual crime and offender'. I don’t want to patronise you, as I understand you know what’s going on, - though you say 'it's not all Cops', - and the 10 that beat me and tried their utmost to frame me for a crime I never commited, - is just '10' police officers working in 'one team', - yet there's thousands of these 'teams', and who'll your find are as corrupt as each other when push comes to shove, as it's instilled in them by their superiours, and I can give you thousands of examples. Take your good old arms dealer, he needs wars, as he won’t be able to put too much food on the table if he didn’t have a good old cluster bombing campaign going on somewhere in the world, now would he? He wouldn’t be able to ram bundles of cash into brown envelopes and slip it under the table to some old freeloading corrupt MP or Senator, now would he. And just like the arms dealer, - the Police too need plenty of crime going on, if they too are to justify their existence and need by the public.
Yet if you look at the crime statistics, then you can see that they’re more here for civil control, - they, the world’s elite have them here to protect them, - not us, but from us. They know by having such a force, that when it’s called for, say a peaceful protest about animal cruelty, they can send in their police force to deal with the matter. They then in turn inform the top police officers; “We, want a jolly good show, we do not want them [us] causing any trouble, this event is going to be covered by the world’s media, so we don’t want to show our ‘Brethren of the other Lodges’ that we are not in control of ‘our people’- so if anyone, as much dares to want and cause any trouble, come down hard on them! And if it’s going too peaceful, then were create and stir-up some trouble with our strategically placed agent provocateurs who job it is to encourage the protestors to react and cause the mayhem, - that way we can hope to see a few beatings on the public and gain as many arrests as we can. - This will work twofold, one it will show the rest of the world we will not take any shit,- and two, it will scare the living daylights out of the ordinary Joe Public that they dare not even contemplate about leaving their comfy armchairs and joining the rest of the protesters”.
See next comment to finish of this...
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