One Year vs. 18 Years for the Same Crime!

Franklin's Focus 7/25/10

One Year vs. 18 Years for the Same Crime!

Today's newspapers are reporting an act by Obama that I see as
unconstitutional, racist, and a gross act of politicking as opposed to
fulfilling the proper role of a president. He has just signed a bill
that decrees a punishment for blacks using or selling cocaine is to be
18 times as severe as the punishment of whites for using or selling
the exact same amount of cocaine.

Cocaine is used in two common forms, powder and crack. It is notably
cheaper in its crack form, and therefore has become the standard form
of cocaine sold and used in black ghettoes. Cocaine used by whites in
their all white suburbs invariably use cocaine in its more expensive
powder form.

In 1986 a racist Congress and racist president passed a law making the
mandatory punishment for possession of cocaine in its crack form 100
times more severe than it is for possession of cocaine in its powder
form! That law was unconstitutional. Yet it has persisted for a
quarter of a century without examination by the Supreme Court or
revocation by Congress or a serious opposition by any president or a
serious debate on the Hill. This is a stunning indictment of our
entire government.

Mind you, the two forms of cocaine are chemically identical. The only
possible reason for such a huge difference in prison sentencing
absolutely has to be racist. There simply is no scientific reason for
such difference.

In effect, the new 'reformist' law has de facto put blacks possessing
cocaine in crack form to mandatory prison sentences 18 times more
severe. One guy theoretically gets one year, and another guy gets 18
years for the same act. This is not about the form of the cocaine.
It's about the color of their skins. Just imagine what is going to
happen in Texas and other southern states under the new 'reform'. You
know. I know. Everybody knows. And nobody seems to care.

Obama has now proudly signed into law a bill that makes possession of
crack subject to a mandatory prison term that is 18 times as severe as
for possession of powder cocaine. In effect, a black Henry Jackson
gets a mandatory 18 years, while a white Henry Smith gets a mandatory
one year for possession of cocaine. This new law still carries racism
to an obscene level.

Any president with any sense of decency would use his or her powerful
pulpit to raise almighty hell over the bill placed before him/her. Any
decent members of Congress opposing such an outrage would be calling a
press conference to describe exactly what is taking place with only a
weak scrutiny by the media.

The notion that this new bill 'is better than nothing' doesn't wash.
Suppose the federal government passed a bill making lynching a federal
crime but ignoring racist executions by knives or guns. Imagine hack
politicians and idiot followers of Obama bragging over that wonderful
advance in racial policies.

For me this obviously is a big deal. Senator Russ Feingold has been
severely attacked for refusing to sign outrageous bills into law, with
his refusing to sign the Patriot Bill being the most discussed. 99
senators voted for it and Feingold was the sole senator to vote
against it. Why was this so astonishing to reporters and fellow
lawmakers? Why is it that the media never analyzed this for even one
moment? Is there no limit to how bad a bill has to be?

One would hope that no senators would vote for an ethically and
constitutionally obscene law as the new cocaine bill, and no president
would ever sign such a bill into law. You'd think Obama's black half
would occasionally oppose his snotty white half, but it is obvious
which half is by far the most dominant.

One would also hope that the media and all its talking heads would be
discussing at length the passing of a law that is 18 times as severe
in punishing blacks as in punishing whites for the same crime.

Why is there no sense of guilt anywhere over the passage of such a
filthy law?
How outrageous does an act by Obama have to be before a mere handful
of liberals rises up in a fury to to oppose what he has done? How far
does his cowardice have to go before he is labeled a 'sniveling coward'?

A Jewish woman I knew many years ago used to sum up her feelings over
such putrid messes with a delightfully brief comment. She would
mutter, 'Shit, fuck, piss!' A deceased dear black friend of would
probably have muttered something about the 'house nigger'.

Yes, the new law is better than the old law. But both laws are
obscenely racist. I guess I'll stroll by a some black websites to see
what they're saying. It won't be pretty, but I need to see some tell-
it-like-it-is comments.

Warmest regards

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