If your local Sheriff knew that he was doing anything wrong by prosecuting you under private foreign law, he probably wouldn't do it.  The same for the highway patrolmen.  And the State Troopers.  And the Federal Agents. 

Whenever they know the actual Public Law, they tend to obey it--- but as they are not taught the Public Law and are not instructed to enforce the Public Law by their corporate bosses --- what can you expect? 

So far as they know, they are obeying and enforcing "the" law, that is, the only law they know.  It never occurs to them that there is more than one kind of law, and that they may be dealing with people who live under different forms of law than they do. 

We live and breathe and stand under the Public Law, not their private "law". 

It's your Public Duty to tell them --- and teach them.  

God knows that most of the "hired jurists" in this country are as ignorant as the Highway Patrol and are not capable of teaching anything but legal procedure and statutory law. 

So, if we are standing around waiting for the magistrates and attorneys to teach Law Enforcement Officers the actual Public Law of this country, we will be waiting a long, long while.  The Public Law isn't their baileywick and they don't wish to be held accountable to it, so of course, they don't study it or pay much attention to it. 

They merely presume that you are one of them, that you adopt their law, and that you are accountable to the now 80 million statutes, codes, and regulations that they are required to obey.  

Like the Wendy's employee running out on the street, grabbing me by the elbow, and demanding to know why I am not in uniform and flipping burgers---don't I know it's my shift?   

They are engaged in a self-serving delusion that we all stand under the same law they do.  That we have to be licensed, because they do.  That we have to do all the things and obey all the statutes, codes, and regulations---- that they have heaped upon themselves. 

Fortunately for us, that doesn't happen to be true.  It remains for us to bring the news home to our employees. 

Witness the discussion I had with one of them recently.  He insisted that I had to obey statutory law.  To which I replied: 

Man is not subject to statutory law and not within its “contemplation”.   

Statutory Law exists for the creations of Statute---- and not otherwise. That's why it is called "Statutory Law".  It applies to persons, not people.  Humans, not men.  It comes from the same Latin root word as State and Status.  

State is the level of government that controls the International Jurisdictions of Land and Sea.  This jurisdiction is inhabited entirely by persons--- Lawful Persons and Legal Persons.   Technically, no living, breathing man exists in these jurisdictions.   

I might have added ---- as I act exclusively as a Lawful Person and stand under the Public Law, I am owed protection and assistance on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, and at all times, my Constitutional Guarantees and natural exemptions apply.  I don't volunteer to waive any rights or adopt any offices of personhood. 

They can all read.  

Article VI.   Article IV.   Amendment X.  Amendment XI. 

He replied something to the effect that if I could show him any cases, statutes, etc., that agree with what I say, he'd accept my view.  So I sent him two bon mots ---- in addition to the Constitution.  

“The state citizen is immune from any and all government attacks and procedures, absent contract.” See Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 60 US (19 How.) 393, or as the Supreme Court has succinctly said, “….every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen, without his consent.”  Cruden vs. Neale, 2 N.C. 238, 2 S.E. 70.

I am waiting for him to come back and say that he "can't find" these cases; since they don't speak to statutory law, they won't be found among the tomes he regularly consults.  

That itself will be quite a discovery, as he stumbles upon the records of land jurisdiction courts, for the simple and supreme Public Law has been well-buried beneath the weight of 80 million statutes, codes, and regulations and all the court cases attached to them, so much so that people are naturally mistaking all this foreign litigation as something that pertains to them ---- when, quite simply, it doesn't.  And never did. 


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here: www.annavonreitz.com

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Comment by cheeki kea on September 21, 2020 at 9:22am

Yes it is our public duty to inform them, not only employees but bosses and others also. Most people find it hard to wrap their heads around though, and it needs explaining Why some acts and statues Don't apply, To Whom they Do apply and When, and How to know the difference. They have to understand that Not all 'acts' of 'law' are the same, or have a similar purpose, or are necessarily applicable to everyone. They need to know there are good ones eg. the bill of rights act - that Describes their rights and freedoms, and bad ones eg, say The smoke fee environments act - that (tries) to take freedoms away. I tell them just because some legislation binds the crown, employers, or body corporation, it doesn't mean it binds You. 'Compulsory' enrolment for super savings is an example I use a lot because Many people Believe they not only have to be enrolled But Stay enrolled - when in fact they don't, Unless they have Opted In (by consent) Or not Opted Out ( by their silence). 90% of workers I've spoken to did not know this, and there's many more sneaky little games that are played also.    

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on September 20, 2020 at 9:09pm

I've never been or I am bible basher but it says- People will perish from the lack of knowledge.

Comment by Chris of the family Masters on September 20, 2020 at 4:23pm

Understanding this can be extremely empowering experience. The world would turn right side up.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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