Dear Mister Gutless President,

I say that, for it takes more courage to stand for Peace, than to send kids to WAR. How could anyone who wins the Nobel Peace Prize, send 30,000 more to WAR? How do you sleep you moron? (And thats being polite...)

Bring all the Troops Home and close all over sea bases. Or when you die, and we all stand over your grave to make sure you are dead, you will come before me and I will kick you in the balls, which you do not have now.

I am the Prophet Michael of Daniel 21:1, the child of Revelations 12, and the Branch of Jeremiah 23:6, 33:14-14, Zechariah 3 & 5 and the one of Isaiah 4, who has 7 women in one day take him as his wives.

Talk to Arlo Guthrie about the Prophet groaning alone at the end of his Prologue song. He already answered me. Number 9 from the Beatles song. I was 9 or 11 of a Family of 12. One of which this Broken Promised Land is responsible for killing! You cost me the life of a dear Brother.

If you want Peace raise me up. Just as what, Nebuchadnezzar did for Daniel. Are you as wise as him and Solomon (Who had no enemies)?

I am completely disgusted with my vote! Have you ever heard of the Mondragon Cooperative? Its now working together with the USW. Raise that up in Congress and the TV, if you don't have the brains or balls to raise me up.

We want Medicare for anyone who wants it. Others can keep their plans. Tax all income to help fix Social Security for ever. Than we could even lower the retirement age to 55, so we can put more kids to work. We could also cut the work week to 32 hours to give more people jobs.-but that is something Companies and Unions should do on its own, with no help from you sold out morons in D.C.

Do you want the lights to go out in one city here? I know Union Electrical Wirenuts who could arrange that. Do you want to bet on that?

Get FUCK, you gutless wonder!
Michael Cheverie Dewey.

“The World is my Country, its people my Brothers, and my religion is to do good for Mankind.” ~ Tom Paine Not invade Sovereign Nations!
20 Pearl Street #3
Ayer Massatack-axachusetts
978-413-6309 But don't call unless you mean business.

You can find out all you need to know about me on my MySpace Site:

http:/'/ http://my.care2 .com/leoburg. ,

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Comment by CHUCK W. on August 15, 2010 at 2:02am
This is a problem that Obama faces. Wall Street wants him, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers, J.P.Morgan are his contributors, and these wealthy people are beyond countries. Some of them don't even live here anymore. I think that the Firestones live in Turkey. These multinationals, some of them, they've been around, they are more sophisticated than the average American, they've seen diversity in the world. So, they're saying, "We need this guy to represent our interests." Because, this whole 1950's Country Club, Bush type image is not going to work anymore. I mean, those types of guys can't go anywhere, I mean they can't even travel places anymore. Bush, I mean, he can't go to Spain or he might get arrested. (Laughs.) So, what they need is this really pretty, dark face. When Bush traveled through Africa he was confronted with questions about Barack. It must have got to him because he started attacking Barack when he returned. An Obama election would be an enormous boost to the capitalist system, which seems on the verge of collapse. I could see enormous crowds turning out to greet him as he fronts for the system. If he went to Baghdad he'd receive a ticker tape parade and even the Taliban would turn out to get a glimpse of him. He'd be mobbed in Africa and Asia.

--Ishmael Reed
Comment by CHUCK W. on August 15, 2010 at 12:10am
you know, i kept warning people about this man ever since he began his campaign. but people blew me aside, considered me a traitor towards the liberal cause. i lost a lot of friends over bush, and some very dear ones over this prick! i can't comprehend how such smart, educated intelligent people could be so blind, and to this day still feel he's the messiah!~
Comment by Michael C. Dewey on August 14, 2010 at 11:48pm
Any one who wants a printed copy and more graphs send 10 bucks or more to 20 Pearl St.#3 Ayer Massatack 01432. It comes with the Pearls of Thunder CD, which shut of the lights of 26 power plants in 8/03
Comment by Michael C. Dewey on August 14, 2010 at 11:44pm
This can come with my 4 Page Paper News letter with a CD that caused the backout of August 2003 That CD was sent to IBEW Union Halls all over the North East. I could tell you a few more coincidence to.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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