Formally known as ‘The Prelature of the Holy Cross’, and more commonly as Opus Dei, in which is a branch with the Catholic church, and whose majority of its membership are lay people, with secular priests under the governance of a prelate [bishop] appointed by the Pope.  Opus Dei is Latin for; “Work of God”, - hence the organisation is often referred to by members and supporters as “the Work”.  Founded in Spain in 1928 by the Catholic priest St. Josemaría Escrivá, Opus Dei was given final approval in 1950 by Pope Pius XII.  In 1982, by decision of Pope John Paul II, the Catholic Church made it into a personal prelature, that is, the jurisdiction of its bishop covers the persons in Opus Dei wherever they are, rather than just their geographical dioceses. [1]

     The Prelature of Opus Dei has about 87,000 members in more than 90 different countries.  About 70% of Opus Dei members live in their private homes, leading traditional Catholic family lives with secular careers, while the other 26,100 members are celibate, of whom the majority live in Opus Dei centres and homes. [2] Aside from personal charity and social work, Opus Dei members just like their Jesuit Order counterparts, are involved in the “breeding grounds” of their future members; such as running universities, schools, publishing houses, and technical and agricultural training centres and even university residences.

     It has been described as the most controversial force within the Catholic Church, centred around criticisms of its alleged secretiveness, its recruiting methods and the alleged strict rules governing its members, [3] operating a form of thought control [and exactly how many other religious cults such as the Moonies work], that disciples undergo bouts of agonising self inflicted torture, allegedly designed to clarify thought and cleanse the spirit, which is the practice by celibate members of mortification of the flesh, [4] - its alleged elitism, and misogyny; which is the hatred of women as a sexually defined group.  The term “mortification of the flesh” - also known as ‘flagellation’, is where as the flagellator would whip or cause pain to their own flesh, - and comes from Saint Paul in this quote: “For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live”. [5]

     So with their encouraged hatred of the female, then perhaps you can understand why there’s been so much sexual abuse, - and mainly against young boys by so called men of the cloth.  And that with the years of cover-ups that followed in regards to this sort of repulsive behaviour by certain members of the church, though it must be said, it’s not just the Catholic Church who are guilty of these kind of sordid crimes, but many other bible bashing members from all sorts of other churches and denominations and who are as equally perverted, have also been carrying on undetected with these kind of abuses for many, many years.

     Opus Dei members are also taught to avoid natural human feelings, being advised instead to have a “reticent and guarded heart”.  The alleged right-leaning politics of most of its members, and the alleged participation by some in authoritarian or extreme right-wing governments, [1] as critics believe it a religious faction that shares numerous values and similarities to the neo-Nazi’s members of the Masonic P2 lodge, alias Propaganda Due, which was a Masonic lodge, who’s members wear black hooded robes and are known as “Blackfriars”, - operating under the jurisdiction of the “Grand Orient of Italy” from 1945 to 1976 [when its charter was withdrawn], and a pseudo-Masonic or “black” or “covert” lodge operating illegally from 1976 to 1981, and in contravention of Italian constitutional laws banning secret lodges, and membership of government officials in secret membership organisations [6]. - But you have to realise that doesn’t just simply mean the membership dissolves and disappears, now does it, - no, they simple reform under another name, or return to their mother lodge and origins.

 Extract from Trapped in a Masonic World -

[1] ^ "Decoding secret world of Opus Dei". BBC News. 2005-09-16. Retrieved 2006-11-27.

[2] "Opus Dei |a href="">>;.

[3] "Occult Secret Societies: siječanj 2010."

[4] ^ "Scalia and Opus Dei".

[5]  "Rom 8:13 a href="">;.

[6] "Propaganda Due facts a href="">>;.

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