Orange crush

Slow down the Agent Orange gravy train

No doubt the author is a member of the TEA PARTY bunch and undoubtedly one of those who believe Obama is a Muslim … a real bright spark, this one.

Dr. Wayne Dwernychuk

Doesn't matter! Whoever the author is, in whatever one-horse newspaper it appeared; the gauntlet has been thrown down. Some one (or more) of the sorry ass politicians in DC see this, and they'll trumpet it like the tablets from the Mount. I refuse to let anyone use the excuse that we veterans cost the taxpayer too much. ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL.

Are the few crumbs this government throws our way to be sacrificed so that the AIGs, brokerage houses, automotive makers and big banks can get away with screwing the American taxpayer, while veterans are told they have to sacrifice once again. Not this Marine - not this time!!

Paul Sutton

Date published: 8/29/2010

NO ONE DOES door-to-door collecting for child molesters. The biggest sucker would not lose a penny to a scam touting kitten torture. To pry the marks from their money it is shrewd to invoke the worthiest objects of benevolence: "the children," "our senior citizens," and, in the case of tens of billions of dollars in Agent Orange boodle about to be hauled as if by boxcar from the U.S. Treasury, "America's veterans."

To be sure, American military members who suffer wounds and illnesses during, or due to, their service deserve the nation's best ministrations. And Vietnam veterans pose a unique compensatory challenge to a decent nation because of the indecency many encountered: Spit, sneers, and (worst of all) stony indifference are poor substitutes for the cheers and confetti that greeted returning World War II soldiers, or the spontaneous thank-yous and orchestrated welcomes accorded U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. But no upright Vietnam vet expects to profit from another injustice--the governmental "miracle" of turning Agent Orange into bottomless casks of milk and honey for aging survivors of the Indochina war.

Agent Orange, for those unfamiliar, was a defoliant sprayed copiously on parts of the lush landscape of Vietnam to deprive the enemy of cover. Containing dioxin and other exotic compounds, "Orange" became linked to several human ills, starting with a temporarily disfiguring skin condition called chloracne. Its most famous victim is ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, poisoned (non-fatally) by a dose of dioxin 6,000 times the amount normally found in the human body.

But then the list of Agent Orange-related illnesses began to grow, much like the jungles it once dampened.

At present, the Veterans Administration awards Orange-related disability payments to Vietnam veterans--most now 60 or older--with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, some connective-tissue cancers, peripheral neuropathy (pain and weakness in the extremities), and several other maladies. These include two hallmark diseases of aging: prostate cancer and Type 2 diabetes. "By 2009," notes Sen. Jim Webb, D-Va., "more than 263,000 Vietnam veterans were receiving disability compensation related to Type 2 diabetes--nearly 10 percent of everyone who went to Vietnam."

Who among Vietnam veterans is eligible for such benefits? Any such vet whose boot touched the ground of South Vietnam. That includes airmen based in Thailand or Guam who might have gotten 24-hour orders to the Republic, or a sailor who motored once into the docks at Danang to pick up supplies. (Not that other Air Force and Navy veterans who served "in theater" need feel neglected: "Blue Water" and "Blue Skies" bills in Congress would extend Agent Orange benefits to them, too. Perhaps Vietnam-era astronauts will be considered next.)

Washington's assumption is that Agent Orange in its pathological reach is something like anthrax, strontium 90, and the Ebola virus all rolled into one. However, a longitudinal study of the C-123 air crews (the "Ranch Handers") who sprayed, breathed, and were often soaked in the defoliant found no epidemiological differences, save for slightly more diabetes, between them and Air Force veterans of Vietnam who worked far from where Orange fell. In fact, Ranch Hander Association President Jack Spey tells us, "We have a higher life expectancy than the average white-male group."

Perhaps such paradoxes gave Congress migraines. In 1991, it washed its hands of deciding which diseases rate Orange payment, delegating the job to the National Academy of Sciences--with some troubling instructions. Not only was the academy to identify for VA payment any disease showing a "positive association" with Agent Orange exposure, but Vietnam veterans were to get the nod "if the credible evidence for the association is equal to or outweighs the credible evidence against."

What does this language permit? B.G. Burkett, who has exposed hundreds of phony Vietnam veterans and malingerers, notes that Orange researchers can tap government grants until they get "suggestive" results sufficient to meet the malleable NAS standard. "Not one of these scientific reports conclusively states that Agent Orange causes disease X, Y, or Z," says Mr. Burkett.

The VA is poised to approve Orange benefits for three more diseases--B-cell leukemia, Parkinson's disease, and coronary heart disease, one of the most common age-related illnesses, now affecting about 18 million Americans. The VA puts payments for these ills at $42 billion over a decade. Given that Vietnam veterans are mainly past 60, however, the heart-disease-driven tab could hit $150 billion over 10 years.

Mr. Webb has set a Sept. 23 Veterans Affairs Committee hearing to probe the latest batch of NAS evidence. Let Congress be diligent. Vietnam veterans, who served faithfully in a good cause, deserve the nation's honor; they will deserve it even more if they refuse to be used to speed the nation's ruin.

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Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 2:44pm
From: Glenda Kelley (on behalf of Charles) -

I think this was the part that angered me the most. Who do they think ordered the spraying of all the chemicals that were used, the same government that was told by all the scientists "do not do this" not only did they do it but mixed it in quantities far and above the recommended usage. The "miracle" turning into milk and honey is almost laughable. My husband was an engineer. He made lots more money working than he will ever make in disability payments from the VA. Do they really think these men wouldn't rather be physically fit and able to work and play and travel or maybe just live to see their 65th birthday. Yes heart disease can be a condition of old age but many of these men have been suffering from it for 20 yrs or more ...just because it is just now being recognized does not mean its because they are now old. In the ranch hand transcripts it was noted that they were not seeing increases in cancer because the men were dying of heart disease before the cancers had a chance to develop.

We need to do something before these people spread enough of these lies to kill any chances we have of getting what all our Vietnam Veterans (by land and sea) deserve.

Come up with a plan and count the Kelleys in.
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 2:43pm
my anger leads to many typying errors!
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 2:41pm
i seen these deformanities as they were
beggining to up my last year or so there.
and sadly all we have to do is look to the middle east
to see this horrid carnage again with the use of d.u.
i can not comprehend how we supposedly chistian
people, can turn our backs on this!!
yet people went this info reack like bitch bush,
"oh,. ican't trouble my mind with this"
what a great friggin society we have become!
and i'll go one step further..................
this all part of the nwo's oreders mater plan
for depopulation and rthe destrution of the
earth so who may survive will not be able to sustain
but people say, they have to live here too, why would they do that to themselves...
becuase they have a whole underground world already established.
so folks you want to solve the problem go for the root!
becuase to not do so your just not doing a friggin thing to stop it.
they keep everyone chasing what propoganda they feel will keep you occupided while the3 get their rocks off salivating over all the pain andhorror they inflict upon you!
wake up and smell the roese people cuz soonyour kids will look the same!!!!!!!!!
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 12:37pm
all it would take to fill a glass is to remove the fatty tissue of two vets and run it thru a press.
the head shrink who i told you about with the va and gun told me that they
had tested it by having prisones drink a glass of it.
how anyone could handle a swallow like alone a glass ful is beyond my
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 11:47am

Thursday, September 2, 2010
VVA to Simpson: Don’t Target Benefits Veterans Have Earned

August 2, 2010
No. 10-20
Contact: Mokie Porter
301-585-4000, Ext. 146

(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – “Former Senator Alan Simpson seems to have jumped from the verbal frying pan into the fire with his latest comments on government excess, this time targeting how ‘the veterans who saved this country are now, in a way, not helping us to save the country in this fiscal mess,’” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA).
Simpson, the Republican co-chair of the President’s Deficit Commission, who at one time chaired the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, complained in an interview that veterans receiving disability payments for illnesses associated with their exposure to Agent Orange during their service in the Vietnam War run “contrary to efforts to control federal spending.” His comments came a day after The Associated Press reported that diabetes has become the most frequently compensated ailment among Vietnam veterans, even though, the AP report noted, decades of research have failed to find more than a possible link between diabetes mellitus and the defoliant Agent Orange.
“The system doesn’t ‘automatically award’ disability benefits to veterans,” Rowan said. “The VA has, far too often, been the adversary rather than the advocate for the veterans it serves. If an in-country veteran, who is presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange, to dioxin, one of the most toxic substances known, is afflicted with one of the maladies deemed service-connected by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, that veteran has earned whatever benefits he or she is awarded.
“While we agree with Senator Simpson that ‘common sense is the most uncommon thing in Washington,’ we would respectfully suggest that there are more than a few worthy targets for his ire. When the US Government sends its sons and daughters off to war, it must be prepared to pay the full price.”
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 3, 2010 at 12:00am
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 2, 2010 at 11:11pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 2, 2010 at 10:54pm
Comment by CHUCK W. on September 2, 2010 at 10:20pm
ybe we should just toss our soldiers in mass graves or burn pits when we are done with them.
Comment by Marklar on September 2, 2010 at 9:31pm
Maybe we should just toss our soldiers in mass graves or burn pits when we are done with them. That way we don't even have to pay for the airplane fuel to send them home.

Or better yet maybe we should just quit being imperialist dickheads bent on raping the world at gun point in order to bump up the price per share for defense contractors and natural resource pirates,..............Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

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