British Columbians must be clear what the real issue is. We must not waste our energy attacking the wrong target.
So if this HST fight is not about what is the best tax – VAT or Retail Sales tax or GST,
And if it is not about which tax collection method is most efficient,
And if it is not about another increase in the huge tax load we are forced to pay.
Then what is the real problem ?
The problem is that we are losing a war with Ottawa that we do not even realize we are in. Ottawa has never had authority over provincial taxation, but over the years our BC governments have given away control over our tax policy. Ottawa has bribed our BC politicians to let the central government set tax policy in BC.
This is the battle that we have to fight and win today. This HST proposal is another small give-away of BC’s authority to set our own tax policies. Look at the previous give-aways by BC.
When Ottawa was first created by the provinces this new central government was forbidden to impose direct taxes like income tax and GST in the provinces, and for the first 50 years that’s how it was. The first mistake BC made was that for the last 90 years the BC government has allowed Ottawa to charge an unlawful federal income tax in BC. Then the next mistake was that a few years ago a BC government agreed that Ottawa should physically collect all this province’s taxes and only give us back some of our own money. Once our taxes go direct to Ottawa we have no say. Whoever holds the money runs the show.
To get to the root of all BC’s tax problems a proper BC constitution and an element of direct democracy would prevent such scams as this HST.
BC is so helpless now that when Campbell gave all British Columbians a carbon tax rebate the province had to ask Ottawa to write the cheques. That’s the kind of control we have to reverse. Handing more control to Ottawa is the real reason we have to stop this HST proposal.
Surely every taxpayer in BC must be able to see that once Ottawa is allowed to harmonize our taxes then Ottawa will be able to raise the rate of tax. The BC Refederation Party urges all British Columbians to look past the warm and fuzzy assurances that the HST is a good move for BC, and we urge you to sign the petition to kill this HST move by the BC liberal government. The BC Refederation Party has confidence that the "Vander Zalm Initiative to repeal the HSt" will succeed, because most British Columbians will be against the HSt when they realize how bad it is, and also because the Initiative team is so well organized.
Here is how the Initiative procedure works, as explained on
Phase 5 (August 2010 - September 2010):
After the Citizen Initiative petition is successfully completed, Elections BC will submit it to the Legislature for approval as law. (In this case the government would be repealing the legislation to create the HST, thereby eliminating it in BC). The government may then take one of two actions:a) they can act immediately to repeal of the HST, or; b) they can submit the Initiative petition question to province wide referendum in September of 2011. If they choose to go to referendum, it will require a simple majority to pass it. (ie: 50% +1). The government would then be required to enact the legislation requested in the Citizen's Initiative petition, as passed in the referendum."
Getting enough signatures on the petition is key. BC Refed urges all British Columbians [all of us] to volunteer to collect signatures - a very simple task. Many people collecting just a few signatures makes the job easy.
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