Phone Rang At 3am... And Obama Hasn't Answered Yet

Phone Rang At 3am...
And Obama Hasn't Answered Yet
By Jay Weidner

Remember the Hillary campaign ad about Obama not being ready when that 3 AM emergency phone call comes in? Obama countered and successfully convinced most of the American people to believe that he was competent enough for any emergency. Despite the absolute certainty that Obama had never accomplished anything in his entire life, the American people trusted that his calm demeanor would win and he would do the right thing in any emergency.

All of this brings us to the oil volcano that is erupting in the Gulf of Mexico. Today is the one-month anniversary of the biggest environmental disaster in world history and Obama has not done a thing to stop this volcano from spewing any more oil into the gulf.

Worse than this act of complacency, he also decided to let British Petroleum (BP) handle the clean up of the oil volcano instead of using the Federal Government to clean it up. He could have issued an order for this easily and also billed BP for the work. This has to go down as truly the worst decision by any President in my lifetime. Without regard for the environmental disaster they had started, BP then proceeded to pour highly toxic dispersants into the waters of the gulf, which may have killed off all of the sea life in the area of the oil volcano.

While he was busy making jokes about his birth certificate to the White House Press Corps and joining together with the President of Mexico in attacking Arizona, millions of gallons of oil are pouring out of a high pressure deep well that threatens to actually destroy the oceans of our planet.

Obama's detachment towards this event is even making his friends on the Left nervous. Informed people are asking: Where have his leadership skills gone? Why is he letting this go on and on? Why hasn't he used explosives, or even mini-nuclear weapons to close this leak?

During this same time period Obama took a moment out of his very busy day to make a speech concerning how the Internet is not to be trusted as a source of news. Exactly at the same time that he was saying this it became clear, to all concerned, that the only place that one could find the truth out about the actual extent of this environmental disaster was on the Internet. The major media continued to report the erroneous figures on the amount leaked given to them from the government. The false statistics were very likely given to the Obama administration by the top executives at British Petroleum, who by the way, were one of Obama's top campaign contributors.

The concerned sites on the Internet were reporting, from the start, the possible ramifications of this situation. These same sites reported that this was a very deep well, while MSNBC, CBS, NY Times, etc. refused to report anything about the actual depth of the well. Slowly the mainstream media, forced on by the Internet that Obama so dislikes, finally began to report the truth. Now, a month out from the catastrophe, it is easy to see that it was the Internet that had all the facts right and it was the major news media that had everything wrong.

Where is our leader in all of this? Why is he not speaking out and doing everything in his power to stop the spill before it has reached epic proportions?

Do not be fooled by the reports, on the mainstream media, that British Petroleum can solve this thing anytime soon. If they could solve it ­ they would have done so by now.

Meanwhile Obama has deserted ship. He won't have any press conferences; he won't answer any questions from reporters on anything anymore. He has not held a press conference since last July. Through his lack of clarity, concern and action, our President has shown us all that he does not have the qualities that are so important for leadership in a time of crisis.

Any conspiracy theorist worth their salt also has to ask the question: are they letting this happen? The NWO relies on catastrophes to move the body politic towards their ultimate goals of world dictatorship, one government, one religion, and one culture. There has to be some concern that this is what is going on here.

Maybe this why Obama is so detached? If he remains emotionless during the initial first stages of the episode, he can remain blameless. Remember Bush at the elementary school reading about a pet goat while the twin towers burned? Is Obama doing the same thing, only in slow motion?

He says that he is mad at BP. Who cares what he feels? A leader doesn't gripe about being lied to, a leader does something and accepts the consequences of his actions.

Obama has shown us all that he is not a leader.

Instead he is now telling us that he is going to appoint a committee to look into the entire accident. Please listen Mr. President; we don't need a committee, not right now. We need this thing to get plugged up and we want it done right now.

You have made many mistakes in this episode but there is still a chance to save the situation. Please act like a leader and start making some decisions.

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Comment by CHUCK W. on May 21, 2010 at 2:29pm
Your right on the money!
We in a nation of sheeple. BRAINDEAD sheeple!
However, I believe we're beyond the point
of bringing down the 'enity" in a peaceful
using the system Path.
Instead I see when the voices become to loud to silence
They will lash out in a violent last ditch effort to maintain
their foothold on us. Many will die, many more suffer unmercifully!
But by banding together then we'll succeed!
Comment by CHUCK W. on May 21, 2010 at 9:24am
I remember those times! But hey Bro, 58 million were duped also.
What's sad is Those who still cling to his ass!
I guess that's why we're both here Bro.
Soon those who still worship the messiah, will come to understand why
he was a rockefellar creation!
Peace be with you and to all who are able to see past their nose!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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