Please Inform the Canadian People, change is here, they just need to be informed

Canadians deserve to know what is going on. “It certainly was a good deal for Larco. Guaranteed tenants for 25 years it’s like a real estate dream scenario.

Harper government selling off more government properties.

Canadians need to know more before the sell-off more of our public building stock. “Was there a good business case for this transaction? Did Canadians get good value for money? Was it sound economics or just conservative ideology? During these tough economic times, this government needs to practice financial discipline, not recklessness.

Why not sell everything off. Oh sorry they are. After all, we know their ethics and attitudes towards societies. Money, and money alone rules. We sold the 407ETR to a Dutch Consortium who destroyed every aspect of the 'Conditions of Sale'. They then sold it to a Spanish Consortium who argued with our politicians that their illegal act of increasing rates against the 'Condition of Sale' was just too bad.

Then, this Spanish Consortium that now OWNS a PUBLIC PAID FOR ASSET and whom also was just refused a contract to buy an entire American states highways due to unethical practices elsewhere in the world, told Ontario Politicians that if the upping of rates was challenged then they would lobby the European Economic Community to exclude Canada from being a trading partner.

Is that not extortion, or coercion, or is that just an acceptable Operating Procedure with Orttawa's eye's of the Overseer's? In other words, conglomerates rule the barking trained seals in Parliament.

Yes, let us forget quickly past errors and sell off everything. If you think a foreign owner of watersheds will respect wildlife and their habitats, just sell it and watch the ships fill up with Good Canadian Stupidity
Again, we must change the system, this system is created for corruption and no representation for the PEOPLE.

You ask how we can change it by implementing three fundamental political changes to dramatically improve life for all British Columbians:


1 Installing a BC Constitution placing the people as the ultimate authority, rather than the Premier-chosen Lieutenant Governor.

2 In that BC Constitution, giving the people an optional veto over Victoria legislation, and workable recall.To actually control your politicians, YES a leash for the dirty traitors. VETO bad legislation. Seems simply it is stop wasting your vote for NON democratic parties

3 From that BC Constitutional power, renegotiating with Ottawa our provincial rights unlawfully invaded by the federal charter.

THIS IS REAL CHANGE....a change based on 8yrs of intense research and legal credibility — our 1,2,3, plan is the key to our 10 point policy platform designed to lead British Columbia into the 21st century.


Are these three proposals do-able ? YES

Are they lawful ? YES

What can stop them happening ? One thing only. The failure of British Columbians to organize the power of their vote.

Who will lead this (peaceful) revolution ? BC is full of natural leaders who can improve life for British Columbians if shown a workable plan.

Who will produce a workable plan ?

The BC Refederation Party’s 1,2,3 Plan can lead the way. It can be improved. It charts the way to fundamental changes for BC.

Please Inform the Canadian People, change is here, they just need to be informed

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