Police Brutality in the USA: Americans, Too Are Oppressed

by Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, February 4, 2011

Police in the US now rival criminals, and exceed terrorists, as the greatest threat to the American public.  Rogelio Serrato is the latest case to be in the news of an innocent person murdered by the police.  Serrato was the wrong man, but the Monterey County, California, SWAT team killed the 31-year old father of four and left the family home a charred ruin.

The fact that SWAT teams often go to the wrong door shows the carelessness with which excessive force is used. In one instance the police even confused the town’s mayor with a drug dealer, broke into his home, shot dead the family’s pet dogs, and held
the mayor and his wife and children at gun point. But most cases of police brutality never make the news. 

Most who suffer abuse from the police don’t bother to complain.  They know that to make an enemy of the police brings a lifetime of troubles.  Those who do file complaints find that police departments tend to be self-protective and that the naive and gullible public tends to side with the police.  

However, you can find plenty of examples of police brutality on youtube, more than you can watch in a lifetime.  I have just searched google for “youtube police brutality” and the result is: “497,000 results.”  There’s everything from police shooting a guy in a wheelchair to body slamming a befuddled 89-year old great grandmother to tasering kids and mothers with small children. The fat goon cops love to beat up on women, kids, and old people.

The 497,000 google results may contain duplicates as more than one person might have posted a video of the same event, and the incidents occurred over more than one year. However, probably only a small percentage of incidents are captured on video by onlookers, and many incidents of police brutality have no witnesses. What the videos reveal is that a large percentage of police move with alacrity to assault the public. The number of incidences could be very high.  One million annually would not be an exaggeration.

See article here: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23076.

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