Police State Law Banning Protest Leads to Violence in Montreal

Police State Law Banning Protest Leads to Violence in Montreal

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Kurt Nimmo
May 21, 2012

Following the adoption of legislation by the government of Quebec to roll back civil liberties and prevent students from protesting against tuition hikes, Montreal experienced two nights of violence over the weekend. Three hundred people were arrested on Sunday night.

Although the Fédération étudiante collégiale du Québec and the Fédération étudiante universitaire du Québec plan to challenge the draconian law this week in court, its implementation by the National Assembly Friday night reveals that the Quebec government is determined to shut down protest over severe tuition increases.

“This is much larger than just tuition fees, this law attacks our freedom and the foundation of our society,” said Marc Antoine Cloutier. More than 150,000 people have signed a petitionopposing the new police state legislation.

“We have serious concerns about this bill and the bill infringes many of the fundamental rights of our citizens,” added Louis Masson, Bâtonnier of the Bar.

The law state that demonstrators must inform the police at least eight hours in advance when protests are larger than fifty people. The police are to be notified of the time, location and duration of all protests. Student associations not “employing appropriate means to induce” their members to comply with the law are guilty of violating the law and fines range from $1,000 for individuals to $125,000 for student associations, writes Andy Radia.

Montreal’s Bill 78 arrived on the same day as Russia’s anti-protest bill was introduced.

In order to discredit the massive demonstrations over the weekend, the usual “black-clad” suspects emerged and engaged in violence with police.

“Black-clad protesters were seen ripping large pieces of cement out of the roadway and throwing them at police,” the Montreal Gazette reported on Sunday. Police then used percussion bombs and CS gas against the protesters.

Last year it was discovered that agents provocateurs posing as black-clad anarchists gave police an excuse to engage in violence against non-violent protesters during the 2010 G20 held in Toronto.

According to G8/G20 summit documents, the RCMP dispatched agents to infiltrate the ranks of anti-war, anti-globalization and anarchist groups. In 2007, Canadian cops were caught red-handed posing as anarchists during a North American Union summit in Montebello, Quebec.

Montreal’s legislation aimed at eliminating protest is only the latest example of how far the state will go when the people challenge its authority. Over the weekend, the Montreal police gave a glimpse of things to come if citizens continue to resist the authority of the state – CS gas and percussion bombs.

If the people persist and violate the law, the next step will be introduced – rubber bullets, which ultimately leads to live ammo, as it did at Kent State and Jackson State University in 1970.

States of emergency and martial law provide all the justification the state needs to violently quell dissent, especially when it endangers the state’s grasp on power. Montreal is near the point of imposing a full-blown police state as the globalists unfold their plan to destroy national economies and force humanity into another era of feudalism.

Tuition is the target today. Tomorrow it will be food and other necessities.

Black-clad anarchists start a fire, providing police with an excuse to charge non-violent protesters.

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31 Responses to “Police State Law Banning Protest Leads to Violence in Montreal”

  1. NVAfreedomfighter says:

    Well it’s right next too us guys! It’s only a matter of time. Let’s get the banners up and tag the walls!!! This country is not going out without a fight! Let’s get our word on the streets!!! Make some noise people! One nation under GOD, with liberty and justice for all!!!!

  2. klein2012 says:

    my co-worker’s step-mother got paid $19632 a month ago. she been making cash on the computer and bought a $553300 home. All she did was get lucky and work up the steps revealed on this website




    • HIHSaPa says:

      Klein, sounds sneaky and as a ‘distraction’ to the ‘point’ of the article.
      It is my ‘hope’ that the folks are not as ignorant as you suppose they are.
      Besides, what you advertise I’m sure is not from the ‘heart’ but rather to defraud yet another goyim or gentile eh? What’s up Klein? For some reason, your post at the top of this page is not from the ‘heart’ Klein? Disgusting attempt to steal from the folks of whom most likely have polluted minds from those pharmaceutiKills they are encouraged to use day to day at their own peril. Klein, do you ever look Up? and wonder why your life to date has been such a sad one? Money will not save your Soul Klein, what’s left of it and you surely will not buy happiness. Go home Klein, down under. Why wait for another to send you there. Do the right thing for your neighbor and end your misery you created for yourself, Klein.

  3. Sir Baby De Porky says:

    These ” black clad ” goons should all wear white with green dots , to be less obvious …

    Use your brains … damn it !!!

  4. bob klinck says:

    The violence began well before this legislation was passed. Demonstrators were shutting down bridges used by hundred of thousands of commuters, as well as the Montreal subway system. Perhaps the law is excessively severe (although, based on the antics that have been tolerated so far, it’s hard to imagine its ever being rigorously enforced), but to suggest that it came out of a blue against peaceful protesters is nonsense.

    What’s going on in Montreal is a classical dialectic operation: communists organize a violent movement so the state, also infiltrated, can justify the suspension of normal civic rights, which is a standard communist objective.

  5. Poemander says:

    lol this is definitely under 1000 chars. something about brainwaves and such…

  6. donjackson1939 says:

    Justice for the people is when the people start burning down the cities!

  7. livefreezeordie says:

    hello…this is not King George against the Americans. The student protesters in Montreal are COMMUNISTS (that’s why they’ve pinned red rectangles on their clothes). These Commies should be cleared from the streets. Or if they really want “free” tuition, that’s fine, how about a 99.999% income tax on all your income after that? Go ahead, spray these Commie Zombies with CS and rubber bullets. These little white-bread fags will scatter.

  8. uyxvtpixtxwznrqlohjs says:

    Could everyone START using the word “FOREIGN” and STOP using the word “International” ‘International’ is a NWO friendly word/term!

  9. True, I find much more symbolism in this sort of thing when the burn a police car, or a few of them …

  10. mtler says:

    It was NOT black clad protesters that started the fires on Saturday night. I have images of those responsible. These are stills from CTV News



    At one point on Saturday night bar-goers and protesters converged. From the video it looks to me like bar-goers started the fire. However, it is impossible to tell the difference between the two groups.

    Riots are typical in Montreal – they happen every year whether the hockey team wins or loses. It is conceivable that non-agent-provocateurs started the fire. The sort of generalizations made in this article are very dangerous and express just how ill-informed the author is.

  11. constitutionalist says:

    We now need permission to use our constitutional rights ……lol I dont think so.

  12. Just two words, “IT’S ON!”

    • donjackson1939 says:

      If burning down the cities don’t get the point across and the Gestap resort to more violence and tryanny, I agree “IT’S ON!” THE NEXT STEP is kill a GESTAPO, TAKE HIS WEAPON AND USE IT AGAINST THEM AND KEEP DOING IT UNTIL ALL THEIR GESTAPO MOTHER FUCKERS ARE GONE AND IF THEY RUN, HUNT THEM DOWN SO THE NAZI SPERM-HEADS DON’T EVER MUTATE AGAIN!

  13. Toomanymorons says:

    Yeah buddy!!! Start a big fire in the middle of the street! That’ll show em!! Friggin asses.

  14. Americans and Canadians are amateurs compared to the Romanians. It’s Little League whiffle ball as opposed to Major League hardball … but that’s always been the case as the North Americans are pampered, well fed and have no idea what real suffering is … and until they do, their protests are lame and ineffectual.

    It’s an event much as a concert compared to real freedom that requires more than face paint, costumes and props. Enjoy the theatre as it is not the real deal, but a pseudo revolt steam value meant to do nothing but make people feel good about themselves whilst they have a cappuccino and muse over their accomplishments.


  15. fill the banana says:

    how come when cops dress in all black and burn shit down they only get.. “pretend arrested”.. but when i do it, i get tased until i piss and or shit my pants? sup with that?

  16. R-U1 says:

    Canada is no different to whats happening everywhere , we too are losing our freedoms and civil rights , but I dont condone the destruction thats happening . Peace

  17. johnanzalone6 says:

    @standard hey STOP complaining you’re ALREADY in the promised land

  18. johnanzalone6 says:

    “”There’s something happening here and you don’t know what is do you…Mr. Jones”"

  19. standardissue says:

    So much for the hope of running across the border to friendly Canada to escape the drones and American thought police.

    Still think there is no validity to rumors of a NWU? Hmmmmm…..

  20. TxRules says:

    something’s happpennnninnnng.

Views: 105


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Comment by Robert Carobene on May 23, 2012 at 11:16am

yes so true!

Comment by Rita Wells on May 23, 2012 at 11:14am

Summer of Rage "Shooter got this right"



Comment by Robert Carobene on May 21, 2012 at 9:48pm

I'm so freaking pissed my city is turning into a police state in Montreal- death to the new world order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Destroying the New World Order"



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