The flu is a bacterial disease, so are hosts of others. Therefore is not airborne. The masks and "social distancing", closing most businesses and sending millions of people into a poverty its a globalists ploy to destroy we, the people. Now it's obvious even to most indoctrinated among us the controllers planned whole exercise knowing about the virus scam.

The link is to 'gov' entity.

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Comment by Chris of the family Masters on April 7, 2020 at 7:32pm

Bechamp was right. Modern medicine ( Really modern ) - Functional medicine, not to be confused with Big Pharma.

Functional medicine practitioners postulate we cannot catch a virus, as it carries a foreign DNA. Injecting a phlegm of sick body into a healthy body will not cause illness in latter. This was tested during Spanish flu, always with the same results.

I would go on Australian TV to demonstrate this, but they won't let me as this would kill off corona virus propaganda.

Comment by Guardian of Scotland on April 7, 2020 at 4:27pm

Chris the source given indicates many diseases caused by bacteria. Some in the list are caused by bacteria per modern science and microbiology.  This information source though is flawed. Some of those diseases mentioned are caused not by bacteria but by viruses such as Measles and Influenza while some others in the list are caused by protozoans as in the case of Malaria which is caused by the parasite, Plasmodium malariae. Dysentery can be caused by a bacterium or by a protozoan. 

The Flu or Influenza is not caused by bacteria. Per current medical knowledge and microbiology it is caused by a virus. 

If we accept the germ theory of disease then all of these diseases have a cause coming from the world of microbes. We do know that most of these microbes do exist. These can be see using the microscope.  The viruses are more difficult to explain since these are non living and can only be seen on electron microscopy. The new theory that viruses are exosomes from existing living cells makes sense.  As Bechamp explained it is the terrain. 

If we accept the theory of Bechamp then using masks and the social distancing really would not make any difference. 

I agree with you about the globalists using this as part of a plot to destroy us. 

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