RFID MicroChip Implanted inside body part of House and Senate HealthCare Bill

According to the Derry Brownfield Show this morning (Mon. 4-5-10, Genesis Communications Network, Listening Resources: ON DEMAND if you want to hear the show), an implantable MicroChip is part of the BI-PARTISAN HealthCare Bill (pgs. 1001 thru 1008 of the bill). No one in my household will be cooperating/obedience to the Beast System (worship is obedience and vice versa).

Folks, we must band together with others who refuse to comply with the Beast System. Obama is signing treaties with the United Nations for gun confiscation in this land. How are we going to survive this? Most of the real Patriot types that I know are about as selfish as the International Banker Jews. What do I mean? Well, if I ask most of the ones I know, they are only concerned with self-survival and are very proud of themselves for having a high-paying career in the past which provided the funds to purchase survival land, survival food, survival arms, etc. Many of us who lost our careers due to NAFTA many years ago, never recovered to the point of purchasing land, but we have collected survival food, arms and ammo, medical supplies, water distillers, etc.
For those of you who own land, you will not survive an attack by UN Troops while you are sitting there by yourself or with a small handful of people to defend your property.

A friend of ours (a person who worked in manufacturing in the past) was fortunate enough to be left a decent amount of funds when her mother died. My friend purchased 135 acres (with two streams and an artesian well) near a mountain reservoir in the Colorado Rockies and remodeled an existing building turning it into a self-contained cabin. She is telling a few other Patriot Believers to bring RV trailers or large Tough Sheds/Cabins to put up on the land so that we can have a community to help each other survive. We put together a 12 X 16 Tough Shed (with a 9 X 12 loft for a bedroom) up on the property and are slowly purchasing the insulation, drywall, stovepipe, etc. to complete the tiny cabin.
My friend believes that God (I call Yahweh) blessed their family with the good land deal and all of the other things they acquired SO THEY COULD HELP SAVE OTHER PEOPLE. Most survivalists probably could not understand someone thinking in that way and that is why most who have been blessed, who are selfish, will not survive.
YahShua summed up the 10 Commandments into two Great Commandments: 1. Love Yahweh, your Heavenly Father, will all of you heart soul and mind. 2. Love your neighbor as yourself.

For those who have land and have not offered space thereon to Patriot believers who do not have rural land to put a small cabin or RV on (just because it belongs to YOU and YOU demand all that space for YOURSELF), you are in selfish violation of the second Great Commandment (and no doubt because you are in violation of the first Great Commandment, as well) and you will be destroyed because of your sin against Yahweh - the sin of SELF.

Those who are opening their gates to others are being blessed in that there will be more hands to garden (people who have purchased non-GMO seed and will contribute), more hands to keep watch in the night, more hands to fish, hunt and butcher, hands with medical experience (who have collected medical supplies), hands that know how to can produce for winter (and have supplies to contribute), hands to chop/gather wood, hands that have studied and grow medicinal plants (legal or not), hands that are scientific minded and can build free energy machines, etc.

A very important condition to be demanded by those who are opening their gates, is that persons joining the community MUST have survival items that they have invested in; items to contribute. In other words, people who have spent their personal funds on vacationing, season tickets at NFL games (for example), investments, etc., but have not spent their personal funds on survival equipment, arms, freeze-dried survival food, etc. should not be welcomed into your ARK.

My husband and I currently rent an old 14 X 70 trailer house on a property near his temporary job. Before we moved in, someone had stolen the hot water heater. The old man who owns the trailer could not afford to put one in. We have lived here since last Sept. with no running hot water and no propane (to fill the tank is expensive), but we still pay the rent of $500.00 per month. We live in central Colorado - all winter with no propane for the furnace - no running hot water. We considered it to be a "training session". The electric was on when we moved in, so we used space heaters, a single burner hot plate and a two burner hot plate for cooking and heating a large pot of water for washing and "jug" showers and paid the landlord the bill. Though the trailer sits on 5 acres, we have access to the trailer and 1/4 acre irrigated for garden (fallow for 10 years). Meanwhile, every spare dime we have (little here, little there) goes for materials for the cabin in the mountains, non-GMO garden seed for this place and for the mountain place, survival gear, arms & ammo, medical supplies, etc. We are in our late 40's and if we do not survive, items we have stashed will help others.
Those of you who have rural land, open your gates to those who resist the Beast System, are adamant about survival and have collected survival items.

Written by Laura, Aerospace Educated, former inspector on last space shuttle vehicle manufactured, currently unemployed.

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Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on May 16, 2010 at 11:32am

Comment by fireguy on April 5, 2010 at 1:48pm
RIGHT ON. Laura.

Acts 4:32-35

32 All the believers were united in heart and mind. And they felt that what they owned was not their own, so they shared everything they had. 33 The apostles testified powerfully to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God’s great blessing was upon them all. 34 There were no needy people among them, because those who owned land or houses would sell them 35 and bring the money to the apostles to give to those in need.

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