Rice University Jewish Studies Professor calls police over YouTube 9/11 video

Martin Hill
LA Count Hill Examiner

A Houston man who sent a Rice University professor a youtube link via e-mail in October was contacted by police investigators shortly thereafter. The video, entitled 'History They Don't Teach You in School', covers the history of false flag terrorism, Israeli Zionists, and Israeli involvement in the September 11, 2001 attacks.
It was e-mailed to Rice University Jewish Studies professor Rabbi Shira Lander, Ph.D, after the man had seen fliers advertising her Jewish studies anti-semitism class. Rabbi Lander had also recently given a public lecture series on the same topic. The series, consisting of three consecutive lectures which were advertised as open to the public, were held on October 13th, 20th, and 27th.

The Rice website advertising the event read "Dr. Shira Lander,visiting professor of Religious Studies presents a three part lecture series entitled "The History of Anti-Semitism" Wednesday evenings in October at 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Brith Shalom. Part I: Greco-Roman Anti-Judaism (October 13) Part II: Christian Anti-Judaism (October 20)
Part III: Muslim and Modern Anti-Judaism. (October 27)
In this 3-session class, Dr. Shira Lander will trace the transformation of anti-Jewish sentiments and images from Greco-Roman, Christian and Muslim cultures into modern anti-Semitism"

Upon clicking History They Don't Teach You in School, youtube visitors are greeted with the message "This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community".

The video, 15:30 in length, was posted on September 13, 2010 by youtube user USraeliTerror and has 11,931 views. The video description reads "A brief history of Jewish terrorism and Israeli false-flag operations", and includes numerous links to additional information, including ABC News, wikipedia, globalresearch.ca, WhatReallyHappened, and others.

Following is the short e-mail exchange that the Houston resident had with the professor:

  • 3:45 PM "Hello Professor Lander, I thought you might be interested in this information. History They Don't Teach You in School Israel / Mossad orchestrated the attacks of September 11, 2001. Also... Nano-thermite is an incendiary, not an explosive. Nano-thermite might have played a role, but is nothing but a major distraction shoved down our throats by controlled opposition who insist we stay clear of the Israeli angle. If your family was killed and you found out who did it would you keep yelling about how the murders were committed or would you focus on the who and go after the murderers themselves? The fake truth movement that was started by and continues to be controlled by the perpetrators teaches truthers to ignore the who while begging for a new investigation that will never happen. The truth is not anti-Semitic!

  • 3:52 PM, "Shira Lander" slander@rice.edu wrote: Please remind me who you are. Shira Lander, Ph.D. Jewish Studies Program Rice University Mailing Address: History Department MS-42 PO Box 1892 Rice University Houston, TX 77251-1892

  • 4:39 PM, Re: 9/11 We have not met. I picked up a flyer advertising your Anti-semitism class. The flyer contained the question 'Why did some blame Jews for 9/11?' So I thought you might like to know why.

  • Shira Lander wrote: Are you suggesting that I show this video in class to reveal the truth behind 9/11 or that I should use it as an example of the kind of anti-Semitism that blames all Jews for 9/11? I just want to be clear about your intentions."

A week later, the man received an e-mail message from Sgt. Gary Spears, of the Rice University Police Department Criminal Investigations Division in Houston. The message stated: "_____, Please contact me at ___ concerning the above titled internet link that was sent out using your ____ e-mail address. Thanks, Gary."

The man was surprised that a professor would call the police over a link to a youtube video. He was concerned after receiving the message from the officer, but called him as requested. "I just stated to him that I never met this woman and haven't had any other exchange with her other than those emails, so obviously this is not a harrassment issue. He seemed to be totally satisfied with this, so I don't think I have to worry about further problems. I'll tell you though, I was floored to be contacted by the police over this! The professor's comments are funny; when I read " just want to know what your intentions are", I thought, well it doesn't matter what my intentions are, what matters is what is true or not. But I didn't feel like communicating with her further."

Debate continues regarding the role of Israel and the Mossad in the 9/11 attacks. The Anti-Defamation League issued an article in 2009 'Anti-Semitic 9/11 Conspiracy Theories Abound on Social Networking ... and an extensive report Unraveling Anti-Semitic 9-11 Conspiracy Theories. On the opposing side are political leaders, intelligence experts, and political analysts who insist the link is undeniable.

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga told the Italian Press that last year that "All the [intelligence services] of America and Europeknow well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part in Iraq [and] Afghanistan." Former Senior BBC Mideast Correspondent Alan Hart told Professor Kevin Barret that the Israeli Mossad did 9/11. Dr. Barret founded the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance (MUJCA) in 2004. He states "The 9/11 truth process... opens a vast range of possibilities for interfaith dialogue, coexistence, and understanding".

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Comment by Marklar on November 26, 2010 at 7:32pm
BTW, nice observations polymath. It's not even necessarily intentional either. These sort of linguistic mind games have been so indoctrinated into zionist culture there is no doubt that many repeat them like parrots without even realizing what they are doing.
Comment by Marklar on November 26, 2010 at 7:30pm
While I don't think the Mossad did it alone I don't think they were just documenting it either. They were surely involved in the planning stages as false flag expert consultants at the very least. As for who else was involved I don't think you need to look much further than the list of founding PNAC members to get the ball rolling on naming all fish big and small.
Comment by polymath22 on November 26, 2010 at 2:41pm
from the article -

Shira Lander wrote: Are you suggesting that I show this video in class to reveal the truth behind 9/11 or that I should use it as an example of the kind of anti-Semitism that blames all Jews for 9/11? I just want to be clear about your intentions.

... an example of the kind of anti-Semitism that blames all Jews for 9/11...

... blames all Jews ...

... all Jews ...

... all...

that word "all" didn't accidently wind up in her sentence. that word was carefully inserted into the sentence for a very specific reason, and that reason was to make the sentence, and by association the 9/11 truth movement, into a "sweeping generalization"...

obviously nobody is blaming "all" of anybody for 9/11, but by implying that 9/11 truth people DO blame "ALL the Jews", she is able to make 9/11 truth seem unreasonable, untrustworthy, etc.

students are taught to recognize sweeping generalizations and to reject them when they see them... therefore, this sweeping generalization has the effect of triggering the audience (lurkers) into dismissing the sentence, or rather, the ideas contained in the sentence..

also, by inserting the idea of "anti-semitism" into the sentence, she is further able to undermine the credibility of 9/11 truth people by implying that the motivation of 9/11 truth people is simply hate, as opposed to curious people pursuing a legitimate inquiry into the events of 9/11.

#Linguistics #NLP
Comment by Maas on November 6, 2010 at 1:12pm
Well the way that you go after all of the intelligence agencies is to continue to expose to the world that with most intelligence agencies, these types of acts are standard operating procedure.

But the real issue is that most intelligence agencies were not involved in 9/11, nor were involved is there much evidence that suggests that they helped set up the attacks. In fact, most of them were sending us fairly specific warnings, with the names of the patsies who were likely to have been involved in the attacks.

And how can you say that Mossad could not have organized 2 E4B's doom day planes flying over NY & Arlington or organized drills to be running that day or ordering NORAD? Do you have any idea how long the Israelis have been entrenched in our military and intelligence establishments?
They've been entrenched for decades, and before that, before Israel was even a nation, some Zionist groups have long operated in tandem with the US government. If you want more documentation on this, I would highly suggest the following two documents:



And as far as people calling me a "Jew-hater," well sorry I don't fall for that anymore.

If all they can do is call me silly names for pointing out the obvious about Israel and 9/11. Now when people start reporting me to the police for pointing out the obvious about Israel and 9/11, then it starts to become a bit more of a concern.

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