Tuesday, August 23, 2011 by: Christina Luisa
(NaturalNews) Rick Perry has officially announced he is running for president, and we now face the possibility having a tyrant in control of our country. Not only does Perry have a bad track record - including having the death and harm of young women on his hands -- he "has shown himself to be the most duplicitous, deceptive politician that I have ever studied in the history of the United States." - Alex Jones (listen to more here:
There are many
reasons that you don't want this man holding office of any kind, least of all president. If you don't remember the forced
vaccinations of young girls with
Gardasil back in 2006 and 2007, let's get you up to speed.
Perry's undeniably shady history
In February of 2007, the governor of
Texas issued an executive order that bypassed the will of the Texas
people and the entire legislature, mandating the
vaccination of young girls -- in Grade 6 in Texas -- with the HPV
vaccine Gardasil.
Merck, the pharmaceutical company in charge of the villainous venture and the chief distributor of the vaccine, was the same
drug company that was reported to have given thousands of dollars to Perry's campaign efforts (
The vaccine was given
FDA approval in June 2006 then rushed to the market without proper testing through clinical trials, as more of an experiment than a vaccine that was proven effective. Only 8 months later Gov. Perry signed the executive order mandating this vaccine to all young
girls (and later young boys were also made to be vaccinated).
These fraudulent
vaccines were billed to be paid for by honest taxpayers. Although there are over 25 million people in the state of Texas, as a justification for his actions, Perry reported that there were only 391 deaths of women by
cervical cancer -- which have not been proven to be caused by the
HPV virus to begin with.
Perry caused countless young women to needlessly suffer
Gov. Rick Perry knowingly lied and told Texas families that he had the
power to force their young girls to be vaccinated with Gardasil, the same vaccine that he knew was killing people in the few test trials that were run on it.
Not only was this
fraud of a vaccine completely worthless as a medical method meant to protect girls from cervical cancer, it was obviously lethal - a fact that was proved after there were countless cases of adverse reactions and multiple
deaths reported after the vaccine was administered.
In fact, only four months after Perry signed his order for mandated Gardasil vaccines, there were 13 cases of adverse vaccine reactions reported to the VAERS system, a database of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system. There were thousands more negative reactions reported that were never touched by the mainstream media. By this alone, Rick Perry should have dismantled his executive order - but did he? Certainly not.
Alex Jones has put out an excellent video that exposes Rick Perry's links to vaccines. Watch it now at:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSBX...An advocacy group called Judicial Watch reported through documents they received under the Freedom of Information Act that thousands of girls reported adverse reactions to the vaccine shortly after receiving the shot (
By June 2008 there were multiple reports surfacing of girls having convulsions, going into comas and dying after being given the vaccine. Still, Perry did not remove his mandated vaccine law in Texas until he was finally forced to do so by lawmakers and
parents that had given up their right to make their own decisions about the tremendous risk of the Gardasil vaccine and been wrongfully informed it was proven to prevent cervical cancer.
In one reported case, a 19-year-old girl was given the vaccine and was found dead in her bed the next morning. Over 10 young mothers reported spontaneous abortions occurred after the vaccine was administered to them, and countless more were seriously damaged or made significantly physically ill as a the result of the Gardasil vaccine.
It is on record that Gardasil caused many deaths in school-aged girls around the world -- from India and Indonesia to Australia, all of which have all halted the administration of Gardasil vaccines completely due to the deaths.
Many of these young women developed the same reactions as those caused by the swine flu vaccine, which was proved to be neurologically damaging. While all of this was happening,
Merck was lobbying the federal
government to make the HPV Gardasil vaccine mandatory throughout the entire country.
Read about the nearly 3,500 complaints about Gardasil that were filed with FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Report System after its approval here:
The dirty money connection: Is Perry a Big Pharma lackey?
One of the main Merck lobbyists, Mike Toomey, served as Perry's chief of staff; in other words, a former man of top power for the governor now works for Merck, the same Big Pharma company that funded the
campaign for Perry.
Perry used dictatorial power to mandate - with a lack of any public debate or approval -- the mass vaccination of young girls with a dangerous drug that earned millions of dollars in
profit money for Merck.
Parents were never given sufficient
information on the nature, safety and effectiveness of Gardasil, yet Perry still bypassed legislature to sign an order that allowed for the thousands of girls to be injected with lethal chemicals made by one of his sufficient campaign contributors. Perry acted as Merck's ace in the hole, and now he will be their man in the White House if the corrupt company has their way.
This article is not merely about revealing the medical madness that occurred under Perry's reign as governor - it's about exposing the truth about Perry's deceitful actions. Share this information with everyone you know.
We cannot allow this man to become president by any means. Speak up now, or expect to soon be surrendering more
health freedoms to a medical system that is owned and controlled by Big Pharma, all under the dictatorship of this deceptive tyrant of a man.
Click here (
http://www.naturalnews.com/021571.html) to view a CounterThink cartoon
NaturalNews published a few years ago in response to the
financial connection between Merck and Gov. Perry and to illustrate the pure insanity of having young girls line up to get vaccinations for a disease that can be prevented a hundred other ways that are EFFECTIVE and SAFE.
Read more about the HPV vaccine extortion and the connection between having a Big Pharma lackey in office and the corruption of a medical system that uses patients as profit centers here:
More reason Perry should be kept out of office
Not only has Gov. Perry tried to force young women all over Texas to be injected with the dangerous Gardasil vaccine, he is a big-time globalist, has raised taxes and fees in Texas numerous times throughout his stint as governor and has massively increased the size of government spending and government
debt in Texas. He has also been trying to force the Trans-Texas Corridor down the throats of the Texas people for highly questionable reasons.
Perry is also what is referred to as a "big government" politician. When Rick Perry became the governor of Texas in 2000, the total spending by the Texas state government was approximately $49 billion. Ten years later it was around 90 billion. Does this seem like a reduction in the size of government?
The debt of the state of Texas is spinning completely out of control. The total debt of the Texas government has more than doubled since Rick Perry became governor. What would the US national debt look like after four or eight years of Rick Perry?
According to usdebtclock.org, the debt to GDP ratio in Texas is 22.9% and the debt per citizen is $10,645. In California - a state that is totally financially wrecked -- the debt to GDP ratio is just 18.7% and the debt per citizen is only $9932. As
Alex Jones mentions on InfoWars.com, as a presidential candidate, these are numbers Perry will want to attempt to keep under wraps.
Rick Perry has also been leading the effort to lease roads in Texas to foreign companies and to turn roads that are already free to travel into toll roads. If you
research the subterfuge surrounding his plans to further develop the Trans-Texas Corridor -- which would be part of the planned NAFTA superhighway system -- you will quickly understand why Rick Perry has no right to be anywhere close to The White House.
Read more about why Rick Perry should never become president here:
http://www.infowars.com/14-reasons-...Sources and further reading/research:
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