RightHaven Causes Truth Website To Be Shut Down Using Frivolous Lawsuit

February 8, 2011 by uswgo  
Filed under Establishing The Police State, Featured Stories

Author: Brian D. Hill

Additional Articles you should look at are: RightHaven looks to continue lawsuit against Brian D. Hill | Before...

The dreadful day finally came after it appears that negotiations with RightHaven, LLC was a failure. On Monday, February 7, 2010 at 6:20-6:30PM Brian (I) was served with a Court Summons for civil action by guess who…Righthaven.

So now in response to the fact that even if I win the case RightHaven can just keep appealing it causing Brian (I) a lot of suffering and medical problems so Brian (I) has decided to shut down USWGO for good for RightHaven’s legal harassment against USWGO.

It is now been announced on the site uswgo.com that USWGO Alternative News is gone in fact heres some quotes from the page itself:

We have just got served by the clerk of the court and so now we know that the threats RightHaven held against us were legitimate. Even though the accusation was over using a TSA enhanced pat-down photo, any law firm can own copyrights of anybodies stuff which means even my own articles can be copyrighted then I will have to take them down as well over fear of lawsuits so RightHaven has silenced my freedom of speech. There’s no doubt in my mind that they are working with the globalists and Obama himself.

Also I have noticed the rise of communism, fascism, police state, and other kinds of Tyranny in America. Remember the answer to 1984 is 1776. Even though RightHaven has the power to copyright anything they want to and has the power to shut down freedom of speech, they cannot steal our souls and they cannot copyright our free will.

This isn’t the end of the peaceful resistance against Big Bullies. This is the beginning because people will refuse to live under Tyrannical rule under taxation without representation. I agree with the words of Patrick Henry “Give me Liberty! or give me death!”.

You can think the end of USWGO as another reason we need to reform this crooked government system and bring forth a country of happiness, freedom, liberty, prosperity, and where corporations didn’t own us like cattle for the corporate factory farms.

The globalists may have won this time against my website but this isn’t the end of Free Thinkers.

V for Victory!!!

Don’t believe this is really happening well I took a picture of the summons, edited out the private addresses and uploaded it all for you to see with your own eyes that I was not kidding around about this lawsuit.

Pretty Stunning huh! This is really happening because Brian (I) actually got served with a summons to go to court over 1 TSA Picture. What does this mean for bloggers? Beware because even if you use only your own pictures and content or ones under creative commons anything can be copyrighted by RightHaven then you can be the next victim of their lawsuit machine.


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