Archimedes once said, “Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.” In the preceding articles in this series (listed below after my bio), I have developed the basic theses of my analysis that define the place we stand now, and where we must stand if we wish to alter the world Zionism has contrived for us. One is that we must focus our attention on the edifice of Zionist influence and control in the US, and not be mesmerized by events in and around Palestine. Another is that our efforts to date, with the partial exception of the BDS (Boycott, Disinvestment and Sanctions) campaign, have been ineffectual at best and counterproductive at worst. And the third, most critical point is that the gate to containing Zionism is in the US; the lock to the gate is in the heartland of the US and not Washington; and the key to that lock is the Israeli orchestration of 9/11 and its spin-off wars.
Examining the Strategic Battlefield
So let us see how things stand. “It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good,” the proverb goes, and those of us committed to undoing the great damage Zionism has done so many people and Israel’s leverage over the American government should view the collapse of the Second Flotilla in recent days in that light. The basic concept wasn’t all that bad, but somewhere on the way from its inception to the Eastern Mediterranean, it lost both strategic focus and tactical coherence, becoming an exercise in futility that made the ill-starred medieval “Children’s Crusade” seem like a well-thought-out operation.
I’m not going to indulge here in a blow-by-blow critique of the Second Flotilla. But its collapse, and the international reaction to it, ought to be a wake-up call to everyone. Not a single government of a single country was willing to provide any protection whatsoever to its citizens on the flotilla, although a handful called on Israel to refrain from intercepting it. The one country that had been extremely supportive in the past – Turkey – asked the flotilla’s organizers to delay their departure because of the instable conditions throughout the region. But said organizers refused, thus insulting and alienating their only real friend in the area – and ended up in Greece and unable to sail in any event, Lenin’s classic “infantile disorder” come to roost, indeed.
This comes on top of a classic, and classically destructive, vote on the UN Security Council a few months before. The measure would have condemned the continued expansion of Jewish settlements in occupied Palestinian territory, itself openly in violation of other UN Resolutions. The resolution would only condemn, of course: no sanctions, no embargoes, just verbiage. But even that was too much for the US, which once again vetoed a resolution critical of Israel that was supported by all 14 other members, demonstrating conclusively that Israel’s ownership and management of the single remaining 800-pound gorilla in the global sandbox pays great dividends to it.
Between the two, of course, was Netanyahu’s triumph in Washington – 29 standing ovations plus some “spontaneous” <sic.> cheering, evidence that members of both houses of the US Congress at least have the dubious virtue of knowing how to stay bought, whatever their personal views. There was also for Netanyahu a blank checkbook from Obama, to be filled in and used virtually at will, and continuous reaffirmations of America’s unbreakable bond with Israel. And there was more repetition of the need for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians as a path of sorts to a peace of sorts – doubtless reflecting a conviction that a lie repeated often enough becomes a truth of sorts to those who hear and know nothing different.
Read entire article here:
"Destroying the New World Order"
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