Robert Welch Makes Earth Shattering Predictions in 1957 Being Felt Today

Image result for Robert Welch John Birch

The year is 1957, Robert Welch, creator of the John Birch Society is making a speech at a political dinner gathering. He is speaking of how the United States is destined to be destroyed methodically by world wide Communism or what we now know by a new term "Globalism". The art of reinventing terminology to hide ulterior motives in this day and age one can simply see with such terms all pertaining to one central, destructive political ideology known as Communism equated by words like "Progressivism" "Globalism" "Statism" "Collectivism" "Socialism" "The new reset" "Liberalism" "Leftist philosophy" "Radicalism" all words long in use or newly created to conceal the same wolf using other than sheep's clothing.

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Dark future

Welch correctly identifies the global role of the United States as well as how the nation will be gradually depleted, its citizens are taxed, its military drained, and its influence in the world's affairs, the ball and chains of responsibility that will be the end of the republic. Domestic as well as foreign agents will be contributing to that result as our enemies are in it for the long haul. Just as Communist rebellions have succeeded over decades, something western civilization has been unable to comprehend, the strategy has been effective in converting the free world into unwitting slavery.

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Interfering with our armed forces

To begin with, just as Americans had already seen in the Korean War, the US military will be called upon as the global policeman, no longer allowed to establish a clear victory as our foreign adversaries act as proxies for the evil super powers, China and Russia. The US military will be undermined from within by leftist leaning Senators and Congressman such as Democrats, who will argue against funding, frustrate strategic planning, and force our fighting forces to go into war with one arm tied behind their back. In Vietnam, the Nixon Administration under Kissinger diplomatic doctrine constantly put the US at a disadvantage by stopping the bombing of the north during the Paris Peace Talks allowing the Vietcong to resupply once the negotiations broke down.

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Stealing loss from the jaws of victory

Recently the head general of the North Vietnamese Communists and General Westmoreland's opponent admitted that the American military never lost the war in the battlefield but at home in the face of Communist fueled protests. He even stated that had the Nixon White House prolonged the bombing of the Ho Chi Minh Trail and Hanoi for just 3 more weeks, the Communist government would have capitulated! 58 thousand US servicemen killed and 304,000 wounded yet their sacrifice was compromised by the failure of political leadership!

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Fiscal betrayal

This corroborates Robert Welch's predictions about how the US would be hollowed out by responding to the UN demands for peace keeping and trying to prevent the spread of Communism. Economically, to this day the federal government led by the Democrats appropriated 1.9 trillion in so called Covid 19 relief when only 9% of that generated deficit spending went for that cause at all. The rest of that money went to foreign aid, a description that sounds lofty, but in reality is for causes that have nothing to do with American benefit nor saving the lives of starving children or any other humanitarian cause. Some vague Asian Alliance treaty? Funding for Pakistani Transvestites, what does this have to do with Covid relief or US economic recovery? As Robert Welch predicted, America will be plagued with corruption that depletes the national resource!

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Blood money

For years rational people have argued over sending billions in foreign aid to the IMF in support of nations that harbor terrorists, Communist Regimes, brutal dictatorships, or questionable alliances where disaster aid is often confiscated by hostile governments while the intended recipients never get the aid so that just one more human crisis goes unsolved. Many times even UN leadership profiteers off of US foreign aid and denies the intended needy! Of course since the US now proliferates Gay activist ambassadors often not tolerated by Muslim cultures as we saw at Benghazi, why would US foreign relations be influenced over sexual politics anyway? Yet, this is the twisted agenda of the forces that seek to destroy America today.

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Who really suffers

Just as Robert Welch predicted in 1957 and again in a similar assessment in 1974 it is the American taxpayer who will called upon to fund incessant deficits and national debt being used as a source of captive financing for world economic failure without representation or Constitutional oversight! Little do American citizens realize that they have been sold out lock stock and barrel as debt collateral for these insane fiscal policies. At home, the failure of government funded public schools, the propaganda of social media, and the dumbing down attained by network entertainment have all compromised the intellect of the American public making them rife for conquest. Robert Welch's damning essay on the destruction of the Constitutional Republic has been largely overlooked, but in history often the truth is denied.

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Thomas Jefferson once said that the cost of freedom will never be cheap, but for us to sacrifice American lives in poorly advised foreign entanglements as even George Washington cautioned future Americans it all comes down to the deals cut by 551 office holders on Capitol Hill, some honest, but most not! These few presiding over the lives of more than 330 million people, and this is what we call representative government? These are the ones who conveniently forgot that they were supposed to be the servants of the people, not an elite fraternity there for their own enrichment! it is a wonder America can still be considered the world's greatest nation with all the treasonous activity from within. With the feminization of the American warrior as China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea make more and more aggressive bids to gain power and as Robert Welch said, America would be drained until the great republic was no more!

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