Ron Paul: The Globalists' Worst Nightmare

Mark Matheny
June 12, 2011

Every human being on earth has some kind of phobia, whether it be spiders, high places, flying, or dogs. But if you want to know what the globalists fear, then just look to a humble congressman from Texas named Ron Paul.

Ron Paul started his career as a congressman  in 1976, replacing Representative Robert R. Casey of Texas who had resigned. That same year Congressman Paul went on to establish the Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (F.R.E.E.).

During his career, he became known for his strong criticism of the central Banking system and the financial institutions, and began publishing his economic theories about sound money.

Some of the books he has published are:

  • Gold, Peace and Prosperity: The Birth of a New Currency (1981)
  • The Case for Gold: A Minority Report of the U.S. Gold Commission (1982)
  • Abortion and Liberty (1983)
  • End the Fed (2009)

During the 1980's Ron Paul ran as a Libertarian, advocating lower taxes, and a reduction in the size of the federal government. Ron Paul's voting record has always reflected in my opinion, the ideals and intent of the founders of the constitution when they established the REPUBLIC of the United States.

In the 1990's Ron Paul then started running on the Republican ticket, knowing that the Left-Right Paradigm was really a one-party system,....

However, even on the Republican ticket, Congressman Paul's views stuck out against the Neocon agenda in the right side of the one- party/ two sided system that had been talked about by the likes of Carroll Quigley.

It became easily clear to any individual not brainwashed by the mainstream media, that the invisible forces controlling our visible puppet government were out to marginalize Ron Paul, as his ideals pose a great threat to their plans for world government, and their desire for the destruction of nation-states and individual freedoms.

Here is a prime example of how the globalist-controlled media outlet called Fox News tried to degrade and humiliate Ron Paul during the debates of 2008:

In this debate Congressman Ron Paul totally vindicated himself and his stance on several key issues which would be devestating to the Globalists' agenda if he is able to fill the position as President in 2012.

You must understand that the media is simply the arm of the Globalists, and it is controlled by lower level (yet powerful) soldiers such as Rupert Murdoch, who make sure that important issues like unemployment, foreign wars, the federal reserve, unaccounted amounts of trillions of dollars through bailouts, and atrocities committed by the UN and Nato remain out of the news, while Lady Gaga, Brittany Spears, and the Royal Family's exploits are on the front tabloids, news papers, and the boob tube, (commonly known as a television).

Ron Paul is feared because he is against the criminal cartel called the Federal Reserve. He is feared because he is against the globalists' wealth-redistribution called "bailouts" in which the very criminals responsible for the crisis ( in 2007 and every other time) then reward themselves with money granted to them from the very institution owned by them - The Federal Reserve!!

An example is the four mega banks now running the United States- JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Wells Fargo, and Bank of America. JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup own 52.86% of the New York Federal Reserve!

If you want proof of this, then just look on page 76 of Catastrophe By Dick Morris, and Eileen McGann:

Main recipients of TARP money as of March 2009
AIG   $70 Billion
Citigroup  $45 Billion
Bank of America (including Merrill Lynch) $45 Billion
JP Morgan Chase  $25 Billion
Wells Fargo (including Wachovia) $25 Billion
General Motors $14 Billion
Among several others.
The point is that Ron Paul is a threat to the Banksters in charge of both monetary policy at the present time, who are also the profiteers of the endless wars currently waging in the Middle East.
Another article to back what I am saying is the Reuters article titled  "Dow, S&P end sixth losing week - is seventh on tap?":
Some of the biggest decliners were regional bank stocks that are now going to face annual tests.
Northern Trust Corp (NTRS.O) fell 1.2 percent to $46.77 and M&T Bank Corp (MTB.N) lost 1.2 percent to $84.41.
But large banks, including JPMorgan Chase (JPM.N) and Bank of America (BAC.N), rose in a late rebound, on a news report that the extra capital charge on big banks will likely be 2 percent to 2.5 percent, compared with the widely predicted 3 percent, traders said.
Bank of America shares rose 1.4 percent to $10.80 and JPMorgan added 0.2 percent to $41.05. (emphasis Mine)

Ron Paul also condemns all the undeclared foreign wars America is currently involved in, and the "blowback" it is causing as a result of not following the founding fathers wisdom of staying out of foreign entanglements:

The globalists have even gone so far as to try and redistrict Ron Paul out of office!!!

We are at a point in time where we must make a decision to defend our constitution, and therefore our God-given rights to "Life, Liberty, in the pursuit of Happiness", or give in to tyranny and the destruction of our Republic! I believe that we as individuals, and as Americans together must promote and support Ron Paul as President in 2012 or be doomed. 

Will he provide all the answers? No. But I do believe he is about the only hope left when it comes to true patriots willing to fight for the restoration of our Republic!

To Donate to the Ron Paul campaign click here

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