Sarah Brady, widow of James Brady, dies at 73

CNN – by Steve Almasy

Sarah Brady, who with her husband, James Brady, pushed for stricter gun control laws, including the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, died Friday, her family said.

Brady, 73, died of pneumonia, the family said.  

“Sarah courageously stepped up after Jim was shot to prevent others from enduring what our family has gone through, and her work has saved countless lives,” the statement said.

James Brady was shot in the head by John Hinckley Jr. during his attempt to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in 1981. Brady spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair, advocating against gun violence.

He died in August.

His wife was also involved in gun violence prevention for the past 30 years. She was the chairwoman of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence from 2000 until she died.

The National Rifle Association said its thoughts and prayers were with the Brady family.

“Although we disagreed on public policy, Sarah Brady was an honorable American who we always respected,” the gun rights organization said.

People we’ve lost in 2015

On the Brady Campaign’s website, she said that she got involved in gun control after her young son picked up what she thought was a toy gun on the seat of a pickup. Her son started to wave it around and she took it from him. It was not a toy, she said, and she fumed over what she imagined could have happened. The loaded gun was much like the one used to shoot her husband.

“It just hit me like a ton of bricks,” she told CNN in 2013. “So I asked Jim if he felt comfortable with me speaking out, and he said, ‘Of course.'”

After that, the Bradys made it their business to be gun control activists.

Despite budgets that were just a fraction of the gun lobby’s, the Bradys and their colleagues helped pass federal and state laws, including Maryland’s 1988 ban on cheap handguns known as Saturday night specials, 1993’s Brady law requiring background checks on certain kinds of gun purchases and a ban on manufacturing and future sales of some military-style firearms, which lasted from 1994 to 2004.

Brady Campaign and Center President Dan Gross said in a written statement that few people are responsible for saving as many lives as Sarah and James Brady.

“Our nation has lost a great hero, and I have lost a dear friend,” he said. “I am certain that she would want nothing more than to know we are carrying on her and Jim’s legacy with the same fiery compassion and dedication that made her so remarkable.”

Sen Charles E. Schumer, a New York Democrat who helped write the Brady bill, concurred.

“She was strong and forceful, sweet and kind, and someone I considered a friend and patriot for decades,” he said. “She was a true hero and will be missed by America.”

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Comment by DTOM on April 4, 2015 at 8:24am

“She was a true hero and will be missed by America.”

Which America is that Chuck, the one in thrall to your internationlist elite masters?

True hero?

Are you ****ing kidding me?

YOU cost the lives of innocents and were complicit in the destruction of freedom and liberty in the United States.

Good ****king riddance traitorous *****!

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