Senate Bill 1867 Turns Office of "President" to "Oberfuhrer"

Mark Matheny
December 2, 2011

Well, Obama should be proud of himself. Through this new bill (S 1867) it looks as though he has transformed from the "President of the Republic", to the "Oberfuhrer of the Homeland".

The term Oberfuhrer was an early paramilitary rank of the Nazi Party dating back to 1921. The English equivalent of the word means "Senior Leader". An Oberführer was typically a Nazi Party member in charge of a group of paramilitary units in a particular geographical region, but soon became to be equivalent to the rank a British Brigadier General.

It appears now that the ten sectors of FEMA dividing our country are now a new battle field on the "War of Terror", and since there are plans for a major transformation of the world's Financial institutions into a World Central Banking Criminal Cartel, there is also the need now for our fascist government to be able to detain anyone who is against this New World Order takeover! - INDEFINITELY!!!!

We are now in the stages of  the "Fall of the Republic" and the setting up of a Fascist Dictatorship comprised of Global Banking Institutions, Elite Dynastic families, and transnational corporations who have co-opted and control our government, military, and law enforcement institutions.

Senate Bill 1867 has passed the senate with a vote of 93 for, and o... This is a sad and terrible day for the United States. We have let the control of our once great nation fall into the hands of a "den of vipers" - ( or should I say "viper teams").

The T"SA" will now become the T"SS" and we as Americans will soon see the storm troopers coming in the dark of night to carry away our neighbors. Under the new bill, if you happen to be missing fingers, or have more than 7 days supply of food stored, you might be working with Al Qeada, and be swept away in the night - never to be heard from again.

No warrants, no charges, no trial.

" Know good and well, that some day, there could be a government in power that is shipping its citizens off for disagreements - There are laws on the books now that characterize who might be a terrorist. Someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect according to the Department of Justice. Someone who has guns, someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed, someone who has more than seven days of food in their house, can be considered a potential terrorist. "  - Sen. Rand Paul R-Kentucky

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