August 16, 2018
Bill Clinton was recently in Saint Lucia celebrating the new solar farm that the Clintons were instrumental in erecting. Who knew that the Clintons and Richard Branson were spearheading a renewable energy project across the entire Caribbean known as the ‘Ten Island Challenge’, locking in every island, forming a perimeter around all their favorite places, such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Aruba, Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Colombia, Kenya, and Tanzania? If one didn’t know better, isn’t that the route drug traffickers and child traffickers utilize? It could just be a coincidence, but it sure is an interesting pattern. And they are just getting started, adding more islands to the list as they go. Sure, importing fossil fuels for power is likely costly and not terribly “green”, but solar panels don’t stand a chance in a hurricane, yet the majority of these islands are in the hurricane beltway. So what’s this REALLY all about? What’s in it for them?
This was a very strategically thought-out plan that involves governments, politicians, the billionaire clan, power companies, and one of the biggest shipping industry companies in the world. What the heck would they have to do with renewable energy? A lot. In this open-sourced investigation, you will see the timeline, the shipmates, and how it all connects. You will see how it all manifested and possibilities as to where it is headed.
After reviewing multiple sources citing the islands they have contracted with, it is clear that there are more than just “Ten Islands”. One source involved with the project reflects 10, while another reflects 13, and the Norwegian government claims there are contracts with 21 islands. Yes, the Norwegian government has a vested interest in this project as well. Below are two maps reflecting the majority of the islands that have been cited by most of those involved. It may not include all of the islands, as the “ten islands” were a test pilot for them to acquire additional contracts with other islands. Also note, San Adrés and Providencia are Colombian islands.
That’s quite the pattern isn’t it? If one has ever done any research at all, they would gasp when seeing this. With most of these islands being in the hurricane beltway, the solar panels and wind farms have a difficult time sustaining strong winds and hurricanes, such is an example of the recently purchased solar farm Richard Branson’s Virgin company, BMR Energy, in St. Croix. Renewable energy sources require ongoing maintenance and being in the path of hurricanes adds for potential damage, all of which means more $$ for the providers of these services.
One island that seldom sees hurricane damage is Aruba. Interestingly, Aruba has always been known to be a major cocaine hub for trans-shipment to the United States. Despite this, in 1999, when Bill Clinton was president, Aruba was removed from the U.S. State Department’s list of major drug producing and transit countries. According to the case study posted on the World Bank’s website, the reason for the decline is “unclear”. Curious.
Caribbean Drug Transit Zone
According to this Case Study: Drug Trafficking and The Netherlands Antilles, they clearly indicate that the Caribbean countries are geographically positioned in the world’s largest drug transit zone. They go on to state:
“South America produces nearly all the world’s cocaine. The United States and Europe are responsible for 88 percent of global retail sales of cocaine, a market worth some US$70 billion in 2003(UNODC, 2005). The gross domestic product of the entire Caribbean was US$31.5 billion in 2004. (ECLAC, 2006). In other words, the value of the drug flows through the region may exceed the value of the entire licit economy.”
Interesting side note: Back in 1995 former President Bill Clinton put the “black list” into law, known as the Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SDNT). It is a database of all known people and companies across the world that have ties to drug traffickers, have been drug dealers or are involved in asset laundering. Locals in various countries refer to it as “The Clinton List”. Most people are familiar with this list, but many are not aware that Bill Clinton is the one who put this law in place. It’s a hell of a database containing names, addresses, known connections, and unique registry or taxpayer ID. Those working ports must cross-reference the list when allowing cargo through. In the right hands, that database would be highly beneficial – in the wrong hands, it could be detrimental by controlling and monopolizing the drug industry.
Caribbean Child Sex Trafficking Hub
The Caribbean is not just a drug trafficking hub, it is also a child trafficking and sex trafficking hub. According to the Trafficking in Persons June, 2018 report, this is what they have to say about Aruba specifically:
“As reported over the past five years, Aruba is a transit and destination country for women, men, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Venezuelan women are subjected to sex trafficking in Aruba, and foreign men and women are vulnerable to forced labor in the service and construction industries.”
In a report by the Congressional Research Service from 2016 on ‘Trafficking in Person in Latin America and the Caribbean’ they state:
“Human trafficking is a growing problem in Latin America and the Caribbean, a region that contains major source, transit, and destination countries for trafficking victims. Major forms of TIP in the region include commercial sexual exploitation of women and children, labor trafficking within national borders and among countries in the region. The two countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with the largest percentages of their populations subjected to “modern slavery,” a term associated with human trafficking, are Haiti and the Dominican Republic, according to the Walk Free Foundation.
Countries in Latin America serve as source, transit, and destination countries for trafficking in persons. Victims are exploited within their own countries and trafficked to other countries in the region. Latin America is also the primary source region for people trafficked to the United States, including by transnational organize crime group. In FY2015, Mexico was the primary country of origin for foreign trafficking victims certified as eligible to receive U.S. assistance.”
Right on, Diana!
The Clintons, drugs and human trafficking go hand in hand.
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