You haven't seen many posts of late because I've been otherwise engaged plus a bit under the weather. Your continued prayers are appreciated, as ever. One of the efforts I've been engaged in resulted in a new writing on The Open Scroll, titled Grinding at The Mill - A Miller's Testimony. The timeliness of that work will be evident to some of you as it relates to judgement and a role or ministry appointed to me.
Other items with which I've been occupied involve personal responsibilities with regard to individual relationships. Some of these engagements began with the offering of apologies that were due as mentioned in the Jezebel vs Sarah series. As follow up to those and with regard to several other relationships, I've been walking in the greater light I've been receiving and necessarily approaching some people in challenging ways, including some with words hard to give and get. I've never been a fan of confrontation but I'm getting over that, because when the Lord asks a thing I'm increasingly willing to do it. Yes, I'm changing.
Some aren't liking the changes. Maybe you, _______. Fill your name in the blank as appropriate. If this means you don't want to be my friend anymore, I can accept that. You weren't a very true friend to me anyhow and I'm just now finding that out. There's no particular person or people that's particularly intended for, but I'm communicating some important points here. If this matter isn't personal, what's the point? It's critical to put the right kind of value on the right kinds of friendships. I'm learning that I really do want to be found as a friend of the Lord, and He really doesn't have many friends. Popularity that involves being friends with the worldly is HIGHLY overrated.
If the Lord has been leading you in such a way as I have described and you haven't been following through, let me encourage you to begin without delay. There's no need to be harsh or abrasive in your manner but don't neglect hard dealings because love makes demands on us as we look after each other. Accept what responsibility is yours for those to whom we do genuinely owe a debt of love. This debt must be paid, and you can put it on the Lord's account but you've got to write that check, so to speak.
The church is being judged at the present time. That's us, you and I, right? We need to get this and stop deferring to others. Imagine that in all-caps, if it helps. This present judgment has been announced and confirmed through the words of many saints, prophetic dreams and visions, signs in the heavens and signs in the earth. One of the most obvious scriptures testifying of this season is in 1 Peter 4.
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