172a3-judge2banna  Anna von Reitz

Are You A Citizen or A National?

1. The sovereignty of America is vested in fifty nation-states. Both states and nations are poltiical entities. Nations control the land jurisdiciton. States control the sea jurisdition.

2. People receive their nationality from where on the land they are born. We are Virginians, Ohioans, Wisconsinites, and so on, as a result. This is our “nationality”.

3. “Citizenship” is an entirely different thing. A “citizen” is subject (as in subject to a King or a government) to that which they give allegiance.

4. You don’t have to be a “citizen”— i.e., a “subject” of anything.

5. When people agree to take up a public office or public employment, they agree to act as “citizens” only for the term of their office.

6. Thus, if you work for or act as an elected official of the federal government, you agree to be a “citizen” of the [federal] United States. If you agree to work for the state government of Virginia, you are agreeing to be a “State Citizen” of Virginia for the term of your employment or office.

7. Joe Blow who is just working at a job in the private sector as a mechanic or a bank teller or a carpenter or in other professions, and all the millions of small business owners, are NOT naturally “citizens” of the United States and are not “citizens” of Virginia or Texas or any other state.

8. When you claim to be a “citizen” you are obligating yourself to obey all the laws and statutes of the corporation operating as the “United States” or the “United States of America” of the “State of Virginia” or whatever. Citizenship is essentially an employment contract. You have to obey the laws of this corporation because you agreed to be employed by them or because you were elected to an office in their organization, just like you might hold such an office in the hierarchy of Sears, or J.C. Penny, or Walmart.

9. The vast majority of people claiming to be “citizens” are not citizens, They are just very confused people claiming to be something that they are not, and which in most cases they don’t want to be, because being a “citizen” involves many expenses and obligations. When you “submit yourself” to being a “citizen” of a state, you lose your sovereignty and instead of the government serving you, you serve the government.

10. So now that this has been stated in such plain terms—- which one are you?


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