Some Warrawong residents locked out of Community centre whilst others not ? Discrimination?!50ABC91503083BC1!460.entry

On Monday the 8 March, 2010 I attended the Local Warawong Communith Hall which opens at 9am, at 11.20am to attend the
pasta salad lunch provided.
Upon approaching the front door i noticed a Notice stating the hall was locked untill 11.30am due to a break in on saturday ?
Inside the hall were 4 volunteeers preparing lunch,(2 males 2 females) in the officer were 2 female employees and a male employee, and at a meeting ,..
members of the Community Audit group from the university along with a member of the warrawong legal centre. whilst waiting outside in the sun along with other members of the public some of which were sitting waiting for entry on their motor scooters (disabled type) I noticed that certian members of the italian community had been given access to our community hall whilst others were being discriminated against and made to wait out side of Our local hall.

As an italian lady was given entrance to our community hall i entered aside her, and proceed to have a seat to wait for lunch which was only 10 minuets away.
As soon as i entered i was asked to leave, I immediatley looked around at the other persons inside the hall at that time and i expressed my opinion that I had a right to enter my community hall which opens at 9am to be open and used by the public, thats why people are employed by our council to work there and provide a service to the community, Not to pick and choose who can enter our public hall and at what time?
We either have inalienable blood stained , guaranteed rights,.. Or we dont.
In the light of the kebab shop that remained open after someone had their throats slashed, blood on the floor , Police taking a report of the incident all whilst business as usual around the corner. ,.. and this opinion i stated to the people who were attempting to make me be voluntarily compliant to their wishes to discriminate against myself and othere members of my community. It was alledged to me that if i didnt comply and leave people may miss out on the lunch which was just about nearly ready to be served up. So I asked What so If i continue to stand up for my rights? your going to throw away all that good food youve been preparing all this time ? ,... some 2 minuets later the doors were open to the other members of the public who were still waiting locked out side ,. They entered and lunch was had as per usual.
So because of an event that happenned 2 days prior Public servants restrict access to a public hall to members of the public when they are employed to open the Hall/ommence work at 9am..?
Sounds like some one is testing the waters to see how far they can push their tyrannical ideas upon the public.,
and to see how many sheeple buckel under and give away their blood stained rights that were hard fough for.
Dont Tread On me Or my Fellow countrymen/Womens Rights or youll find we will Bite Back with the thing thats mightier than the sword.
but ide rather have a sword in my hand than a pen in a real battle.

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Comment by peter b dunn on April 13, 2011 at 9:41pm

For information, .. On 11 March, 2011 I attended Wollongong Local Court (room 6) where before a presiding magistrate  evidence was given by 2  females pictured below, No Hall attendees  (members of public) gave any evidence in their support, and whilst Maroun Germanous(Illawarra legal centre) sat in the back ground overseeing his minions, and Me  representing my self (as Legal aid photocopied  my evidentary documents then refused me any representation  No pro bono here in australia) as a result the  magistrate found that I dont have any  freedom of speech under the Human righrts act 2004  as i dont reside in the Australian Capital territory(even though  ahe ACT  is within the boarders of  Australia,... it was determined i should be fined $500.00 for reading out an e mail in relation to the negative effects of white sugar that maxynne and donna decided to offer up to warrawong community members for some 2 months .   Personally ide rather do time in a cell than pay their  treasonous  fine  that sets a precedence  against freedom of speech here in australia,...   

Endeavouring to Perserver.

Comment by peter b dunn on December 13, 2010 at 6:03pm

Sigh  another  visit from the boys in blue again at 9.30am 14/12/2010 with an advo maxynne  is now alledging i threatened to shoot her and other  people ,  (LOL the police know full well i dont own a firearm )  geeze must of hit a nerve re teh charitable collection act regs re permit to be placed on her office wall that I dont see in her office.  Off to another dance at PKLCrt  again    wheeeee

Comment by peter b dunn on December 11, 2010 at 5:19am

Im sure maxynne and donna would like to ban die hydron monoxide tooo because sharkes live in it that attack people, it can drown things, it causes rust and decay man lets ban water too Now thats another BLOND idea too hey…..

One day they are refusing you a meal and having you arrested the next day they are  painting the fence white/     off to court we go///  ohh the merry dance.......

Comment by peter b dunn on December 8, 2010 at 5:35am

After making below entries I realised I had to go through the process and make the victim/complaintant make her allegations before a magistrate who will rule on actual law and differenciate between a meeting of teh minds of a group of like minded people with an adgenda, when they cant even obey their own rules re harasssment,

December 8, 2010 at 3:16 am (Edit)
today 8/12/2010 about 11.45am i attended the warrawon community centre for the free lunch they provide to the community under the Premiers Prevention of crime stratadgy> Once Again The hall Manager Maxynne Grahame attempted to refuse me a meal, also a volunteer named donna also refused to serve me a meal and took away the food from the serving area and placed it on the stage area so i couldnt serve my self, as i am a certified volunteer too.
and at 2.10pm i havd Constble Barlow and Willcott (or similar) attend my addrss and threaten me with arrest if i once again attempt to enjoy my constitutional and rights under the human rights act 2004. I asked constable barlow why his eyes namley the blacks of his eyes were so big, i informed him it reminded me of my past drug awareness course notes, re observations.

December 8, 2010 at 3:28 am (Edit)
Oh i forgot to add I asked Constable Barlow if i could lay a complaint re Mz Grahams attack upon myself in that she poked me 3 times in the chest, to which the only reply i recieved was the shaking of his head to indicate NO. Now thats an investigation of an alledged complaint and compliance with his sworn oath under our constitution and human rights act. Now isnt it ? Not !!! and he wonders why i slammed my front door in his face and replied to his crystal meth enquiry if i have to ill see you in front of a magistrate and its Mr Dunn to you Mr Barlow.
another Record made electronuically for the information of any competant investigator or journalist.. if there are any left !!!!!!!
Bklood Stained Hard Fought for rights Cant be taken away by silly people who meet in secret and proport documents they produce have authority over and above that of which our constitution holds. Its an attack on your childrens rights through people like me. Stand up and Resist Peacefully these silly drugged up people are mad.
Comment by peter b dunn on November 18, 2010 at 7:28am

I am sad to report that once again same Poo different day.. on 17/11/2010 upon my attendance at the warrawong community hall to partake of the provided lunch, i commented to a male person/worker named terry about the fact that ATF fencing is getting paid public monies that could be other wise put to better use, than to fence off the quarter acre block of grass immediatley across the road from where this person works . I suggested he make call to ATF,
During this conversatioin a female complained inrelation to the F*** word. I then had to eexplain to her a prior magistrates ruling that, that word (F****) is no longer deemed to be offensive. a short time later i left the hall after eating my lunch.
Today the 18/11/2010 about 12.20pm i attended my local warrawong community hall , where people are paid under the preventipon of crime strategy from our premiers office(some $50,000 P/a) and i was again informed by one Maxynne Grahame that i am barred from the community centre for 6 weeks, whilst she poked me in my chest with her index finger. which made me walk backwards away from the hall where the food was being served. she then informed me that if i didnt leave the hall she would call the police. So i, made my self a cup of coffee, sat down. and asked other volunteers if I may be provided with a meal. To which a negative response was met. I then asked how this was constitutiional under the human rights act of 2004 and nobody would answer me , I was ignored. the Police didnt attend, and i left as i could see the obvious pre planned discrimination to deny me a meal for which they get paid to provide for the community. I later learned that other members of the community were denied a takeaway meal due to aparrently my stuffing “it” whatever “It ” is up for other people withim the warrawong community.
At 1408 hrs constable augaustini attended my flat in colmpany with a female officer alledging to me that i am banned from the hall for six weeks due to my violence and aggression? i asked him what was my violence and aggression? No reply was recieved i then informed the police in attendance at my door that i considered the request to be discriminatory and in breach of the human rights act of 2004. the police then placed some documents inbetween by screen and screen door. and left.

Human Rights Act 2004
An Act to respect, protect and promote human rights
8 Recognition and equality before the law
(1) Everyone has the right to recognition as a person before the law.
(2) Everyone has the right to enjoy his or her human rights without
distinction or discrimination of any kind.
(3) Everyone is equal before the law and is entitled to the equal
protection of the law without discrimination. In particular, everyone
has the right to equal and effective protection against discrimination
on any ground.
Examples of discrimination
Discrimination because of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion,
political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth, disability or
other status.
14 Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
religion. This right includes—
(a) the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his or her
choice; and
(b) the freedom to demonstrate his or her religion or belief in
worship, observance, practice and teaching, either individually
or as part of a community and whether in public or private.
(2) No-one may be coerced in a way that would limit his or her freedom
to have or adopt a religion or belief in worship, observance, practice
or teaching.
16 Freedom of expression
(1) Everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference.
(2) Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right includes
the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all
kinds, regardless of borders, whether orally, in writing or in print, by
way of art, or in another way chosen by him or her.
17 Taking part in public life
Every citizen has the right, and is to have the opportunity, to—
(a) take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through
freely chosen representatives; and
(b) vote and be elected at periodic elections, that guarantee the free
expression of the will of the electors; and
(c) have access, on general terms of equality, for appointment to
the public service and public office.
18 Right to liberty and security of person
(1) Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person. In
particular, no-one may be arbitrarily arrested or detained.
(2) No-one may be deprived of liberty, except on the grounds and in
accordance with the procedures established by law.
Schedule 1 ICCPR source of human
ICCPR source of human rights Schedule 1
A2004-5 Human Rights Act 2004
page 25
Unauthorised version prepared by ACT Parliamentary Counsel’s Office
column 1
column 2
column 3
column 4
ICCPR article
14 16 (1) right to hold opinions 19 (1)
15 16 (2) freedom of expression 19 (2), (3)
16 17 taking part in public life 25
17 18 (1)-
right to liberty and security of
ICCPR means the International Covenant on Civil and Political
international law includes—
(a) the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and
other human rights treaties to which Australia is a party; and
(b) general comments and views of the United Nations human
rights treaty monitoring bodies; and
(c) declarations and standards adopted by the United Nations
General Assembly that are relevant to human rights.
More e mails to local pollies and council here we go again.
Comment by peter b dunn on September 1, 2010 at 5:49pm
on 30/8/2010 I recieved a communication ref C/2010/5974 from Christina Poole of the NSW Ombudsmans office stating "We will not take any action on your complaint"
so obviousley No due process No rights, discrimination rules over the sheeple, :-/
Comment by peter b dunn on August 24, 2010 at 5:25pm
Update - No reply to letter re Ethics. So complaint lodged with Anti discriminationboard.
will update in due course.
Comment by peter b dunn on August 9, 2010 at 7:41pm
sigh update,.. im still awaiting a reply to my letters, since sending them ive been banned from atending hall for 3 weeks due to my aggressiveness and violence in reading out an e mail for hall attendees information, but that is Not what they want. obviousley. No Freedom of speech here in the land down under, they change their Means rea ie change from brown raw sugar to white one supplies them with information re adverse effects of same, and youget banned and the informationis Quashed.
and they ring mental health and alledge one has problems, when they lies decieve and keep information from their fellow countrymen and women. Sec semper tyrranas.
Comment by peter b dunn on July 23, 2010 at 9:24pm
the saga continues.....
so i sent the follong e mail to maxyyne, im still awaiting a eply to same,, wonder if ill get one?

Dear Maxyne,
Could you please inform me, in light of the High court decision (High Court 1992 Rodger V's Whitticare.) and ones Duty of care pertining to Healthy foods, offered to members of the Public under, Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, How does offering Hall attendes, only white sugar, with its Known effects upon peoples health , meet the afore mentioned regulaions.

Also can you comment on the ethical asspects and posible implications of your decision to only offer hall attendees only one variety of sweetner for their beveradigesfor their consumption.

A todd street Resident
Comment by peter b dunn on July 20, 2010 at 7:43pm
after sending e mails (below) and informing staff re possible civil suits re their duty of care Now the Doh are harassing a lady friend by sending her letters of relocation and laughing at her upon phone enquiries and hanging up on her 4 times, what happenned to the reforms of bedlam and their resposity..??

Dear Maxinne and all Volunteer Staff under your employ or control,

Please be advised as follows...

Sugar - Processed White Sugar Is A Terrible Poison

Refined grains are refined and preserved with chemicals; chemicals that we end up eating and are hard on our bodies.
Refined grains cause our bodies to make excess mucous that accumulates in our noses, sinuses, throats, bronchial tubes, and our lungs, causing us to sniff, blow, drain, and cough and, often times, leading to more frequent colds and respiratory problems.
Refined grains cause the calcium to be depleted from our bones, increasing our chances of getting osteoporosis.
Refined grains are broken down in our digestive system and absorbed too quickly into the blood stream. This upsets the blood sugar levels, exhausting the pancreas and/or the adrenal glands, triggering hypoglycemic and diabetic reactions. Refined grains are just as bad for people with diabetes as white sugar.
In fact, refined grains are just plain bad for all of us, and we pay a hefty price for eating them—premature diseases and early deaths.

Sugar is highly correlated with the growth of cancer cells. Cancer, such as cancers of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate, and rectum, is thought to thrive on sugar.
Sugar causes the body to become over-acid. When the body is over-acid, it must pull calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity. Along with animal products and salt, sugar is another contributor to osteoporosis

Pleae be advised if I observe that white sugar "Poision" is served up to members of my local community I willhave No Option but to lodge a complaint with your employer and posssibly the anti discrimination board , for an on behalf of the residents for our Health.

And besides it is dearer for your budgetory allocation than Raw sugar.

Peter B Dunn
A todd street resident
4/ june 2010

Dear Jan,

Thank you for your reply.

Re your " Wollongong City Council does not have the legal power to prescribe the type of consumable used by people who utilise community centres,"
I think it is prudent of myself to remind you, as i have maxyne re "Duty of Care" under common law and also the High Court 1992 Rodger V's Whitticare. This pertains to adverse effects of substances input into the body.

Im sure all attendees at halls who consume sugar in their beveradges deserve a sweetener either of their choice or one that is beneficial to the vitamin uptake needs of ones physical body.

Fowarded for information re possible future litigatioins which could ensue as a result of patrons alledging that "Duty of care" was not followed.

Peter B Dunn

Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2010 10:27:16 +1000
Subject: Use of raw sugar at Warrawong Community Centre

Dear Mr Dunn,

I am in receipt of your correspondence requesting the use of raw sugar at community centres and in particular at Warrawong Community Centre. I note that you have already been in contact with Maxyne Grahame regarding this issue. Wollongong City Council does not have the legal power to prescribe the type of consumable used by people who utilise community centres, however we will certainly followup with Ms Grahame so that her organisation may consider changing from white sugar to raw sugar. I'm sure that you will also follow up with Ms Grahame in seeking this change.


Jan Noble
Branch Libraries & Community Facilities Manager
Wollongong City Council

41 Burelli Street

Wollongong NSW 2500

Phone : 02 4227 7249

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