Education-No Child Left Behind     The main issue seems to be implementation. I refuse to believe that the world's greatest socio-economic minds cannot combine to provide a solution which would all…

Education-No Child Left Behind



The main issue seems to be implementation. I refuse to believe that the world's greatest socio-economic minds cannot combine to provide a solution which would allow for free education all the way up to at least university level and maybe even post-grad...


I think it's important to clarify what I mean when I refer to "free education" - I refer to it as education that is provided at no cost to the actual students attending the school, college or university.


Free education does not necessarily mean free accommodation, living expenses or food allowances. I will touch on this a little further later.


Lets separate some terms here

School and an Education are not the same thing. School is an institution, a system, education is something a person builds for themselves.

So should school be free? Absolutely.


Everyone deserves equal access to free school attendance for however long they wish to attend.

However education is not free by any means, an education is an investment of time and effort towards what should be a self imposed goal. That goal being a well educated person, that in of itself is an ethical pursuit.

However, they system of schooling must be changed, as it does not provide a process allowing a person the freedom to educate themselves as they see fit.

An example:

Public choice theory asserts that the behaviour of politicians and bureaucrats can be explained by the same principals that govern behaviour in private economic affairs. In the latter, persons generally act so as to enhance their self interest…. Public officials act either to get re-elected or to enhance their pay, perquisites, and status.


If the purpose of providing public schooling is to create an informed citizenry capable of choosing those individuals who run the nation, then surely the power to determine what is taught and how should not be rested in the hands of the governing individuals.

Basically our system has citizenry educated by operators of the state on how to choose the operators of the state!


That obviously produces a preservation of power and elite society in Canada and through out the world.

School should be free, and I mean free monetarily and free of government legislation of what should be taught.


Education should be free because it is one of the key ways to decrease poverty.

 The education system we are forced to have fees and the people in poverty cannot afford it.

This is the basic fact.

This has crippled the poor and put us in a society where only the middle class and rich prosper. (it's bad enough as it is). The people in poverty will never learn how to prevent diseases which plague their society, nor other resources to help them live better lives. As a society we should want to help those who are less fortunate. This is a goal that must be enforced.

I am not arguing that education doesn’t cost anything and I totally agree with you, someone has to pay for the teachers and all the extra costs associated.

But the cost of no education has crippled every nation.

Education is our highest priority when we produce scientists, engineers and educated people that the whole world can benefit from, people that can help elevate the human race.

I like to think that we would all believe in this point.

 It has been proven that a carefully planned, structured and implemented education system brings with it real positive economic progress through the educated people.  I also believe that in terms of an individual’s personal growth – (good) education is essential. 

Scandinavian countries have been offering free education for years and are always ranked amongst the most competitive economic markets on the planet.

NOTE work on later example will be bank of Canada, resoureses ect.There are opportunities to replace tuition fees such as; taxation of the rich.

There are ways for governments to provide quality education for the people but this has never been attempted only discussed.

Al point I will mention is that I do think that the TYPE of education provided for free is a very relevant consideration

There is no reason to push people through high school studying things they don't need to know - high level math, geometry, Shakespearean English and literature - when all some people want to do is study auto-mechanics and spend all their time with cars.

However, in the case where a person WANTS to study and WANTS to have an education, it must be available.  In a society such as ours where education (at the secondary level) costs too much money, there is no choice for so many to be capable to attain this unless they have a silver spoon to move upwards in the hierarchy of life.

In a democracy it is in everybody's interests that voters are smart and informed. Do you want some issue that affects you personally voted on by a bunch of uneducated people?

This is why we have so many issues in our society a few decide for the rest, and this also another reason we have no democracy in our current system.

Education must be paid for by the entire society because it is better for a society to not have huge groups of uneducated people.

Right now everyone is paying  for it because of the cost of uneducated people cost is more.

 The end goal is to have a country of educated people all with their own skills and a passion to improve the welfare of others and the economy as a whole. For me, it only makes sense that to do this - free education i education which allows for anyone to be a part and won't require anyone (particularly people who can't afford it) to suffer the consequences of crippling debt.

Public education - Is it really public?

Many children in this world grow up without an education. Whether it is college or elementary, there are many children whose families can barely afford food, let alone the cost of middle and high school or college.

Middle school book fees can be around 50 dollars, while high school book fees can be even higher, up to 200 dollars for a single class at some schools. And these fees have to be paid every quarter. Some families are forced into poverty just for the fact that they are almost unable to gain enough income to school two or three children and eat in the same month.

Education of all aspects, especially public, should be free. There are many reasons.

Among these I will mention are: More educated citizens; Higher income rate among families; Better communities; and more input from  a larger percentage in society than it is now. A few decide your Childs education, and this has failed us.   

It has been shown that amongst communities which have a high graduation rate there has been a decrease in crime and death rates. Education, though perhaps not valued by some, is a very important thing. Whether it's a simple education such as job training or an elaborate education such as a PhD in neurosurgery, it can lower your ability to even be involved in a crime.


Many people who have money are not compelled to steal, and if the wealth was evenly distributed then there would be no issues over debt.  

Less stress – less medical costs

Better working conditions – rather than working tow or 3 part time jobs to survive, with a cost of exhaustion creating health issues.

The government FORCES children into school, and set there curriculum therefore in effect forcing families into poverty.

Thus, the government should either make school optional (The bad choice) or make it free (The good choice).

Either way, school can be a blessing or a horrible thing to deal with if you do not have the money. Therefore, if the government were to pay for everyone's schooling, they would lower crime rates, death rates (in effect of crime rates), dropout rates, and poverty rates.

Recently in Canada the so called government has announced another 10 billion for new prisons. This is not the answer. 10 billion in to education will benefit society, but the opt to increase crime as this is big business for layers, judges, police, guards, and the soon to be private prisons along with private health care, privatization of our water, BC Hydro, BC Ferries and BC Rail.


These are all well laid out plans years in advance to ensure the Elite who own the governments to ensure they have keep the people poor, uneducated well they steal from every tax payer.


The argument against free education is this; it’s not free!

Graduates are obviously good for the economy and society and there is some mileage in suggesting that Universities and individual degrees should be government subsidised.

But the money has to come from somewhere and do we really think it’s fair to ask the majority of general taxpayers who didn’t directly benefit from Higher Education to completely pay for those who did?

We must recognise that for some in our society, any kind of contribution is not possible. At that point we must champion and prioritise the maxim that entrance to University should be based on your ability to achieve and not on your ability to pay.


Otherwise we will price people out of a degree and more often than not they will be from lower socio-economic backgrounds and low participation neighbourhoods.


If we are to be serious about widening participation in our Universities then we need to assure that there is funding for those who can’t afford to pay.


Some proponents of free education assume that it is the only way to make education fair. The virtue of free education is that it enables access for all.

But asking some students who can afford to pay fees while paying for those who can’t afford it through grants and bursaries is also a system which enables access for all.

Surely we can imagine a society in which those who can afford to pay study alongside those who cannot?

That doesn’t mean there aren’t problems, but they are with the implementation rather than the theory.

If fees are set too high and are not perceived as value for money, students who are required to pay will think twice before applying because of the debts associated with university life.

So we all loose.

Furthermore it is no use providing grants, bursaries and scholarships for students who aren’t required to pay if they are not aware that they exist. With the advent of  fees we are already seeing that Universities are under-spending on their provisions for bursaries, not because there aren’t enough students who need them but because many are not aware that they are eligible.

A system of contribution will not be fair and will not enable access for all until issues like this are addressed.

We can make Higher Education both fair and funded by asking those who can, to contribute.


It would be cowardly of me to write all this without proposing anything, so I will attempt to add my thoughts in order to propose a solution.


I certainly don’t have all the answers, in fact with others input I feel we can make this happen, almost certainly the system is achievable.

Nevertheless I have a passion for a better system and I would suggest that if  education is going to be put at the centre of our future development strategy then government must acknowledges this with a massive investment in education, and not just at university level, but at other levels. Trade schools that start from grade 8, most students graduating could already have two traded after graduating grade 12.


It has long been acknowledged that we simply do not have the schooling system to produce the best students across the board, and this needs to be dealt with.

This is all by design


Furthermore, we need to invest heavily in education to get them up to par, and with this comes an understanding from the universities that their cost is subject to employment.

I have studied our system for years, and recently been following our new plan of attack to get people back into the workforce; through unemployment incentives for re education and to be honest it is designed for failure.

It creates more debt, more hardship for families and most will leave the courses because they cannot afford to feed their families.

Billions of tax payers money wasted again from insufficient objectives to ensure success.

We have an attitude here in government give them just enough to get the public thinking that their work force plan will help these individuals to be employed.


It is fair to say that if a detailed economic study of the value of a degree was done, it would put the student firmly in the positive under the current system, so why not even that up slightly?

In addition to this, we need to change the culture of giving to universities, in the way that the Canadians have done without any return for their dollar.


Their financial machine is us the people and if were paying for it, we will decide the future of education in this country.


Incompetence far beyond anything we can comprehend; only really the war in Afghanistan has managed to match this.

There has been a distinct lack of a real understanding how are education has been run into the ground.


Sickeningly, I suspect  you agree, but I’m not ashamed of the facts I presented here but I want the best possible education in this country and that means a number of things clicking into place.

We cannot just continue with a unworkable plan, we need to start presenting solutions.

The term ‘Free Education’ is indeed a misnomer: it has to be paid for somehow and by someone. There are three main beneficiaries from higher education:

The individual



This being the case, surely there is an argument that each of them should make a contribution to its costs.

How those contributions are made, and in what proportion is the real debate we should be having.

More importantly however we decide the future to education.

This needs to be addressed.

This underlines a key that exists in this political mess we face.

We are always left out of a workable solution with our government.  

In this present case we will never achieve the best outcome for students to achieve an education for all.

I believe higher education benefits both the province and the individual and therefore it is only fair that both parties contribute to it.

While I believe that the rich should be taxed more and the poor should be taxed less. I don’t think that will occur as they own the government until such time we realize any party or any individual elected in this system will not make the changes needed to have a equal playing field between the multination owners of our country.

Education this is necessarily the best solution, but becoming more unreachable everyday under this current regime of theft.

This isn’t being defeatist; it is being pragmatic: higher education can only be both funded and accessible to all by helping everyone to afford it, not just those from the right or wrong background.

Usually it’s easy to criticise and difficult to provide a solution, but in this case the solution is glaringly obvious.

I am merely suggesting a practical and achievable method to make the current system work better for the students.

Now the higher paying jobs require you to have some sort of education beyond high school its not really fair for those who are unable to pay for this education, they won't be able to get a better job and so who knows how far they will be able to succeed in life financially.

I think education should be free at all levels.

This is just how life is under their system; no child will be left behind.

I think that higher education must be given to all people because they deserve better life

Poverty is no laughing matter

In true poverty, nothing to eat means empty bellies.


I've been called many things over the years. Why? Because I firmly believe that in a world in which there is a market for diamond encrusted bras and gold-plated toilet seats, there should not be people dying in the streets from starvation. Now I know that many of the people buying those bras and toilet seats worked hard for the money to be able to afford such frivolous luxuries, but I also know that the majority of them were born into a world of affluence in which abundant opportunities were made available to them and doorways to success were opened for them left and right.

It follows that most people currently living in poverty were born into a world of despair with few opportunities and in which doors slammed shut as soon as they neared them.


When people talk about poverty, the discussion often and all too quickly turns to blame. Rather than working toward resolving the problem (which, yes, might mean that the richest 1% should loosen their grasp on some of the money that they couldn't possibly need to survive their lifetime anyway) we blame people.

They should get an education. ( They should get a job.)


In an ideal world, everyone would have ample opportunity to acquire sufficient education to enable them to work to make enough money to support themselves and their families. In an ideal world, 'minimum wage' would be sufficient to live on. In an ideal world, every child would be born into a situation in which his or her most basic needs can be met. This is not an ideal plan for those who control the world.

I don't profess to have all the answers, but we all know the current system is corrupt and is not deigned t help the majority of the people.

It is a complicated and deeply entrenched problem with the private banking cartel. There are simple answers to end this corruption, but no political party or elected official seems to address this.

The welfare system, while run with mostly good intent, is not adequate for one person to survive on.  It's a band-aid on a broken leg. Requiring drug-tests in order to receive public assistance is not the answer, and only serves to thrust even more children into poverty and starvation because their parents can't get help.


It's easy to play the blame game while sitting atop a pedestal in our nice warm homes with our nice full bellies while we pat ourselves on the back for working hard to get where we are in life. It solves nothing. Who suffers the most? Children.

Born into a situation over which they have no control.

Hungry,Cold, Doomed to repeat the cycle.


In a country where "no child left behind" means teaching to tests so as to keep funding available, children who can't get to school are left behind every day. Children who don't have enough to eat don't have energy to focus on their studies; they can barely hear their teachers over their growling bellies.


Let's pretend the reason they're in those situations is because their parents didn't work hard enough. Should they be made to suffer and pass a legacy of poverty on to their own children?


I think not. There parents work hard but are taxed to death, and in debt because of this system for to own 99% of all the wealth.


Few children are born into privilege, while the rest are born into poverty, and neither group is responsible for their situation.

Instead of wasting time hoping the elite will change their greed for power, we need to act now, not later.

We need to focus on how to provide innocent children living in poverty with opportunities to overcome the hand they've been dealt.

We need to stop carrying on about bootstraps and figure out how to get everyone boots in the first place.

Not just as a country, but as a global community, we need to get back to our roots and embrace the notion that it takes a village to raise a child.

Changing the current system we will give back to our community and our community will give to us, and we will help to provide for those who have less than we do.

I hope that you'll agree that more must be done to make sure no one in this world goes hungry or homeless.


It's harder times for so many Canadians, at times, to think about those who don't have even half of what I do, and who may never get the opportunity to achieve it.

There certainly is a lot of hard work to be done, and not all of it by those struggling to survive in poverty, but by all of us.

We need a better system, where we decide the direction our province and country

The Refed message can be implemented in every nation, and it will change the current system, it just needs to be know to millions.

Please take a look at the Refed message here.

There are Refed Parties forming across Canada.

Sask,Mant,and Ont, parties all ready to be launced.

Also this message has reached over seas.

We can take back our countries, and our freedom, we just need to concentrate on one battle, their system.

We know 911,Flouride,SPP.NAFTA, NAU, chemtrails, Monsanto,GMO, but we need to organize to take the power from them.

With them controlling the governments, we are always going to be fighting an up hill battle, we need to remove the source of our problem.


Forward widely we have to use their system, to change the system


Dallas Hills







I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air – that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave.

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