By Patrick Yoest
Wall Street Journal
WASHINGTON (Dow Jones)--Two senators on Thursday called for an outside commission to investigate worldwide financial turmoil.

Sens. Johnny Isakson, R-Ga., and Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said Congress should establish a seven-member commission to investigate the circumstances that caused the current financial crisis.
The two compared the proposed commission to the independent 9/11 Commission, whose recommendations resulted in legislation that overhauled the U.S. intelligence and domestic security system.
"There are some unconscionable things that we learned have happened," Isakson said. "I think there was a lot of greed involved, I think there was a lot of chasing of the dollar involved, and I think the interest of the stockholder, but more important, the American citizen, got lost."
Under the senators' legislation, two members would be appointed by the president, four members by congressional leaders and one member by the Federal Reserve chairman.
The commission would have the power to report wrongdoing to U.S. attorneys and state attorneys general. The commission would also have subpoena power.
Isakson said the bill likely would be referred to the Senate Banking Committee, but there have been no signs that the panel would take up such legislation.
Senator.Johnny Isakson, R-Ga Voted to BLOCK the 2nd $350B
Senator Kent Conrad, D-N.D Voted to ALLOW the 2nd $350B
We should pay close attention to this!!
We may have an opportunity to put a spotlight on some crooks.
Oh do we need Kucinich and Paul on this commission.
I have the full press interview of these two that I will post as soon as I can convert it...
Stay tuned and do your homework. We really need to get on this one while it is in the early stages.
Now I know there is some BS out the gate, ie; "modeled after the 9/11 commission".
I should hope not. Not another cover-up commission! No more foxes guarding the hen house.
"The Banker Take-over was an inside job" - "The Banker Take-over was an inside job"
"The Banker Take-over was an inside job" - "The Banker Take-over was an inside job"
"The Banker Take-over was an inside job" - "The Banker Take-over was an inside job"
"Start with the FED & Treasury" investigate the FED & Treasury"
"Start with the FED & Treasury" investigate the FED & Treasury"
"Start with the FED & Treasury" investigate the FED & Treasury"
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