Successful RTC rallies held Saturday 8-4 in NC and NM. More to come Oct 30th!
August 15, 2010 by alarmrideratl
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We were there on 4-19-2010
Restore The Constitution
A (somewhat) contrary voice, Tom Baugh’s full speech textPlease go and read the full text of what Tom Baugh had planned to say at the recent NC RTC on 8-14. He was only able to deliver a portion of it due
to time limitations. I’ve known Mr. Baugh and have been familiar with
his ideas since the first planning days of RTC back [...]“Scenes from a pacifist’s nightmare” not too hostile coverage from ...Some interesting pix and commentary from an opposition blogger who attended: Perhaps we
are making a little headway. I don’t expect converts all of a sudden,
but we’re at least showing them that we’re legit. I think the reason
the MSM did not jump on the story as much this time is […]Successful RTC rallies held Saturday 8-4 in NC and NM. More to come...An estimated 250 people came to the NC rally, and about 350 came to the NM rally with coverage on radio and print. More rallies in store for 30
October, the weekend before the elections. More to follow.Get out for either RTC rally Saturday. Your rights: use ‘em or lose...RTC East- Time: August 14, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm Location: Guilford Courthouse Battleground National Park Street: 2331 New Garden Rd
City/Town: Greensboro, NC 27410-2356 RTC West- The rally will be held on
14 August 2010, 8 miles north of Capitan on New Mexico state Road 246.
The rally will officially start at 9:00 [...]A reminder about the North Carolina RTC rally less than a week away2nd Restore The Constitution Rally Time: August 14, 2010 from 1pm to 4pm Location: Guilford Courthouse Battleground National Park Street: 2331
New Garden Rd City/Town: Greensboro, NC 27410-2356 (336) 545-5313 Send
Donations to help reimburse the organizer who have put forth their own
earnings to pay for sound system and equipment to make this event a
success […]-
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