The moon as we know it has incredibly distinguishing characteristics compared to the moons orbiting other planets within our solar system. Add to that the bizarre observations made upon the moon surface of excavations, wheel marks, instrumental debris that doesn’t belong to the Apollo manned missions, and the very size of the moon, and one has to wonder. Since the sighting by one astronomer of what he described through his telescope as a twelve mile long bridge and sketches made off 100 thousand Apollo mission photos of anomalies on the lunar surface by George Leonard “Someone Else is on the Moon” circa 1972, there have been intense studies.
Mysterious debris
One particularly interesting photo is called “Robot Head” lying there on the moon’s surface. Definitely not the Ranger Space Craft launched to crash into the moon in the 1960’s to achieve close photos and not Apollo Mission artifacts either. It is known that NASA even paid to air brush photographic artists to cover up things in these lunar photos that the government did not want the people to know about, but get to some very distinctive information on what makes the moon so unique.
Curiously unusual orbit
Unlike the moons of other planets in the solar system the moon’s orbit around the earth is almost perfectly concentric which is unusual for any natural satellite. The moons orbits of other planets are elliptical. The moon is 1/6 the size of earth and the largest moon in the solar system. This is another feature that distinguishes the moon as also being the largest in relationship to the size the pf planet it revolves around. The moon serves as an actual asteroid shield that has probably taken quite a few big hits that would have devastated the earth. Because of the strong gravitational attraction between the moon and earth we have a very necessary tide that rises and falls cyclically throughout the world’s oceans. The moon has a dark side that never faces the earth due to a tidal lock caused by earth’s pull on the axis of the moon restricting its revolution on its own axis. This is unique compared to any moon in the constellations of Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune, or Uranus. Mars has 2 moons and one of them is the only moon in the solar system that orbits in a retrograde direction leading one Russian scientist to postulate that “Phobos” is an artificial satellite too.
When an Apollo Mission decided to crash the orbiting lunar lander on the moon a most mysterious reaction occurred that caught NASA scientists off guard! The moon rang like a bell! This by seismic measurement standards indicated a hollow sphere rather than a solid cored planetoid. Later, an apparent emergency explanation saying that water had unexpectedly been detected within the lunar layers of strata and it was vibrating from the strike of the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) which seemed to quench the thirst for more answers. Was this the case though? Was this really a true state of existence for the moon? Even though there have supposedly been 17 Apollo missions and this was the last return from the moon. Rumors that 3 more secret lunar missions were launched that received no national news coverage. What did these mystery missions receive? We may never know.
Different composition?
Scientists have theorized that not only was the moon acquired by the attraction of the earth and began an orbiting attraction unlike the collision caused theory where a molten glob of the earth broke away after being struck by another celestial body, but that the moon is not geologically related to the earth. The geological composition of the moon is different from the earth. This seems to some cosmological theorists who think that the moon could have been towed or transported from outside of the solar system by a civilization with obvious technical superiority over the human race a very long time ago. The moon would certainly make a strategic location for an advanced civilization to remain hidden from prying eyes as they conduct their operations. If nothing else the moon could have served as a very long term craft for the population of an exploratory culture using the lunar sphere as a source of mineral and material for future needs.
Lost spacecraft?
When George Leonard claimed to have spotted tracks left by seeming excavation machines he observed and sketched on the edge of certain craters as he was not allowed to publicly expose these Apollo Mission photos to mass publication. As of the six known Apollo Mission lunar landers left after the command module was successfully docked and the crew transported from the LEM, only three have been located as crash sites that have been studied. That leaves 3 more Lunar Excursion Modules that have not been located yet. One might have bounced off the lunar surface due to the angle of impact and headed out to space failing to form an orbit, but for now, only speculation remains unanswered.
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