There are already so many possible ways for our enemies foreign and domestic to put America into an unrecoverable flat spin that could never have happened had "We the People" been more patriotic and better informed, or had the Democrats been acting in good faith as a Constitutional political party, but this has not happened. Joe Biden acting as a lame duck president with those in the shadows dictating all the damaging policies is now the acting installed leader elected through massive voter fraud.
Insane spending
That being the case, one of many schemes to take down the United States is deficit spending. In less than 100 days the Biden White House has introduced trillions in over spending that essentially does little to solve the problems of the people while funding such vague causes as support for Transgendered in Pakistan, some Asian alliance treaty, donations to the Palestinians that will simply be used to by munitions for war in the Middle East, but little in the way of economic recovery. Already every man, woman, and family would have to pay 70 thousand in taxes to settle the present national debt, and that probably wouldn't be enough!
True dictator
In less than 3 weeks President Biden signed more than 40 Executive Orders that bypass Congressional vote or Senatorial approval just like any common Communist dictator who rules without a legal election or with the constraints of a governing body that can control him should he step out of bounds. America is as far gone as it ever could have been in history. Special interests, a Deep State of secret partners and anti-American alliances that would rather get rid of a productive president who acknowledges the needs of the people then have their gravy train paused for the good of the nation!
Crisis of all crises
Not since the War of 1812 with the British burning down the nation's capital, or the Pearl Harbor attack, or even the 9-11 tragedy has America been in such dire straits! We have been stabbed inn the back by a Democrat Party committed to sabotaging the Constitutional republic through Stalinist tactics. Every strategy spelled out in the Communist Manifesto has been implemented by the Democrats. America is being attacked on every conceivable front! Biden's shadow government saboteurs have been thorough!
Dollar what dollar?
Let's talk about the deficit. Six trillion in spending in less than a hundred days? All through the Trump Administration a Democrat controlled Congress passed incredible levels of deficit spending that is gradually shrinking the US dollar. People think that the cost of goods, fuel, and food is increasing when in reality the buying power of the dollar is decreasing. The dreaded pall of stagflation has now gripped the country as inflation increases the cost of living, but the economy does not expand as it should. The projected million jobs Biden claimed were on the way turned out to be a little over 260 thousand, a dismal showing. With the US government deficit spending in an effort to fuel economic recovery instead we are merely destroying the buying power of the FRN while incentivizing people to stay home on government handouts while employers already embattled by the Covid crisis cannot get enough employees into the workforce! The perfect circular firing squad created by Democrat insanity!
Foreign threat
The plan of Brazil, Russia, India, and China is to create a new world reserve currency. Up until now the US Dollar has served as the currency of choice. Stable enough against all other foreign dollars that it can be trusted to back international commerce, but with the infernal reliance upon continued deficit spending and the accumulation of more and more national debt, the dollar becomes less and less reliable because it is devaluing! Once a "BRIC" currency is accepted as the new world reserve currency the US dollar will be rapidly replaced while free falling into new levels of devaluation. Not only that, but interest rates from international banking cabals will become much greater so that Americans will have greater problems qualifying for loans or mortgages as their incomes will not be sufficient to make up for devaluation and higher debt service. It would be catastrophic!
A party of destruction!
Do the Democrats even give a damn? No! Their sole purpose is to make the American way of life impossible economically, socially, racially, and ideologically! Marxists don't take prisoners! As many of the Democrat fools making their idiotic demands for compliance have already stated, "if you don't like our policies get out or shut up!" That doesn't leave much room for tolerance or co-existence either. Is there a way out of this? The Republicans, you know, the guys who are so happy to put up token resistance and finish in 2nd place? Well, although there are some true patriots still in the party it would seem that whether America goes to hell in a basket or not, they figure they'll still be able to live in their Crystal DC Palaces while the regular people of this country live in chaos of shortages and a worthless Federal Reserve Note we call the "Almighty Dollar". The GOP keeps telling us they'll take back the House in 2022 and stalemate Biden's agenda. Maybe so, but what kind of damage will they get away with until then?
"Destroying the New World Order"
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