The Deadly Secret ( A short Story) or is it?

Image result for alien ship landing

The Deadly Secret


Chapter One

I haven’t lived a normal existence for a long time now. I look over my shoulder and suffer nightmares after what I saw years ago, and realize once you turn on the bathroom light and see the walls covered with cockroaches you can never unsee them again! That’s how I would characterize it. After a short stint in the USMC military I was offered an intelligence officer position but chose not to make a career out of it and got an honorable discharge and got involved in a private detective job working for some powerful corporation. I was often assigned on surveillance missions.

A high ranking USAF officer came to the corporation through a mutual friend and offered top secret material he said would revolutionize our technology, but did not name his source. My job was to investigate. This guy wanted big bucks in order to produce the information and we had to determine if it was legitimate. Connections were made for me to enter the air base under the aegis that I was a civilian consultant with a certain level of clearance. While the officer in question was held up in a meeting purposely with my superiors I searched through his desk and files. I quickly began scanning photos and documents that might be of importance with the micro-camera I was using. Then I came across some shocking stuff!

First it was images of UAP’s, so what, there’s lots of those around, but then there were the photos of US servicemen being tortured by beings that were definitely not human! It looked like something out of a horrific sci-fi movie! I scanned all the photos and accompanying written data. One thing that stood out was that these were negotiated arrangements made with a hostile extraterrestrial race and we were allowing these horrid experiments or whatever they were to go on while innocent unsuspecting men were being exposed to inhuman treatment!

I broke out in a cold sweat and exited the air base as fast and calmly as I could. I was surprised the MP’s didn’t notice anything about me as being unusually nervous or visibly shaken but I was! A call came in from my cell phone and my superiors asked if I had finished going through this officer’s desk and records, and I said I had, but when they asked what I found for some reason I couldn't understand I told them, I hadn’t found anything! Maybe it was a gut reflex action. Maybe something intuitively told me I needed to digest what this all meant before going along any further with it. My boss, an ex-intelligence agent himself from the NRO!

Got back to the hotel room and began reading and looking over everything I’d found. After digesting the facts I was convinced the “We the People” were being sold out! This Air Force officer was either trying to profit off this or trying to find a way to expose the plot! My time in military intelligence had taught me about the unholy alliances that form between friend and foe all for the exchange of information and even prisoner releases but what I was reading was miles above any secrets I dealt with before. Then I happened on some coordinates and a time frame for a meeting. If I was going to expose this I needed more evidence! I would need to pull a surveillance on the meeting in question! So, I determined the latitude and longitude and found that the rendezvous would take place at a nearby point. How convenient, and how deadly would this decision on my own recognizance have become!

Image result for shooting at 2 alien beings

Chapter Two

Cal Martin was my supervisor and he was pissed when I told him that everything I’d checked was routine and of no consequence to what we were looking for. I wasn’t sure if he completely believed me, but I made sure and I carefully hid what I had. All I knew was I had 24 hours to intercept the meeting place and gather evidence. I convinced Cal that I had to take a day off for family matters and he allowed me to. He told me he was taking a company jet back to corporate headquarters and I was to wait for further instructions and to stay put until I received notice. Perfect! For all I thought.

The night was chilly and at 11:00 o’clock I was tired but too stressed out and intrigued to do anything but find out what was going to happen. This would be Colonel Gaston who had contacted us. He would be meeting his counterparts at what looked to be a deserted testing range about 10 miles from the outskirts of the airbase. It all appeared to be an inactive airfield with some old buildings that seemed to be unoccupied. My car was secluded in some heavy brush as I used my infrared heat sensing glasses to spot the Colonel who’d gotten out of his command car and was waiting outside one of the buildings. There was only a half moon so that the lighting was adequate at best.

All of the sudden a glowing point of light in the sky descended rapidly changing through a full spectrum of colors before it hovered maybe a foot off the ground. It was about the length of a jet fighter, with a glazed black exterior, and a hatch opened revealing a bright light from within. I was about 50 yards away and I crept closer so I could hear any words spoken. I was using a remote dish microphone that I pointed at the Colonel as the entities stepped out. I’d seen almost comical depictions of gray aliens, bug eyed, with huge heads and small bodies, and all the other science fiction fantasy concepts that we all have on TV and in the movies but this was like nothing I ever could have imagined! These beings actually scared the daylights out of me and now I wished I’d never come up with this little scheme of mine!

Hyperventilating with anxiety I could only watch in shock. Wearing semi-helmets with seamless tight fitting uniforms that did not obscure their glowing red eyes, they momentarily looked around their surroundings as I cowered behind a tree and some bushes. Would they see me? Suddenly, one of them raised his hand and it appeared Colonel Gaston was struck with some kind of light beam that knocked him down! I flattened myself on the ground and watched as they levitated his body into the hovering craft that seemed to defy gravity! I was poorly armed having only a Glock 45 semi-automatic on hand!

Suddenly, a linear beam of white penetrating light swept the surrounding terrain emanating from the alien craft, and I knew what it was! They must have suspected they were being watched and maybe even killed or incapacitated the Colonel thinking he’d been followed or that he had compromised their plans! Here I was about to be discovered! I crawled into the nearest culvert to remain hidden. I lay there listening to my own breathing and praying that I’d get out of this alive, but I wasn’t going to be that lucky! The two entities I’d watched suddenly appeared maybe 20 yards away! They were coming my way! I pulled the Glock 45 pistol, eased off the safety, and emptied my handgun into both of them! They crumpled to the ground and I got up and ran for my car! I was freaking out, covered in sweat in all this cold night air, and now wrestling with the steering wheel in hopes of getting away! As I slammed on the accelerator pedal in my rear view mirror I saw a strobe light of different colors rotating in the background and the luminous object rising into the air! I screeched tires onto a two lane blacktop farm road as I tried to put distance between me and the waking nightmare I had encountered!

A blinding beam of light cut across the darkened air of the night on the road in front of me almost making me lose control of the car but I hung on! I could see above into the night sky that the strange craft was gaining altitude and seemingly on a course away from the abandoned field! Was I safe? Had I gotten away with my life? What about the two entities I’d shot? How bad had I screwed this whole thing up and was my life even worth a nickel now? I drove back to my hotel room mopping by brow with my coat sleeve and still shaking like a leaf.

I tried to get some sleep that night, knowing I’d have to wait for Cal Martin to make contact so I was stuck glued to my hotel room. He showed up around noon with a cold look on his face. “How did your day go while I was out?” He asked in a disbelieving tone of voice.

“Fine, “I lied. “Had to take my mother to the doctor and get her over to the pharmacy for her prescriptions. Then I ran some errands. Other than that.”

Cal was a bit taller than me and he grabbed me by the shoulder with an iron grip but I shrugged it off and he pointed at me! “Guess, what happened near the edge of the airbase last night? We had satellite cameras that captured the whole event. You know the company has its own low orbit constellation of satellites! They captured everything! You don’t think there was a miniature motion activated camera in the Colonel’s office watching you scan his documents?”

“So what!” I answered back ready for hand to hand combat.

“The only damn reason you’re alive right now is because I told them I could reason with you and get you to cooperate! Do you know who the hell you’re dealing with?”

I had my Glock in my shoulder holster but didn’t reach for it, I just listened.

“Do you really think that a former war hero Air Force Captain and director of Project Blue Book really died of a heart attack at age 50? Do you think that Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoeter, a Navy intelligence chief died of a heart attack after he told the New York Times that UFOs were not hoaxes and ignoring them would be dangerous dies of natural causes? Do you think John Mack, a well-known author and TV personality on psychology was killed by a hit and run from a drunk driver in broad daylight because he gave legitimacy to abduction research?”

I shrugged as I stared him in the eye!

“This is bigger than both of us! They steam roll anyone that goes public! It’s been going on for decades and you can’t stop it! You’ll just end up being another dead hero!” Cal had both fists balled up and he was breathing hard.

“So, we just let this shit go on as they sell out the people of this country and others in order to allow this human sacrifice?” I blurted out.

Cal Shoved past me and opened up the laptop computer we used, tapping out some instructions, “You really pulled off a stunt shooting two of those NHI’s! Someone must really like you because if I did that I’d probably be dead by now! Take a look at this!”

I walked over to face the screen and watched. It was aerial satellite footage. It was top of the line satellite visual data. There I was clear as a bell from overhead shooting down two of those bastards, then I went running to the car as the UAP takes off apparently on remote control after both pilots were killed! Then it showed me driving off onto a farm road like a mad man!

“Damn it! They killed a US Air Force Colonel! What the hell was I supposed to do?”

“You made unofficial arrangements without proper authority! That’s what you did!” Cal shot back. “You have in your possession classified information!”

“Yeah, that’s right! This needs to get to the public somehow!” I spat back at him.

Cal took a deep breath with his hands around his hips as if trying to control himself, “This has been coming a long time. What makes you so damn sure if you contact the mainstream media that they’ll do more than simply turn your ass in?”

“I’ll need to go into Congress as a whistle blower! “ I yelled back.

Cal, looking like he was going to have a nervous breakdown, rubbed his face with both hands, “Go and get a burner phone at some convenience store. Do not look up at the ceiling where the cameras are! Destroy the damn phone that you have!”

He wrote down a phone number on a sheet or hotel stationary and handed it to me. “I’m going to do you a solid. This is the personal cell number of Senator R. H. Hogan. He knows me personally and he’s sympathetic to informants. He knows about what’s going on too. You get hold of him and make arrangements to come in, but watch your ass! “

“What are you going to do?” I asked, “What will happen?”

“I’ll think of something. Meanwhile, make yourself scarce. You were a Spook. You know how to lay low! Here’s a couple hundred bucks. It’s all I got on me. You just pulled something I should have done a long time ago. Now, get out’ve here before I change my mind! Good luck.”

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Chapter 3

Cal Gripped my hand and I was out the door headed for an uncertain future. The night seemed even colder than it had been and the darkness seemed to be creeping in all around me. I knew what I had to do, but could I go through with it? Would I even succeed in going through with it? I knew I was in the right, and that was all that was holding me together.

As soon as I got a cell phone at the store and drove to a large grocery parking lot I made the call to Senator Hogan. Amazingly I got him on the line and quickly explained to him what was going on and that Cal Martin was my boss. He asked me if Cal was alright and told him that he was still alive after I left. Senator, Robert Henderson Hogan, told me he’d need 48 hours to arrange a hearing on Capitol Hill until then, I needed to stay alive. He gave me the phone number of Doctor Steven Greer. He told me that Greer could not only bring me in but that he had security guards to help with personal protection. He told me to inform Greer of everything we’d talked about. I breathed a sigh of relief, but I wasn’t out of the woods yet, not by a long shot.

I had watched Doctor Steven Greer during some of his “Disclosure Project” interviews so I knew about him, but up until these last couple days I never really took it all that seriously. Now I knew exactly what he was talking about. I called him, got a recording, and gave him a rather hurried and desperate sounding message! To my surprise, I got a call back from him about five minutes later and we talked at some length. Steven told me he had a safe house not too far from where I was, and told me to ditch the car in a large parking lot or underground parking area and simply walk to the safe house. That way I had less chance of being picked up by the police who might already be on the lookout for my car and license plate number. I left my car right there locked up. I had a three mile walk ahead of me, but that was okay. The good Doctor told me he would make a call immediately to alert his security people that I was coming in. At least I’d be able to sleep that night. I hoped.

I made it that night, cold, tired, and hungry. The house was surrounded by tall hedge rows in an older but affluent neighborhood. At an iron gate with an archway overhead stood an armed guard who reminded me of our Secret Service agents. He checked my ID and allowed me to pass through after patting me down. There I got a hot meal, a shower, and they gave me a bedroom to crash in. The guys were typical former elite troops who had found from their own experiences what the shadow government had been up to, and had joined with Doctor Greer on his staff. We talked a while before I hit the hay and they were all behind me getting to a Capitol Hill press conference! I turned in and finally got some needed rest.

The next 48 hours were tense. The atmosphere at the safe house was quiet and low key, but there was always a pending state of alarm if anything suspicious went on. Late in the evening I got a call from Doctor Greer. He told me that word was that Cal Martin, my co-worker and superior had committed suicide. I told Steven I didn’t believe that and that he was probably murdered and Greer agreed being that 3 people on his staff had been murdered over the years. We were all in this together and it was do or die at this point, and the public had no damn idea of it! To them, the question of UFO’s, abductions, and sightings was just a mystery without any sinister implications. How wrong they were, and that wasn’t their fault. We’d been lied to for decades!

The morning of the scheduled Intelligence Committee Hearing we loaded into a black Chevy Suburban designed to resist attacks, heavily armored, with heavy duty blow out resistant tires and bullet proof glass. The driver was a veteran former Secret Service vehicle man. I almost felt like some important diplomatic dignitary but I wasn’t, I was just a concerned citizen who had been in the wrong place at the wrong time or maybe the exact opposite depending on your point of view. The drive would take us through Virginia before we finally got into DC. There we merged into traffic on our way to Capitol Hill along the Beltway.

There were cameras flashing and a swirl of activity and people within the Congressional chambers as we seated ourselves. I thought I’d be prepared for all of this but I wasn’t. The spectacle was too dazzling and distractive. I grabbed a glass of water to clear my throat as the proceedings began. I watched as Doctor Greer walked in, gave me a nod, and a slap on the shoulder, “Glad you made it my friend. Just tell them the truth,” he whispered before seating himself. I nodded back to him with a nervous smile.


Speaker of the House, Todd Hawkins, smacked the gavel several times, “We will now come to order!”

Once the hub bub of the crowd settled, Speaker Hawkins spoke introducing me, “we have with us today former USMC intelligence officer and counter espionage investigator, William Markham. He is an important whistle blower here to testify in front of the Intelligence Committee. William, please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, William Hawkins, will speak nothing but the truth here at these proceedings to help me God.”

“I, William Markham, will speak nothing but the truth. So help me God.”

“The Committee recognizes, Senator, R. H. Hogan.”

“Thank you, Mister Speaker. I want to preface this testimony by informing all of you here that I have spoken with this man and have reviewed the evidence he has brought forward, and I am convinced that we are under a serious dilemma involving a secret shadow government that is enabling an undeclared war of some kind where in exchange for advanced technology, innocent human beings are being sacrificed for some sinister purpose and the truth is being kept from the public! This is a diabolical conspiracy that has been underway for decades. This secret organization that may very well be an international manifestation needs to be uncovered and exposed lest more people are sacrificed for purposes of which we can only guess!” Senator Hogan sat back down nodding to Steven Greer and myself.

“Mister Speaker, I object to these proceedings being held in the open forum like this with no consideration toward the threats to national security that might be revealed as well as critical intelligence sources that could be compromised! I move that we now conduct a closed session and remove the press and all non-essential personnel from the chamber before we continue our enquiry.”

I watched the expression on Steven Greer’s face as he turned beet red rage, “I protest this kind of censorship! Wasn’t the point of this Intelligence Committee to enlighten the American people about what the heck is going on?”

Speaker of the House, Todd Hawkins, was visibly intimidated by General Hammond of the Pentagon Chief of Staff, “In upholding the General’s request for compartmentalization of the proceedings, I shall have to submit to the request so that we can further ascertain whether or not we do have potentially damaging information here that needs to be properly filtered.”

“Mister Speaker! This is absurd!” Senator Hogan blurted out. “I have reviewed this witness’s credentials and his evidence. What we need to do is expose what is going on here!”

General Hammond spoke, “Senator, you do not have the level of clearance to make that decision! Only I and the Joint Chiefs reserve that level of authorization! “

“Mister Greer, with all due respect, I will take all this under advisement after we hear Mr. Markham’s testimony!” General Hammond continued.

“Mister Speaker,” Doctor Greer emphatically added, “I have brought with me corroborating data along with proof of the murders of 3 of my staff along with the recent death of William Markham’s co-worker over this and many other related incidents! There is a ruthless and unconstitutional rogue operation going on here that threatens American citizens and even world peace if these sociopaths are allowed to carry on with their diabolical operations!”

“These are certainly some outrageous claims, Doctor Greer, “General Hammond replied,” and all the more reason for us to evaluate all this before allowing the press corps to over react or cause panic in the public sector. We need to first hear the reports and then determine how this all will be disclosed to the American citizen!”

I literally felt sick to my stomach! Up to this point, I had been pleasantly surprised just how quickly I had been able to get to the very top of the official chain in order to expose this evil, but now it appeared the establishment had gotten the upper hand, and intended to seal off the truth from ever being exposed to the light of day. Maybe had we allowed the media to witness my testimony they would have made it all into some kind of hoax that I had perpetrated or have delivered it in some tongue and cheek fashion to discredit all of it like has been the case for years? Who knows? I felt defeated to say the least. After we got done and the hearing was adjourned, Senator Hogan and Doctor Greer thanked me for my testimony. Steven took me aside and told me that He would provide protection as long as I needed it, but how long would that last until I had taken advantage of his good graces for too long. Where did this man derive his funding from?

On the way back in the Chevy Suburban, the driver got a call and grimaced when he hung up his cell phone. I looked at the tight lipped expression on his face, “What’s going? Bad news?”

He lifted his sun glasses to glance at me, “there was an explosion at the safe house! We’re having to go to an alternate location now.”

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