Melvin, Breslin and Joel had been friends for life. Although they had attended the same prep school after attending Yale they went to separate universities for further degrees. Melvin as a physics freak at MIT, Bres (as they called him) London School of Economics and Joel at Yale. Their families were also close, often vacationing together at the Island. They were part and parcel of the embedded Elite and like their fathers and grandfathers before them; they were within the Deep State.

The public had recently become aware via the media of what they thought was the Deep State composed of the intelligence community; however, the boys shared some tweets laughing about the ruse. The so-called Deep State was actually the extensive network of underground cities connected by high-speed tunnels bored deep within the earth; hence Deep State. All had been secretly constructed since the 60’s using taxpayer and black ops funds channel through Pentagon, Navy and Air Force off cover programs with NASA. The huge drilling units that melted their path of tunnels and carved out the underground structure were operated with Air Force personnel. A large part of the 200 trillion US debt including the missing Pentagon funds were ready to Implode the financial system – World Wide. 

The purpose of the system was for the selected few (compared to the population as a whole) to live on when and if disaster struck. In other words, the Elite. All are equal while some are a bit more equal.

Well, the day of reckoning was at hand. The administration had gone Berserk sending a barrage of cruise missiles into Syria based on a staged gas attack. If not that act, it would have been another pretext to start a war to realign the system. That was what WWI and WWII were for and WWIII as foretold by Albert Pike was to be the conclusion for the One World. A Pipe-dream, a fairy tale or Reality. No mater, it is in the works and progressing well.

The boys and their families had been working within the higher echelon intelligence system and were on the list with their coded chip implants that would allow them entrance into Deep State through the designated entry points; Denver, San Diego, Seattle, Baltimore, New Jersey, Ft Lauderdale and others. Joel and Bres with their parents headed through the mobs of New York traffic into New Jersey and got in line at the secure entrance at the tunnel. Once inside the processing facility the TV monitors showed missile silos in the Midwest launching as the split screen imagine ran through live coverage of riots, looting and tracking of outgoing and incoming rockets and bombers as the family exchanged knowing looks with many of the other elite well known to them. Meanwhile, Melvin had met his family members at the private airport next to San Diego as their attendant’s unloaded luggage from their Gulfstream VI. The reunion was overseen by Melvin Sr. as he told them to be calm and composed as had been stressed during practice drills in the past. They also got in line at that sites tunnel entrance for processing and saw quite similar TV coverage.

Back in New Jersey, pandemonium broke out as most of those in line found that their imbedded chips failed to past the swipe machine access authorization. Nerves were at the breaking point as several were seen to gain entrance while the rest watched with growing bewilderment. It wasn’t long before a near riot broke out and then a voice was heard through the speaker system. It was the same voice that Melvin and his family heard in San Diego and those at the other entrances throughout the country. “Your usefulness is no longer required. Thank you for your past contribution to the Deep State. God bless the new America”.

All are Equal, some more than others!

We are Legion....

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Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on April 16, 2017 at 1:29pm


As it turned out Melvin and his family were admitted at the tunnel entrance back in what had been San Diego and now the latest generation of the family were being readied for the return to the surface.

The 8 mile depth of the underground bunker was rapidly left behind as the magnetic train deposited them at the elevator for the final accent to the surface.

Melvin III was being assigned to the Solar Security Service and he hoped to carry on from the family legacy in that field. He would report to the Supreme Director as Special Assistant for Information Control...

Some things will never change..

We are Legion....

Comment by The One on April 13, 2017 at 5:54pm

Mind K535 Butcher List? (

Comment by Elyag Reed...We are Legion on April 13, 2017 at 2:18pm


We are Legion...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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