3rd August 2018

Dear Friends and Supporters,

The Establishment Pile In AGAINST BREXIT

Next Wednesday, Get Britain Out will be marching into Number 10 Downing Street to deliver our letters to Prime Minister, Theresa May, which have been signed by me and tens of thousands of you. The link to both letters, if you have not seen them already, are below, and they express our sheer indignation with her Brexit ‘sell-out’ Chequers deal and White Paper. It is not too late to add your name to this letter. Simply email the word ‘AGREED’ and your ‘NAME’ to me at jayne@getbritainout.org.

A defining phenomenon of the EU Referendum campaign was that it pitted the people against the ‘Establishment’. It was a chance for the public to be listened to, which is why we all turned out in our droves to vote Leave, giving the Government the largest political mandate ever to carry out the Brexit negotiations. The castigation of Leave voters by the elites, the liberal media and luvvy celebrities was – and has been ever since - a shameful display of contempt for nation-state democracy, revealing a fundamental lack of belief from our political class in just what this country can achieve.

Fortunately, the Great British Public saw through the lies and ridiculous ominous reports, and decided the United Kingdom - the 5th largest economy in the world – which is more than capable of doing things its own way.

‘Project Fear’ was thus summarily dismissed as such by those who could see through the scaremongering to the sunlit uplands of independence.

However, recent weeks have seen this tact resurrected. Project Fear Mark II is now in full swing, being pumped out by the Government and broadcasters alike. The intention, blatantly, is to try and force the Great British Public into kowtowing to Theresa May’s plans for a heavily diluted departure from the European Union. The alternative to May’s Chequers proposal, a WTO Brexit, has naively and disingenuously been described as ‘crashing out’ without a trade deal, and a ‘cliff edge’. This would be no such thing. The WTO itself is a trade deal, and one Britain already uses to trade with the rest of the world. It is also the same terms by which the countries like India and China trade with the EU, yet they export more to the Single Market than us!

However, such simple facts have not deterred those who are hell-bent on keeping us smothered in the EU’s embrace from perpetuating outlandish mistruths. A WTO Brexit, they claim, would see the army forced to distribute rationed food; modern medicine ceasing to be available in one of the most developed countries in the world; sandwiches becoming less available; and put the popular TV show Love Island put at risk…!

One of the worst culprits for such new stories recently is Sky News, who this week have been broadcasting a series ironically entitled ‘BREXIT FORENSICS’. We excitedly tuned in, believing this would be well-researched. However, rather than engaging with both sides of the debate, these segments – played on a regular loop throughout the day – have perpetuated nothing but doom stories from Remain campaigners, and half-baked reports scrambled together by Local Government ‘Silly Self Servants’ otherwise known as Civil Servants!

The stitch-up does not end there. There was also the biased and Remoaner-dominated Electoral Commission unfairly dismissing Brexiteer Priti Patel MP’s allegations against the designated Reman campaign, Britain Stronger in Europe. It was argued the spending on 3 campaign videos released during the EU Referendum should have been declared as ‘joint spending’. Shamefully, the Electoral Commission claimed “there is not sufficient grounds” to investigate this further. They were never going to seriously consider fining and referring this clear over-spending to the Police and charging the side they support and align themselves with!

Desperately seeking to garner European support for her concession-ridden Brexit-blueprint, Mrs May has sent her Cabinet Ministers across the Continent to butter up the EU27 leaders. This included the new Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, and Chancellor Philip Hammond, stopping off in France for several days. The Prime Minister herself has convened to meet with the diminutive Europhile French President, Emmanuel Macron today where she hopes to break the current deadlock in the negotiations. Given Macron’s fevered love for the EU, and his sheer aversion to Brexit, all we can say is: ‘Bonne Chance, Madame May – La Traîtresse de la Grande-Bretagne’!
Indeed, these visits may very well be in vain. The European Commission’s Chief Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, has come out saying the Chequers Deal "undermines" the Single Market and the EU's Four Freedoms. He claims that, whilst the deal made significant progress, aspects - such as the demands for sovereignty of laws and borders would force the EU to compromise its laws and borders – are unacceptable. This petty obstinacy briefly relented when he acknowledged the EU needed "to improve the text" of its backstop proposals for the Irish border – but the EU’s desire for further capitulation from Mrs May is obvious.

The principled resignations from the Cabinet of Boris Johnson and David Davis demonstrated that May’s proposal is not BREXIT. It is therefore saddening to see so many alleged Brexiteers in Government continue to back it. Undoubtedly the most disappointing amongst these Ministers is the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, who this week has now come out in support of the Norway Option, keeping us in the Single Market! Yet again, Gove has put career before principles, and is yet again betraying all those he worked with during the EU Referendum campaign. He is a complete sell-out and pushing for the Government to backtrack on Brexit – and the public would never ever countenance his ambitions to be Prime Minister in the future!

Letters to the Prime Minister:
8th August 2018: Our letter to Theresa May to be delivered on 8th August – it is tim...

18th July 2018: Get Britain Out’s letter to Theresa May – the Chequers proposal is ...


On the Get Britain Out website Chairman of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook lambasts the Conservative Parry’s Europhilic nature, which will lead them to electoral disaster! (Are the Conservatives Making an Order of Magnitude Error Over Brexit?)  

Director Jayne Adye spoke to the commuters’ morning newspaper, the Metro this week, following the Sky News biased programme entitled BREXIT FORENSICS, condemning the ill-informed local council reports, which fail to consider the substantial sums of money which will be repatriated after Brexit. (Councils plan for food crisis and care cuts after Brexit)

For EU Today, Jayne criticised the renewal of Project Fear, and the farcical claims being made by many in the liberal media. (Group complains of new "project fear" campaign in the UK

Also, for the Metro, Jayne dismissed suggestions of ‘gridlock’ under a WTO Brexit as ill-informed, and points out there are numerous multilateral agreements in place to keep trade seamless. (Trucks stop here with no Brexit deal, fear councils)

Writing for The Commentator, our Director states the case for a WTO Brexit. Embarking on our global future, taking back control of our laws, and also increasing the prospects of a better trade deal down the line; it looks pretty good to us! (A WTO Brexit is the best of both worlds)

The Daily Express carried comments from Jayne condemning ‘Project Fear Mark 2’ which is currently doing the rounds more scaremongering, this time about the army needing to deliver food parcels when we run out of food on Brexit Day – as if! (Brexit food crisis fury: Campaigners slam scare claims of shops run...)

In an article by The Rebel, Get Britain Out exposes a biased and one-sided Sky News report presented by their political editor, Faisal Islam, about a No-Deal scenario causing chaos in Dover. We highlight the immediate trading benefits and opportunities of a WTO Brexit. (“No Deal” Scaremongering IGNORES WTO Trading Rules)

Meanwhile in Huffington Post, Get Britain Out dismissed the undemocratic claims for a Second Referendum which are being made by those who never accepted the 2016 result. (Have We Really Reached A Tipping Point On Support For A Second Refe...?)

Last week we spoke to Brexiteer MP Daniel Kawczysnki about his vision for Britain outside the EU. You can also subscribe toGet Britain Out’s YouTube Channel by following this link. (Get Britain Out Podcast #2 with Conservative MP Daniel Kawczysnki)

Lastly, on our YouTube Channel - the chat we had with Bruges Group Director, Robert Oulds, who condemned Theresa May’s Chequers proposal. (Get Britain Out Podcast #1 with Robert Oulds)
That’s it for this edition of our e-Bulletin – and a huge thank you, as always, for your support.

Get Britain Out will keep on fighting for the Best Brexit for the United Kingdom, so we can take back control of our laws, borders, trade and and our money. There is less than a year to Brexit Day!
Best wishes,
Jayne Adye, Campaign Director and the Team at Get Britain Out
P.S. Please forward this e-Bulletin to anyone you think needs to know more about Brexit, and point out the link here to Sign Up to receive them.
P.P.S. If you have any short and specific Brexit queries, please e-mail us at info@getbritainout.org. Although many may think we have a huge number of staff, we only have a very small team, so please do not expect lengthy replies. Many of your queries will have been answered in our articles which are published on our website on this page. However, we will do our best to help with short replies to any queries.
And finally - P.P.P.S. We really appreciate your support. We rely on donations to carry out our work, and everything you donate to our campaign goes towards securing the Best Brexit deal for Great Britain – every £ counts! Donations can be made via bank transfer, cheque, standing order, or Paypal. Further details can be found here. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card donations ourselves. Thank you to everyone who has helped.


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Comment by cheeki kea on August 4, 2018 at 2:38am

I hope mother England can click back the EU trap soon. I note they want to be included in the TPP -not real yet, even although their not in  the Pacific. It must mean they want to trade up and out of EU,in every way possible.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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