The Evil of Religions

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The original Big Brother watching you, you can’t see what it is-but can see you - aka - the all seeing eye...

     I’m not one to condemn anyone for them having their own religious beliefs, though I do think that most people are being perhaps misled and misguided by them, and especially so by the way they have probably been raised and indoctrinated in regards to their attitudes towards their religions, whether it be that of Christianity;

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- and or doctrines in sects such as the Moonie’s,

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Opps, sorry, wrong Moonie's;

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or any other manmade religions such as the Church of Scientology;

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I would also like to point out that I too have every right 'not to believe' in any religion and it’s not my intention to insult anyone, but to enforce my own right.  As you too have every right to believe in whatever your faith may be and obviously brings and gives you great comfort, solace and delight - or does it?  Some of my close friends and family members are Catholic, Jewish and Muslim and are relaxed with their beliefs and do not feel the need to attend Church, the Synagogue or Mosque.   Whilst on the other hand there are some who are more strict in their faith and do feel this need to participate and attend - a few take confession, hold holy communion, pray regularly and some do so as much as five times a day.  

It is these more devout religious kind that think I am crazy to write what I have written and are worried and concerned for me as they say I am 'opening a can of worms or setting light to a powder keg' and should consider what I am saying could be misconstrued and looked upon as being worse than Salman Rushdie’s book, the Satanic Verses.

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The novel caused great controversy for what many Muslims believed were blasphermous references in 1989 following a violent riot against the book in Pakistan.  The Ayatollah Khomeini, Surpreme leader of Iran and a Shi'a Muslim scholar issued a Fatwa, calling on; all good Muslims to kill Rushdie and his publishers!

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They say I am condemning and blaspheming all ‘three’ religions at the same time. – But to be honest I have had enough I can’t sit back on my arse and not do or say anything about what’s going on around me.

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9/11 - Would Never Have Happened...

I think the worlds gone fucking mental - and I know why it has! I know as do so many others that many of the reasons, problems and causes and perhaps we even have some cures and answers, but then being allowed to enforce any of them would of course be a different ball game. 

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Nevertheless, people such as me feel the need to shout from the roof tops, so as to be able to inform those who don’t really come across this kind of material, which can help educated and enlighten them in many ways. 

Who knows, but it might even bring about some kind of change by revealing the truth regarding many subjects they have been blatantly lied to about all of their lives. 

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I realise I am not the only one who has and are revealing certain things, especially when it comes to some of the Masonic information I cover, however, my own research seems to verify no one else has quite ever gone about it in such an unorthodox method and fashion as I have and particularly in regards to the taboo subject of religions and especially so in the way I have intended to convey my message.   

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Christian Church in Rostov, Russia.

There appears to be a growing trend in the increase numbers of church goers in Russia and other former Soviet states and even more so in many third world countries as missionaries seem to pop-up all over the world with a bible in hand.  But in the west and particularly in the UK and Ireland, there has been a constant decline in attendences over the recent years.

The Soviet Union was an atheist state from 1928-1939, in which religion was largely discouraged and heavily persecuted, and a secular state in 1945 until its dissolution. According to various Soviet and Western sources, over one-third of the country's people professed religious belief.  Christianity and Islam had the most believers.  Christians belonged to various churches: Orthodox, which had the largest number of followers. Catholic and Bapist and various other Protestant sects etc.

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The majority of the Islamic faithful were SunniJudaism also had many followers. 

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Other religions, which were practiced by a relatively small number of believers, included Buddhism and Shamanism

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The role of religion in the daily lives of Soviet citizens varied greatly.  Two-thirds of the Soviet population, however, were irreligious.  About half the people, including members of the ruling Communist Party and high-level government officials, professed atheism. 

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Communist "Party time..."

For the majority of Soviet citizen religion seemed irrelevant.  And seems due to this former attitude and stance on religion as a whole as to why now some people perhaps wish to seek solace, comfort and consolation in which many hope to find belief and faith in a religion that will help them cope more easily with their perhaps empty lives. 

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Only last year [2010] in a Russia - Russian Supreme Court's judicial chamber for civil cases upheld a decision to ban a southern Russian branch of the Jehovah's Witnesses.  The Supreme Court rejected an appeal against a previous court ruling of the Rostov regional court issued on September 11, 2009, which declares the Jehovah's Witnesses' branch in the southern Russian city of Taganrog an extremist organisation and bans its activities. 

Some 34 books, issued and handed out by the organisation, were put on the national list of extremist literature.  The ruling could set a precedent not only for Jehovah's Witnesses, but for believers of all confessions, the group said in a statement, issued on its website ahead of the hearing. - It would be the first time internationally recognised Christian literature was censored in Russia.  A plot of land, an office building and other property belonging to the group were also seized.  A regional prosecutor told the Supreme Court that some publications, distributed by the cult's followers, contain offensive comments, including those that say that Christianity is a false religion.  She said that followers of Jehovah's Witnesses also violate the rights of atheists with their repeated attempts to enter private premises with the purpose of intrusive preaching. - She’s not wrong there, it seems as soon as I’m ready to get in the bath of got to the loo, no sooner have I got a group of Jehovah Wickednesses trying to knock me door down and gain entry, I find a simply piss-off always seems suffice to get them fleeing.

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The Jehovah's Witnesses, which has some seven million followers worldwide and 300,000 in Russia, have already been banned in a number of former Soviet republics.  The organisation is also banned in Moscow and from entering my household in the UK.  The group, known in the West for persistent door-to-door evangelism, was formed in the 19th century in the United States. 

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The group believes that Judgement Day will soon be upon us.

Though what never seems to change - is "the people" - and what does this help tell us? - Many a thing has moved on yet we are still fighting the "exact" same problems.  Look how many wars we've had in the last 100 years?  Look how many lives were lost and continue to die as a direct result of this? 

This is the 4th or 5th world financial crisis, - we are returning to circa 1930 in regards to our standards of living.  In fact people are having to adopt old tatics from the past; yet if you put 'Steal this Book' in the 'right' hands you could take over a planet if those played by the rules of the "book" and not the law of some bunch of nepotistic members of secret societies who simply hand out 'get out of jail/hell free' cards for those who so happend to burn the skin off a new born child - if that person pathetically then drops upon their knees and prays for "Gods" forgiveness. 

What "God" would do such a thing?

As such of those I know of wouldn't tolerate such animalistic behaviour and you would be lucky if such a God wouldn't dump a lot more shit on them instead - and not simply give them a bunch of shiny medals instead!

How many more times does it need to be pointed out before it sinks in that virtually none of this full scale fraud and corruption, alongside the continuous financial turmoil’s, wars, famines and political infrastructure problems, that all our countries periodically have to suffer and endure, - really doesn’t have to be like this.  Surely we’ve been on this planet long enough to have resolved these solvable ‘teething problems’, and therefore, show to us this is a deliberate act of deceit. 

As this would not be possible, if the members of our governments and their related bodies, whom all turn have their armies of lobbyists, who too so happen to be members of ‘secrets societies’, - were not allowed to do so, - and until we address this fundamental problem, then what the hell are we really protesting about? 

What more evidence does people need to see, other than what’s already available in its abundance on the internet, and especially in the millions of posts that can be found right here on Facebook? 

Our parents and ancestors were ‘kept in the dark’ for millennia, you don’t have this same excuse, as the internet has set us free, and this is the real reason for SOPA, - they know, we know what’s going on around us, and we can prove it, as all the evidence you need is right out there and at your fingertips.

You can do something about this, whereas your poor parents and ancestors can’t or couldn’t have, - nor can any of those lone voices who were murdered on 9/11, or the millions of innocent men, women and children killed in the last two human culls, deceitfully termed; WWI & WWII. These poor souls can’t do nothing about this cancer that has infiltrated our political arenas, - whereas you can and must do something about it. - It doesn’t make sense, it really doesn’t if you chose not to address and help tackle this illness that permeates into our own open societies and keeps the world in constant turmoil; “HELLO, OPEN YOUR EYES, TAKE A LOOK AROUND YOU, CAN YOU NOT SEE WHATS REALLY GOING ON?” 

You only have to look around you, the "Ocuppy Camps", Anonymous, Wearenochange etc. - and they haven't really a clue what it actually is they "all" want, - they haven't the foundation of perhaps what many others did during the 60's and 70's, - whom were the children of parents whom had witnessed and seen the millions of death during WII and WII respectively, with many vowing to never go to war again, - which is very hard when you have such a corrupt MIC group of Illuminati cabals all fighting to flog their wares. 

Squating in not "illegal" in many countries in Europe, - even if it is illegal, so what?  Who laws again? Not mine, not "ours", I'd hardly object [I've squatted many properties and lived in communes] someone doing up and taking over an empty rundown property, as opposed to see it stand empty and lifeless for years, and especially when millions are homeless. 

Part of the following I first wrote in 2009/10: We should be "occupying" all sorts of buldings and properties even ones that are "occupied" with "government" workers.  There ought to be lock-ins and takeovers of our town-halls, libraries, swimming pools, schools, old people’s homes and hospitals and wherever else they’re thinking of closing down or cutting back on – and stay-put and refuse to leave. 

Though more importantly everyone should descend on London with tents and sleeping bags in hand and form a ‘Big Society’ of voluntary protesters who should come together as one and look after each other in food, water, bedding and washing facilities etc. – They should be working in shifts and refusing to leave the occupied site like those protesters did at Tahrir Sq in Egypt or Pearl Square in Bahrain.  

The country needs more Brian Haw’s, a 61 year old British protestor famous for living in a “peace camp” at London’s Parliament Square since 2001 in an anti-war protest.  The people of the UK ought to do what Haw’s done for well over 10 years and I’m ready to do so; the reason he’s still there is because whilst his alone ‘no one will listen’, swell the numbers by a few hundred or more and you'll soon see some action be taken from those who reside across the road in Westminster Palace!  Stay put on Parliament Square and remain there until the government promises to change our current corrupt laws, i.e. no Freemason can serve in any position of government or the civil service.

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RIP Brain Haw - A real "Truther"

     New laws and regulations should be raced through the commons [or Congress, whatever the case may be],that can jail anyone for many years if caught with their snouts in the trough, – and more importantly go after those who we allegedly owe billions of pounds to, – and renegotiate a deal, or renege on it.  Let’s get those companies and banks presently avoiding paying billions in taxes etc., whilst nicking billions in bonuses, – and scrap the present loop-holes that exist and allows these unjust ‘rules and clauses to be taken advantage of, – then with all the additional revenue created from this simple but effect change in our present – and stupid system, – will amount to so much more money coming into the public purse, – that the country will not have to slash billions of pounds off its current budget, – and will of course also help towards the countries present deficit.

“I could fucking murder a cuppa, slaughter fag, or kill for a bacon butty…”

We’re so lucky here in our countries whereas we don’t or at least shouldn’t have to die trying to get our voices heard, but we still need to protest, - we were once the masters of it!

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Yep, these kind of folks, and not doubt members of the "fraternity" that hinders more than helps our fellow man.

     If we all stood together and descended on parliament in ‘Jarrow style’ marches, but in our thousands and demanded ‘real change’ and not ‘loose change’ and continue to do so until we could see they are ‘now’ representing the people and not just themselves - as this can’t be achieved through the ballot box as all we are doing is replacing one barrel of rotten apples with a bunch of sour grapes -  and only then things will begin to change for the better as that’s how it works. 

Because if we don’t then nothing will ever change for the better and things will undoubtedly get much worse.

     We need to stop these Masonic gangsters from continuously stealing trillions of pounds, dollars and Euros from our public purses.

We need to see through the smoke screens and pretence as to why our economies are fairing so badly, – because if the truth is known, it will take years before any kind of all-party agreement in regards to our so called debts, – will ever come about, – and again I raise the point, who the fuck do we owe all this money to anyway? – Names please!, as it better to let an handful of elites lose a few billion, as opposed to millions of people having to suffer.

Though "Occupy Camps" is the way to go, fuck the "squatting" in the park laws - as this obviously should be the "Battleground" where camps could be fully erected and to help the smaller units occupying the town buildings.  Like I say organised "Occupy camps" need to be done and these kinds of places should be descended on by the people in their 100,000's.

Modern-day technology can still be brought to a halt, take the action groups like Anonymous and Wikileaks can achieve and do so.

CCTV cameras are buggered if some street hero accidently sprays the front lens or points the camera towards the sky!

Chewing gum on a coin will fuck most money taking machines. - I could go on and on what can easily be done; - things are there working because they're just left to do so - yet with the "right" army of people and with a mentality of other "steal this book'ers", then we could bring any government and country to it's knees.

I will not mention the certain things that are covered in the just mentioned book, it is dangerous to have as a download - however, those with the right frame of mind and imagination will soon be able to workout what in fact you can achieve.

Even down to little silly things which we did again the other night just to prove it works, can put a spanner in the works, especially if done on mass. 

We called McDonalds and KFC 20mins before closing time and put in two large orders telling them it's urgent and we are on are way down to collect them, - which we did, though we parked up in the dark, we waited until the staff packed up and rushed out the door to get home.  We sent Johnny over to the dustbin area in the rear, and low and behold inside and still in their nicely fresh and clean bags, the hot burgers, fries and chicken, was still quite warm, my only complant was that there was to much Mayo, and I hate warm lettuce.  We drove up the road to the local park and fed about 10 homeless people, yeah of course we're hypocrites, as you'd never get any of us go into one of those shops and actually "pay" for their shit! 

I could repeat this excercise tonight or tomorrow...hmm, I feeling rather peckish...

And whilst on the subject of the "modern" world; Freemasonry whether she likes it or not, has too got to come up to scratch and modernise itself, as it is us the public, and via our voices and voluntary all inclusive ‘truth movements’, whether they be the Occupy Camps, Wikileaks, Anonymous, We Are Change, 9/11 Truthers and any other peace group or organisation; that demand a far-reaching overall; “Radical Change” of our present system of governing, - it’s laws and regulations. 

For a modern world fit for the 21st Century, it needs to be re-educated, we all need ‘re-educating’, the fundamental principle in any basis of education, has to be based on a solid foundation of facts, truth, honesty and complete transparency, - as without this, we shall continue to fail as a race.

Has the time come for 'Public Registers', whereas members of our government/s and their related bodies; have to declare their affiliations and membership of such secret societies like that of the Freemason’s, among other similar secret societies, - whom many a member argue; “They are not as such a ‘secret society’, though more like a society with secrets” , - yet as many people are counter-arguing; this present cosy set-up, raises; "...suspicions of impartiality and objectivity",  and the reason a cause has been founded, whereas they are calling on; 'Ban members of secret societies, from also being able to serve in our governments and their related bodies'.

Has the time come for the "Brotherhood" to recognise this problem, and readily accept such a proposal of a "Public Register" of it's members, - in order to prevent such a cause getting stronger and their voices louder, - as it seems that some of the cause members have indicated they would be quite happy with the acceptance from United Grand Lodge of England [UGLE], that they too agree the time has arrived; for a 'Public Register' of its members to be agreed and rolled out accross the nation, thus the world, as they too would no doubt wish to share their decision with all the related lodges around the world.

Freemasonry, is perhaps finding itself coming under the biggest spotlight since its fruition and going back to King Solomon’s times, and it is only the internet that has made this sea-change occur.  This secretive organisation renowned for all it’s good work for “charity” and philanthropy, is being widely attacked and coming under scrutiny, because it has been proved far too often that many of its members are also involved in corrupt and immoral practices, - and that far too many of them are sitting at the heart of our governments, and therefore are partaking in ‘political collusion and showing their allegiance to something else other than the peoples interests, - though the fraternity has always maintained it is free from political involvement and persuasion. 

Apart from this, it proclaims not to be a ‘religion’, yet in its lodges, and particularly their Grand Lodges, are as close to a cathedral, church, mosque or synagogue as you could possible expect them to be, - in which you can find all their religious books at hand and on display at all times, - so therefore it would not be out of place to see the Quran, Talmud and Holy Bible laying side by side at the altar.             

It is bearing these facts in mind, that if our governments are ever going to be able to become truly “transparent”, open and functionally sincere and honest, then it needs  to be completely free from any religious or political influence and persuasion from outside influences whatsoever.    

And without recognising this fundamental problem, then the fraternity itself will suffer, is suffering as a whole, and those 98% of the society whom it seems are typically made up of members from all walks of life, and are not into the occult or practices of ‘black magic’ and child sacrifice, - though it cannot be denied that the fraternity, and like that of all our worldwide governments and the one’s John F. Kennedy tried to warn the world about, - that a small sector of covert groups a members have indeed infiltrated these just kind of said establishments and places, and sadly to say many of the above just mentioned truth movements, have too been infiltrated.  Though this isn’t to deter the majority of its members, as they are aware of this infiltration, even in “Balck-Bloc”, has undercover agent provocatuers running with it, and not even to the knowledge of the other Black Bloc members whom many are just members of the public ‘doing their own thing’.   

Working on their very underestimated world membership, of say five million Freemason’s, - that leaves well in excess of 100,000 people placed in the most prominent and powerful positions, and whom run and control all the most major and significant companies and governmental establishments and all their related bodies, - whether that be in the world of commerce and finance, academia, law, or the military, our sciences and medicine establishments, the police and all our other emergency services, - alongside all our local town halls and their connected local authorities.   This is only made possible as the remaining 98% of the membership are unwittingly, or knowingly fully supporting and upholding this kind of unacceptable practice, - a practice that has been going on for far too long now, - and in a modern world, this needs to be addressed.

Why else do you think such passionate and concerned individuals have joined and backed such cause like the 9/11 Truth Movement’s, Wikileaks, Anonymous, We are Change and the Occupy Camps etc. it’s because; ‘we the people’ are crying out for ‘RADICAL CHANGE’ – and beg, plead and implore to appeal to all our world leaders to adopt this spirit and air of ‘radicalism’ and help us bring about these new changes.  The end of the ‘old world’ is to end this 2012, and a new dawn needs to ascend with these bright and new radical changes being brought to fruition, - for it seems as if ‘we’ to ignore these cries and pleas, then you perhaps will leave the people to no alternative, than to ‘demand’ such new legislation, though we would much prefer the peaceful route, other than the road to hell this kind of problem will probably lead us all onto...which could quite easily be a second French style kind of revolution.  

Extracts from Trapped in a Masonic World.


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Comment by suzie on April 10, 2012 at 3:35pm

I thought you might enjoy this video where someone religious is beautiful

 a gift for you trapped..

Comment by Exposure on April 10, 2012 at 5:53am

I like you Suzie, I like you a lot, I respect you so much for you have not done what all others tend to do, which is go a bit mental, they lose their own patients with what I write without questioning what's actually behind it.  So I will try and be as honest and sincere to you, so you can see at least where I'm coming from. 

The effort has to be put in, for me to present the case to the "jury"...I've still a fair way to go, then I shall present it as a 1,2,3...etc. - I have indeed studied the bible, I would not have dared written Trapped in a Masonic World, in excess of 360,000 words, in fact I've written over a million words, that's how full proof I felt I had to be, and spent over 4 years writing it, though I've before said about 3 years, it's longer when you add it all up. 

I'm one of a kind I think, as any other "truther", seems to have an ulterior objective, i.e. Jones, Icke or Moore & Co, still at the end of the day promote a "religion". 

I have various versions of the bible among other religious books such as the Quran and Torah; the best being; The Illustrated Family Bible: The Old and New Testaments by John Kitto, two huge volumes over 2,500 pages, circa 1840-60.    You say; "Diversity is beautiful to me".  And I couldn't agree more with you, as it is also to me.  You say; "We all have a life time to explore the meaning of life...", this is true, and I'm going about that my way, as you too are doing so - your way. 

You say; " dream is that we could all just do it peacefully but that is the 64 gazillion dollar question my friend..." 

And that is indeed the major problem, for if you read into Revelations; you know where it lead us...which is not a nice place.  And it is this not so nice place, I would like to prevent to world from visiting or at least from taking me there without my say so! 

We all have to believe in what we comfortably believe in, - to have walked my footsteps, means you too would have been beaten to a pulp on several occasions by the police, you would have spent a year in jail for nothing, for you would have been framed. - You would have spent approx 8 years in jail had you not been found "not guilty". I have been framed twice by the police, 12 police officers and approx 10 other witnesses [friends of the police] swore on the Holy Bible to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, yet in excess of 20 good men and women all lied through the hindteeth! 

However the "public" could see how desperate the police officers were, along with the CPS and found me not guilty. In additon, I have spent over 4 years in prison. 

Okay, now what you said; "We all have a life time to explore the meaning of life...", and I sure you, I still am in fact. 

My foundations was laid many a year ago, being sexually abused a 6 years old then again at 11, - turned me into a very dangerous adult...for I would kill a child molester just for the sheer enjoyment...that's how harderned I've become.  I had to workout what was going on in this world, was it me? Or was it the way this world is set-up and run?  I had no rush, so spent 40 odd years learning, I'm 52 in May.  And to me the evidence is overwhelming, that all our religious books are inventions, great inventions...the best ever in fact...though "they" slipped up big style and in many know what I've said about why there is no mention of the Native Indian, Chinese or Aborgines, - and that no "God" worth his salt would endorse a bunch of nepotistic Kings, - elite famailies to "rule" over us, - nor would a "God" appoint some old guy in the Vatican to be his number two on earth. 

Everything else proves we were here long before what the religious books state. 

Now let's just say since "Moses" and all that, it was well over 3,000 years ago, and "Jesus,around 2000 or so, let's give or a take 100 or so years either way...- Now that's a long time, a very long time... and there's the 64 gazillion dollar answer; Diversity is so beautiful, and race doesn't come into it...though religion does; and the evidence I looked for proved to me there would therefore never be peace on earth, for if it could not be achieved in all that time, then nor will it in the next 3,000 or so years, or ever in fact; - for it was the way "man" contrived these religions to be, they are made on purpose this way, - as peace to them, is as devastating as war is to us. 

Now when I sussed out that is was [and I'm far from being alone on this thought] man wrote these books, meaning they sure are not the words of "God", - I had to try and save my sanity, for I do believe in what you term "God", - ah, see, you wasn't expecting that Suzie...for of course I believe in much as I've had a shit life, I've had equally a good one. 

I swear I have astral planed, - I have left my body looked all around those who were standing down below me...and the most maddess thing of all, was when I was really going to throw the towel in...I was about to kill and be killed, and knew if I killed and lived, I'd be facing life in jail...when I fell to my knees, I wept like a baby, for I love my parents and I'd given them more than enough grief over the years...I felt so ashamed as I tried to kill them and my grandmother along with yeah I was one mixed up puddy-tat roaming the planet for sure.

Like I say, I was ready to kill another human order to save my own life as they were out to kill me, proper psycho, - anyway back to the floor and on my knees, I cried and begged for help, I could take no more. I asked what you term as; "God", to do something for gods-sake, for I'm going to kill and then be killed or lifed-off..."Please help me to prevent this happening" - When Suzie, goose pimples rise as I write, I even get the lump in the throat when I think about this, my palms begin to sweat...a light came, a bright light, the brightest light I ever have seen, - it's a bit like that same old tale about people seeing some 'bright light' during a near death experience, - though I wasn't dying? 

I was on my knees in a room all alone [the killing/deaths including my own were to take place later that night or some other if that failed]...I was praying for help...see I even pray...I pray everyday even now...this light was so intensely bright like a white light, and in my minds eye I rushed towards it, as it was so beautiful, so intense and it was where I wanted to go. 

Though saying that, oddly enough the more I seem to concentrate to go towards the light, the weaker it started to go.  I couldn't work it out, here I was [my eyes were closed at all times] on my knees and trying to concerntrate on getting to this white light, - but as I say, it seem to fade.  It seemed to be as if when I stopped the intentional concentration, and stayed focused on my plight instead, the light lingered, though when I wanted more of it, i.e. go towards it, it would I tried to keep it with me for as long as I could, I didn't want it to go away. 

Anyway, what seemed like 3 or 4 minutes, was probably seconds, though then again it could have been a lot longer? I can't reacall, this took place 9 years ago, but the light seemed to disappear as quick as it had first appeared? 

Though I made a deal, I said I will stop drinking, as I'm a recovered alcoholic and drug addict in general..., though the booze was the bigger problem, as when I drunk it often led onto drugs, never the other way around for me.

I said 'to myself' though addressing this light, that I would do whatever it wanted from me, as it seemed as if I had to come to some kind of bargain with it, though I was never given any instructions or alike as to what I should do next? 

Though when I did come back around to "normal", it was as if wherever I looked around me, it was a bit like having x-ray vision, no I couldn't see through clothing! - My vision and minds eye seem to magnify everything, though it's not this does my head in.  

So Suzie, what I "believe in" is love, - we are born equal, like I say, had I been born in India, I'd likely be a Sikh, had it been Pakistan, then a Muslim, - though I was born in the UK, Irish mother etc. so I was what is termed a Catholic...taught how to hate Protestants, not by my parents I hasten to add...that I knew wasn't right, but the priest was telling me it most certianly was, as there can only be the word of "God", "their" God.

Even back then as a child I knew they were chirping BS, and wanted nothing to do with it, I still don't.  See in the world my "God" showed me, - now my "God" was that light, not an old man like William Blake portrays...just this pure light...yet it communicated with me without a voice...we didn't chat, no voice boomed telling me to get up and go preech to the world...and I haven't, nor will I. 

And you my dear Suzie, I thank you, for you have unburdened me, for allowing me to reassess what it is I believe in...which is this...we are born equal...though some brigther than others...we are here to learn, teach and share...not blinker, decieve and keep all the goodies to ourselves...our enemies, all our enemies are the worlds religious leaders, for they don't even believe in their "own" religions, they know they are all BS, as do the "Kings" conveniently mentioned with the Bible, Torah and Quran...- so in the modern world...burn these books of divide and hatred, - and take back our water, oil, gas, electricity and all other multi billion pound or dollar making industries and spend that wealth of the worlds nations, - not these nasty bunch of parasites...who want us to believe they are in their positions of power; because "God" endorsed it so!! Which doesn't mean I'm a leftwing commie, as I believe in capitalism along with socialism - Capsocialism is what I believe in...teach a man to fish...not just keep feeding him...

So to me there is only one "God" = Light.

And to me, here's how it works; if you do not, like I do not, then you cannot believe in their "manmade" God or gods, - and if that's the case then it's also impossible to believe in their evil, hence Satan the lil ol devil himself...and to me that's 'real' freedom...though due to the way things still are and because billions do believe in the "God" or Gods of man...then quite frankly I'm/we are far from free...and still looking for that spare apartment somewhere up in the mountians! - Cos I'm still trapped in this Masonic world!!!!! Thank you Suzie...keep that finger up...or is it time to lower it down?     

Comment by suzie on April 10, 2012 at 12:03am

you put so much effort into seeing where religious people are wrong..  have you ever considered where religious people were right?  Have you ever read the bible in full? just curious..  i understand your frustration but even atheism become a belief system ..    a belief that there is no god is a system of belief. I am not offended by your opinion you actually exhaust me..  mankind will not become good if they would just abandon the God thing. If we all believed in energy for instance THAT will become what we all believe.. Diversity is beautiful to me.  We all have a life time to explore the meaning of life.. my dream is that we could all just do it peacefully but that is the 64 gazillion dollar question my friend.. 

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