The Final Analysis of The Flu Pandemic

I really wanted to try and get a grip on this whole thing. I'll try to present an argument that I think few will find argument with for all of us here at 12.160Mhz.

I going to present information from the mainstream media, specifically CBS and the CDC and the results are simply amazing. I know, why would I use their stats, right? Well, because, their stats tell the truth, surprisingly. Unfortunately the truth is spread out over a great number of pages and most people just don't access them.

The CDC site is comprehensive and I'm not using that word lightly. There's a lot of information on a lot of other information. I'll use information gleaned from other qualified authors and all of the information presented will be from credible and verifiable sources with links listed at the end of this article.

I like to look at factual evidence. Quotes are often good if the person making the quote has earned sufficient verifiable credentials through both experience and achievement over the course of their adult participation within society, wouldn't you agree?

Factual data is also helpful in a discussion, it establishes a foundation beyond reproach.

I believe I will prove, beyond any doubt, that it's all just obfuscation of data for profit. I think I will prove that all flu and pneumonia vaccines are not worth using but what's more, they won't necessarily protect you. I'll prove that most people are not dying from the flu and I'll also prove what they are dying from, and they're common viruses though some are rarely heard of and none can be vaccinated for, and all of my assumptions are based almost wholly on the CDC, with links provided.

Let's begin by looking at a typical flu season:

There can be between 150 and 200 different infectious pathogens—adenovirus, rhinovirus, parainfluenza, (1) [there are 3 types of parainfluenza] the very common coronavirus (2) [and there are 4-5 different strains of coronavirus] and, of course, pneumonia—that produce flu-like symptoms. There is bocavirus (3), which is responsible for bronchitis and pneumonia in young children and is the 4th leading virus. Incidently, boca is derived from the words bovine and canine, referring to the two known hosts for other members of this genus; the bovine parvovirus which infects cattle, and the minute virus of canines which infects dogs, and there's metapneumovirus (4), responsible for more than 5 percent of all flu-related illnesses. You've never heard of syncytial (5) virus, have you? It's responsible for bronchopneumonia and bronchiolitis, in children, especially in infants. Then there's Empyema. The incidence of Empyema [not Emphysema] has been increasing this century. But what's worse, they ALL produce flu-like symptoms and they occur most frequently during the 'flu season,' right now in fact. Each of them can lead to death. None of them are affected by flu vaccinations. None.

Let's look at current statistics:

I found current statistics for as recently as October 10th 2009 and I realize today is the 30th but we'll accept them as the most current available. The statistics I've seen in print, the words, "1,000 flu deaths in US" are the most recent that I've seen and using a standard search engine, the one most of us use, I found 1.5 million hits and those words appear in USA Today combined with the word "surpass" and in Google, The Guardian and CBS News, all combined with the word "widespread." All from today. (6) Over 1,000 deaths, in print.

On the CDCs own web site, today, the following appears: "The percentage of deaths for 2009 H1N1 flu in the United States varies by age group. From August 30, 2009 through October 10, 2009, states reported 292 laboratory-confirmed 2009 H1N1 deaths to CDC." (7) Under 300 deaths, in print.

Do you think 700 more people died in 15 days to give us that 1,000 figure, when in 45 days we found only 292 deaths? I don't. That couldn't be anyway, that 1,000 figure was thrown around before today. So is it 1,000 or is it 300 or is it another figure all together? I'm uncertain. If it's less than 300 as the CDC says that's only 6 deaths per state, unacceptable, but hardly worth a special flu shot. Getting in the car is far more dangerous and we never get immunized before driving. Let's take a look at a CBS investigation.

The recent CBS Investigative Report, published on October 21, is a great example of solid mainstream reporting, but you didn't hear about it did you? After the CDC refused to honor CBS’s Freedom of Information request to receive flu infection data for each individual state, the network performed independent outreach to all fifty states to get their statistics. Their report contradicts dramatically the CDC’s public relations blitz. For example, in California, among the approximate 13,000 flu-like cases, 86 percent tested negative for any flu strain. In Florida, out of 8,853 cases, 83 percent were negative. In Georgia 97.6% were negative and Alaska 99% were negative for flu among all reported flu-like cases. If the infectious-rate ratios obtained by CBS are accurate, the CDC’s figures are significantly reduced and agree with earlier predictions that the H1N1 virus will be simply an unwelcomed annoyance. (8)

So let's say it's immaterial how many people actually died but that it may even have been as many as 2,000 people that have died, just for arguments sake. (For those of you that refuse to cheat it's still 1,000, or is it 300?)

Let's examine Percentages and the Illness:

The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care and the Ontario Agency for Health Protection and Promotion according to the Public Health Agency of Canada Advice to health care providers posted the following data for April, 2009. One hundred and twenty [120] cases of Severe Respiratory Illness with thirteen [13] deaths were reported and confirmed in Mexico. (9) The clinical symptoms include high fever, headache, ocular pain, shortness of breath and extreme fatigue. Rapid progression of symptoms to severe respiratory distress occurred in about 5 days. A high proportion requiring mechanical ventilation was reported. The same pathogen has not been identified in all cases. To date influenza A/H1N1 and B, and one parainfluenza strain have both been detected but for many cases, no pathogen has yet been identified. *Flu vaccines, take note, do not work for Parainfluenza.

That tells us that the death rate might be 10% of all those who become ill, unless some of those deaths were attributable to parainfluenza in which case the number would drop sharply as each death represents almost 1 full percentage point. So for those 13 deaths the correct figure for overall deaths from flu, based on these numbers, could be anywhere from 0% flu to 100% flu since they all might be parainfluenza virus deaths and not flu, or they all might not be parainfluenza deaths and they might be from the flu, and anywhere in between, right? We didn't do that well with percentages here did we, so let's just assume, for the mere benefit of the doubt like above, giving everyone around us our gracious confidence, that the death rate is actually 10%. Just remember, there is no vaccine for Parainfluenza and there are three basic types. (10)

Let's examine overall National statistics:

I don't know about you but I hear that 36,000 magic figure frequently. Seems to be the number bandied about most often by friends, neighbors and the media, can we agree on that?

If we take the combined figure of flu and pneumonia deaths for the period of 2001 we are left believing that 62,034 people died from influenza according to the CDC. The actual figures determined by Peter Doshi, then at Harvard University, are 61,777 died from pneumonia and only 257 from flu. Even more amazing, among those 257 cases only 18 were confirmed positive for influenza. A separate study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics for the flu periods between 1979 through 2002 revealed the true range of flu deaths were between 257 and 3,006, for an average of 1,348 per year. (11)

In the US, for example, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that about 36,000 people die from the flu each year. (12) But the real number is just a few hundred - maybe one or 2 percent of the reported numbers. Most of the other people died from pneumonia or empyema, and perhaps even from other serious complications but not from the flu. A vaccination wouldn't have protected ANY of them from being counted among the dead. It wouldn't have helped them, and it didn't, they died.

How is that?

As the New York Times reports, the system used by the CDC is complex, imprecise and totally anonymous. CDC officials examine and determine the average number of pneumonia deaths for a given year and then any deaths exceeding that average are attributed to the flu. It isn't an exact science apparently. They don't even know for sure they're flu deaths. They only measure excess deaths above the norm or average for pneumonia and attribute them to flu. In fact, in 2002, the city health officials of the State of New York estimated 2,500 flu virus deaths when the actual number of cases were two and the previous year there were none according to city health records. A vaccination wouldn't have protected these 2500 people either because they likely died from pneumonia, empyema, parainfluenza or another serious complication from an infectious pathogen other than the flu, but not from any actual flu viruses. (13)

National statistics are just as hard to understand as examining percentages and illness, aren't they? However, with a keen eye for detail one can easily ascertain that perhaps there's more going on here than meets the eye? And there seems to be consensus that deaths actually attributed to the flu as a result of the averaging method for pneumonia used by the CDC to determine flu deaths are actually disproportionately attributed to the flu and in all likelihood pneumonia, empyema, parainfluenza and other infections caused by a wide variety of possible infectious pathogens are responsible for these deaths and vaccination wouldn't have prevented them.

Specific Data On H1N1:

Since I've primarily used the CDC so far, let's refer to their data once again. The H1N1 virus has been explained to me as a new mutation of the flu virus and a new virus to humans. I understand that it's also been referred to as the Swine Flu.

Dr. Keigi Fukuda, representing the CDC said, "Let me see if I can get all these right, but the influenza vaccine, which is an inactivated flu vaccine, contains-- always contains 3 viruses, or has contained 3 viruses in the past several years, so it's a trivalent vaccine, and it contains viruses similar to the influenza-H3N2, H1N1 and B viruses, which were in circulation. And so this year's vaccine is no exception, and the viruses which are contained in the vaccine this year are similar to the viruses which are circulating worldwide right now, and so the coverage is pretty good."

Now I don't know about you, but I thought the H1N1 was a new virus. The interview with Dr. Fukuda from the CDCs own web site, posted there now, is a Telebriefing Transcript dated January 7th, 2003. OK, so it's not a new virus. That has nothing to do with our perceptions anyway, right?

Specific Data On The Flu:

From the CDCs own web site titled, 'Questions And Answers Regarding Estimating Deaths From Seasonal Influenza' we get the following quote, which is OUTRAGEOUS, but honest.

"Statistical modeling was used to estimate how many flu-related deaths occurred among people whose underlying cause of death on their death certificate was listed as a respiratory or circulatory disease."

This means that the estimated flu deaths were taken from the deaths of people who died from respiratory or circulatory diseases only, not the flu. None of these people died from the flu, but, "because so many people died from respiratory and circulatory diseases we estimated that some of them also had the flu." [emphasis mine] What's worse, the flu shot, any and all flu shots, would not have protected them. They didn't die from the flu. (14)

Vaccines In General:

No, I won't mention the fiasco in which Ford lost the presidency, the one where 100s of cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome were contracted and 25 people died while many were critically harmed for life. The vaccine that was quietly terminated. I'm sure by now you can see where this is going. I'm not saying don't get vaccinated. I won't say that.

Dr. Anthony Morris, Dr. John Chriss, and Dr. BG Young, in a paper titled, "Occurrence of Measles in Previously Vaccinated Individuals" concluded that "By the (US) government's own admission, there has been a 41% failure rate in persons who were previously vaccinated against the (measles) virus."

Again, Dr. Anthony Morris, who is also a distinguished virologist and former Chief Vaccine Officer at the U.S. Federal Drug Administration (FDA), states that “There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack of influenza” and that “The producers of these vaccines know they are worthless, but they go on selling them anyway.

I haven't cited these quotes. They appear frequently enough on the internet that I believe them to be accurate although there are people out there, many of them, that read them and manage to find a way to disparage them. I'm not sure how.

Media Reporting And Flu Deaths:

The sad truth about media reporting is that everyone is focused on the wrong aspects of the argument. What we need to investigate is this, "How many cases of respiratory illness did we have last year that were never reported, deaths from parainfluenza, deaths from pneumonia and deaths from empyema. How are those same deaths being reported this year?"

Oddly enough, I don't remember hearing about any deaths last year from the various death types the CDC uses to determine the number of flu cases. Remember, they don't measure flu cases they measure pneumonia, parainfluenza, empyema and circulatory diseases and average them. The people that die above the average are termed to have the flu. We don't know which flu unless they're specifically tested. It could be any one of the several that generally infect us each year. But it also might just as easily not be the flu at all and since the test is for respiratory and circulatory diseases and the flu is estimated from those we'll never know unless a specific test is done.

We are being told that the people that have died this year died from the Swine Flu (which really means pneumonia, parainfluenza, circulatory diseases and empyema since that's what they measure and collect the data on to average) and just as many people probably died last year. They just didn't report about people that died of respiratory and circulatory diseases last year. I never heard reports before. Now they report on deaths attributed to respiratory and circulatory illnesses, the ones they average to estimate flu deaths. So we have a pandemic.

Dr. Tom Jefferson, head of vaccine studies at the prestigious international Cochrane Database Collaboration, after reviewing hundreds of influenza studies and statistical analyses, has said the WHO’s and CDC’s “performance is not very good.” And in an ITN News interview last month, Jefferson called the swine flu pandemic a “juggernaut they [the WHO, government agencies and vaccine makers] created.” For the 1992-1993 season, the prediction was off by 84 percent. For the 1994-1995 season, it was off 43 percent for the primary strain and off 87 percent and 76 percent for two other strains. The Laboratory Center for Disease Control’s study comparing vaccine strains with the strains appearing during the 1997-1998 season found the match was off by 84 percent. Again Dr. Jefferson in a Der Spiegel interview remarked, and this is the key, “there are some people who make predictions year after year, and they get worse and worse. None of them so far have come about, and these people are still there making these predictions. For example, what happened with the bird flu, which was supposed to kill us all?.... Swine flu could have even stayed unnoticed if it had been caused by some unknown virus rather than an influenza virus… An influenza vaccine is not working for the majority of influenza-like illnesses because it is only designed to combat influenza viruses. For that reason, the vaccine changes nothing when it comes to the heightened mortality rate during the winter months” from other infectious pathogens, pneumonia, empyema, parainfluenza and circulatory infections.

The media also makes statements like, "2 schools closed with 35% of students home with flu." I have to ask, how do they know all of those kids are home with any illness at all? Perhaps a fair percentage are home to prevent themselves from becoming ill from contact with others, since they've managed to scare the bejeesus out of many Americans? The fact remains, they just don't know how many of these kids have the flu, pneumonia, parainfluenza, empyema, or one of many other viruses caused by common infectious pathogens that circulate this time of year. The media doesn't seem to help much, really. It appears as though they're complicit, doesn't it? You would really wish everyone was like CBS, all of the time, with everything, but certainly with the flu, pandemics, epidemics and surely when it comes to vaccines. And by delving deep into the CDCs own pages, we miraculously find the truth.

What's It All Mean?

I think it's all a great big hoax to make money, but you go ahead and make your own decision. The revolving door between the large Pharmaceutical companies is well known and there's no need documenting it here. While it's more than disconcerting to think that officials we should trust with our lives might be stretching the truth, they are. And it's more than disconcerting, it's criminal. If you get a flu shot it's just as likely that you're going to die as if you didn't get a flu shot. The H1N1 Swine Flu flu shot doesn't prevent the 3 types of parainfluenza, it doesn't prevent empyema (15), it won't prevent pneumonia, and it won't prevent any of the other viruses mentioned at the very beginning of this post. It also won't prevent any other flu viruses. What's worse, a flu shot won't prevent any of the viruses people are really dying from and that's the real shame.

Americans have the strongest desire I may have ever witnessed to believe in and put faith in powerful people. It's a driving desire, one that often causes blind faith. That's apparent in the thousands of people, and especially in the women and children, the pregnant women vaccinating themselves and their unborn children, the people lining up like sheep. It's apparent in the actions of people even when presented with factual evidence. And it's not some great conspiracy either, it's US politics and the US corporate world joined at the wallet.

The flu shot won't help you, it's worthless, and for most Americans it probably won't hurt most of you, either. But for some it will spell heartbreak. Americans fail to perform due diligence. Americans want to believe. And they do.

The evidence is out there. I've presented mine, primarily from the CDC.


1. The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) at





6. Google Search at

7. The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) at

8. Global Research by Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null at

9. The Ministry of Health Canada publ., April 23, 2009 at

10. The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) at

11. Massachusettes Institute of Technology News, April 16, 2008 at

12. The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC), interview with Dr. K. Fukuda & Dr. L. Anderson from the CDC at

13. reprint of the New York Times Nov. 04 at

14. The Centers For Disease Control And Prevention (CDC) at


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Comment by luggnutz on October 31, 2009 at 7:19pm
Amazing article Jeff. And after careful research, I'd like to add this as far as H1N1 being a new flu strain. The 1918 Influenza Pandemic was a supposed H1N1.

Johan Hultin is a retired pathologist known for discovering tissues containing traces of the 1918 influenza virus that killed millions worldwide, and for this he has been described as the "Indiana Jones of the scientific set."[1]

Born in Sweden in 1925, Hutlin immigrated to the U.S. and earned his Master's degree at the University of Iowa.[2] During his time there, he researched and warned against bioterrorism. He worked at several hospitals in the San Francisco Bay Area. During his spare time, he developed ways to improve automotive safety which led to recognition by the U.S. Department of Transportation. He is an avid hiker and is the oldest person to ski Mustagh Ata in China.[2]

[edit] 1918 influenza discovery
In 1951 the pathologist tried to isolate the 1918 influenza virus from victims who had been buried in the Alaskan permafrost of a town called Brevig Mission. During the pandemic, 72 of the town's 80 residents perished from the flu. In his search, he unearthed bodies but failed to find any live viruses.[3]

Nearly 50 years later, in July 1997, Hultin read an article in the journal Science written by virologist Jeffery Taubenberger who was looking for samples of the 1918 flu. Hultin offered his services and returned to Brevig Mission. Again he received permission to dig for victims of the 1918 “Spanish flu”, and this time he unearthed the remains of an obese woman, roughly thirty years old, whom he christened "Lucy". The fat had protected her lungs from decay, and he took both of them. It turned out that in Lucy's case there was enough material to sequence the complete 1918 virus many times over. This sample provided scientists a first-hand opportunity to study the virus, which was inactivated with guanidinium thiocyanate before transport. This sample and others found in U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) archives allowed researchers to completely analyze the critical gene structures of the 1918 virus.[4] Using the recovered traces, scientists revealed that the virus originated from birds and mutated to infect people.[1]

Taubenberger was born in Germany, the third son of an Army officer. When he was nine he moved to a suburb of Washington, D.C. with his parents after his father was posted at the Pentagon. He completed a combined M.D. (1986) and Ph.D. (1987) at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond in a course designed for students who wanted to follow a career in medical research. For his thesis he studied how stem cells of the bone marrow differentiate into the mature cells of the white blood cell system. In 1988 he began a training to become a pathologist at the National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of Health. In 1993 he was recruited to start a new lab at the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in order to apply the then current molecular techniques to the Institute's pathology work. After a year he was promoted to chief of the Division of Molecular Pathology. This included a research lab, where he was free to pursue questions of basic science.

A dolphin disease
The AFIP also works on veterinary diseases. In the winter of 1987 half the population of bottlenosed dolphins along the Atlantic seaboard of the United States died of a mysterious disease. From samples taken from washed up dolphins a veterinary pathologist at the AFIP suspected a viral infection. In 1991 Albert Osterhaus managed to isolate a morbillivirus from dolphins who fell victim to a similar disease in the Mediterranean, but the samples from the first die-off were considered to be too degraded to isolate any viruses. Nevertheless, Taubenberger was asked to give it a try.

In the late 1980s Kary Mullis had found a way to duplicate DNA strands by a technique called Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Using this method molecular biologist Amy Krafft eventually managed to isolate fragments of morbillivirus RNA. Here, the team perfected the techniques to extract RNA by PCR from highly degraded tissue (If you set out with an anti-sense RNA strand – as is the case with influenza or morbilliviruses – you first have to copy it back into a sense DNA strand).

[edit] In search of the 1918 “Spanish” influenza virus
Fearing government cutbacks Taubenberger looked for an application of PCR to the immense warehouse of tissue samples at the AFIP. He eventually settled on finding remains of the flu virus, which caused the 1918 “Spanish flu”. The warehouse stored wax blocks from seventy-seven soldiers, who had died in the pandemic. Taubenberger's team searched for samples of victims who had succumbed to the initial viral infection and not the subsequent bacterial pneumonia. Seven samples seemed promising.
The genome of the flu virus includes about 13,000 base pairs, which had decayed into pieces as small as 100 base pairs. In order to make PCR work, primers have to be constructed, i.e. a short bit of DNA with mirror sequences of the sequence at the two end points of the fragment. They bind to the fragment, and with the help of a polymerase bases are added between the primers to make a copy. The millions of copies of the gene segment are labelled with a radioactive probe as they are being made. They can then be separated on a thin gel by running an electric current across the gel. The radioactive labels create a black mark on a X-ray film which is put over the gel.
From serum tests of people who had witnessed the “Spanish” flu it was known that the virus had to belong to the H1N1 subtype. The team looked at all available sequences of influenza genes of this subtype to find out whether there were any parts of a given gene which were virtually identical. These were turned into primers. The first aim was to clarify whether any fragments of the flu virus were left in the tissue samples at all. The laboratory work was mostly done by Ann Reid and for more than a year she didn't find anything. On 23 July 1996 Amy Krafft, whom she had turned to for help, got a positive. The tissue belonged to an army private named Roscoe Vaughn, who had died on 26 September 1918 at Camp Jackson, South Carolina from a pneumonia of the left lung. His right lung seems to have been a few days behind in the progression of the disease, so that the virus was still present on this side when he died.
The sequence of a matrix gene didn't match any known sequence exactly, so that a contaminant could be ruled out. In all, Taubenberger's team isolated nine fragments of viral RNA from five different genes. They decided to send their first publication to Nature, but the editors rejected the paper without even mailing it to experts for peer review. Science was sceptical too at first, but eventually published what amounted to about 15 percent of the haemagglutinin gene as well as small fragments of the four other genes on 21 March 1997.[1] By the summer of 1997 the team had the full sequence of the haemagglutinin. At this point the problem arose that they had used up half the tissue available from Private Roscoe Vaughn for this one gene. It seemed most probable that all ten genes of the 1918 virus couldn't be sequenced from the available material. (In September 1997 tissue from a private called James Downs, who succumbed to influenza at Camp Upton, New York, turned out positive as well.)

[edit] Johan Hultin comes in
The March paper in Science was also read by Johan Hultin. In 1951 the pathologist had already tried to isolate the 1918 influenza virus from victims, who had been buried in the Alaskan permafrost. At what was called Teller Mission at the time, he had unearthed bodies but had failed to find any live viruses. He never finished his thesis. Now, with PCR available, he realized the time had come to try again.
In July 1997 he offered Jeffery Taubenberger to return to what is now Brevig, Alaska. Again he received permission to dig for victims of the 1918 “Spanish flu”, and this time he unearthed the remains of an obese woman, maybe thirty years old, whom he christened “Lucy”. The fat had protected her lungs from decay, and he took both of them. It turned out that in Lucy's case the fragments were even smaller – around 100 base pairs as compared to 150 in the case of Vaughn and Downs – but now there was enough material to sequence the complete 1918 virus many times over. Taubenberger and Reid managed to generate a complete haemagglutinin sequence to confirm the one they had got from Vaughn. In all three cases – Vaughn, Downs, and “Lucy” – the 1,800 base pairs differed only in a few places. This was the best confirmation that the sequence of the 1918 haemagglutinin had actually been found.[2]

In a series of papers the team published the complete genome of the 1918 influenza virus.[3] The work was funded by the Veteran's Administration and the Department of Defense. The completion of the genome in 2005 was numbered among the “breakthroughs of the year” by Science and was elected as "paper of the year" by Lancet .

And this is a seasonal track record from the FDA of the last few years "Seasonal Vaccine" Flu Strain Selections...

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2008-2009 Season
2008/2009 Season Lot Release Status (as of December 17, 2008)
Flu vaccine lots that have been released by FDA and are available for distribution by the manufacturers.
For information on flu vaccine distribution schedules, please contact the manufacturers directly.

Manufacturer Total Number of Lots Released by FDA
CSL Limited
Victoria, Australia
License 1764 42
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
Rue de l'Institut 89
B1330 Rixensart Belgium
License 1617 28
ID Biomedical Corporation of Quebec
525 Cartier Blvd, West
Laval, Quebec 87V 3S8 Canada
License 1739 42
297 North Bernardo Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043
License 1652 45
Novartis Vaccine
Gaskill Road, Speke
Liverpool L24 9GR
United Kingdom
License 1750 48
Sanofi Pasteur Inc
Discovery Drive
Swiftwater, PA 18370
License 1725 86
FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) met in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on February 21, 2008, to select the influenza virus strains for the composition of the influenza vaccine for use in the 2008-2009 U.S. influenza season. During this meeting, the advisory panel reviewed and evaluated the surveillance data related to epidemiology and antigenic characteristics, serological responses to 2007/2008 vaccines, and the availability of candidate strains and reagents.
The panel recommended that vaccines to be used in the 2008-2009 influenza season in the U.S. contain the following:
an A/Brisbane/59/2007 (H1N1)-like virus;
an A/Brisbane/10/2007 (H3N2)-like virus; *
a B/Florida/4/2006-like virus. #
* A/Brisbane/10/2007 is a current southern hemisphere vaccine virus.
#B/Florida/4/2006 and B/Brisbane/3/2007 (a B/Florida/4/2006-like virus) are current southern hemisphere vaccine viruses.
The influenza vaccine composition to be used in the 2008-2009 influenza season in the U.S. is identical to that recommended by the World Health Organization on February 14, 2008, for the Northern Hemisphere's 2008-2009 influenza season.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2007-2008 Season
2007/2008 Season Lot Release Status (as of December 5, 2007)
FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) met in Gaithersburg, Maryland, on February 28, 2007, to select the influenza virus strains for the composition of the influenza vaccine for use in the 2007-2008 U.S. influenza season. During this meeting, the advisory panel reviewed and evaluated the surveillance data related to epidemiology and antigenic characteristics, serological responses to 2006/2007 vaccines, and the availability of candidate strains and reagents.
The panel recommended that vaccines to be used in the 2007-2008 influenza season in the U.S. contain the following:
an A/Solomon Islands/3/2006 (H1N1)-like virus;
an A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2)-like virus;
a B/Malaysia/2506/2004-like virus
The influenza vaccine composition to be used in the 2007-2008 influenza season in the U.S. is identical to that recommended by the World Health Organization on February 14, 2007.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2006-2007 Season
Influenza Vaccine Lot Release Status: Lots Released as of December 13, 2006
FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) met in Bethesda, Maryland, on February 17, 2006, to select the influenza virus strains for the composition of the influenza vaccine for use in the 2006-2007 U.S. influenza season. During this meeting, the advisory panel reviewed and evaluated the surveillance data related to epidemiology and antigenic characteristics, serological responses to 2005/2006 vaccines, and the availability of candidate strains and reagents.
The panel recommended that vaccines to be used in the 2006-2007 season in the U.S. contain the following:
an A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1)-like virus;
an A/Wisconsin/67/2005 (H3N2)-like virus (A/Wisconsin/67/2005 and A/Hiroshima/52/2005strains);
a B/Malaysia/2506/2004-like virus (B/Malaysia/2506/2004 and B/Ohio/1/2005 strains)
The influenza vaccine composition to be used in the 2006-2007 season in the U.S. is identical to that recommended by the World Health Organization on February 15, 2006.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2005-2006 Season
2005/2006 Season Lot Release Status (as of January 3, 2006)
Aventis-Pasteur Inc
Discovery Drive
Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187
(800) 720-8972
fax: 888-889-7129 97
Chiron Vaccines Ltd
4560 Horton Street
Emeryville, CA 94608-2916
(510) 655-8730
fax: (510) 655-9910 21
GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
2301 Renaissance Blvd
King of Prussia, PA 19406-2772
(610) 787-7000
fax: (610) 787-7777 22
MedImmune Vaccines, Inc
297 North Bernardo Ave
Mountain View, CA 94043
877-358-6478 20
The trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 2005-2006 season will include A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1)-like virus; A/California/7/2003 (H3N2)-like virus; and B/Shanghai/361/2002-like virus. Vaccines produced for the 2004-2005 season are now past their expiration dates. It is recommended that vaccine not be used beyond the labeled expiration date.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2004-2005 Season
2004/2005 Season Lot Release Status (as of December 15, 2004)
Aventis-Pasteur Inc.
(Connaught Laboratories, Inc.)
Discovery Drive
Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187
(800) 720-8972
fax: 888-889-7129 Fluzone 126
MedImmune Vaccines, Inc.
297 North Bernardo Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043
877-358-6478 FluMist 22

The trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 2004-2005 season will include A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1); A/Wyoming/03/2003 (H3N2), which is an A/Fujian/411/2002-like virus; and B/Shanghai/361/2002-like virus. (The actual influenza B virus being used in vaccines is either B/Jiangsu/10/2003 or B/Jilin/20/2003.) Vaccines produced for the 2003-2004 season are now past their expiration dates. It is recommended that vaccine not be used beyond the labeled expiration date.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2003-2004 Season
The trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 2003-2004 season will include A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1); A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2), which is an A/Moscow/10/99-like virus; and B/Hong Kong/330/2001-like virus. (The actual influenza B virus being used in vaccines is either B/Hong Kong/330/2001 or B/Hong Kong/1434/02.) These viruses are the same as the viruses used for production of vaccine for the 2002-2003 season. Vaccine produced for the 2002-2003 season is now past its expiration date. It is recommended that vaccine not be used beyond its labeled expiration date.
There are currently no anticipated shortages or delays in the availability of influenza vaccine for the 2003-2004 flu season. Information will be made available on this web site in the event that shortage situations or delays in distribution arise.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2002-2003 Season
2002/2003 Season Lot Release Status (as of November 14, 2002)
Flu vaccine lots that have been released by FDA and are available for distribution by the manufacturers.
For information on flu vaccine distribution schedules, please contact the manufacturers directly.

Manufacturer Total Number of Lots Released by FDA
Aventis-Pasteur Inc.
(Connaught Laboratories, Inc.)
Discovery Drive
Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187
(800) 720-8972
fax: 888-889-7129 76
Evans Vaccines Limited
585 Science Drive
Madison, WI 53711 37
Wyeth Laboratories, Inc.
Wasp and Biddle Streets
P.O. Box 354
Marietta, PA 17547-0354
(800) Flushield
(800) 358-7443 53
The trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 2002-2003 season will include A/New Caledonia/20/99 (H1N1); A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2), which is an A/Moscow/10/99-like virus; and B/Hong Kong/330/2001-like virus. These viruses will be used in manufacturing because of their growth properties and because they are representative of currently circulating influenza A and B viruses.
There are currently no anticipated shortages or delays in the availability of influenza vaccine for the 2002-2003 flu season. For this year's vaccine, information on lots released by FDA for distribution will be posted on a monthly basis. In the future, this information will be made available on this web site only in the event that shortage situations or delays in distribution arise.

Influenza Virus Vaccine for the 2001-2002 Season
2001/2002 Season Lot Release Status (as of December 18, 2001)
Flu vaccine lots that have been released by FDA and are available for distribution by the manufacturers.
For information on flu vaccine distribution schedules, please contact the manufacturers directly.

Manufacturer Total Number of Lots Released by FDA
Aventis-Pasteur Inc.
(Connaught Laboratories, Inc.)
Discovery Drive
Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187
(800) 720-8972
fax: 888-889-7129 77
Evans Vaccines Limited
585 Science Drive
Madison, WI 53711 26
Wyeth Laboratories, Inc.
Wasp and Biddle Streets
P.O. Box 354
Marietta, PA 17547-0354
(800) Flushield
(800) 358-7443 58
The trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 2001-2002 season will include A/Moscow/10/99-like (H3N2), A/New Caledonia/20/99-like (H1N1), and B/Sichuan/379/99-like antigens. For the A/Moscow/10/99-like (H3N2) antigen, U.S. manufacturers will use the antigenically equivalent A/Panama/2007/99 (H3N2) virus. For the B/Sichuan/379/99-like antigen, they will use one of the antigenically equivalent viruses B/Johannesburg/05/99, B/Victoria/504/2000, or B/Guangdong/120/2000. These viruses will be used in manufacturing because of their growth properties and because they are representative of currently circulating influenza A (H3N2) and B viruses.

So no, H1N1 is far from new.

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