The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016: Accounts of “Chemtrail Flu” Rise

The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016: Accounts of “Chemtrail Flu” Rise

Cassius Kamarampi | April 12, 2016

(Era of Wisdom) Have you been feeling ill lately? Perhaps you feel mentally foggy, feverish, congested, or weak in the heart? Are you experiencing itchy skin?

If so, you might want to carefully monitor your onset of symptoms, and see if they immediately follow aerosol spraying in the sky.

It’s hard to believe, but this is happening: people all over the United States have been reporting a blatant, easily observable escalation of geoengineering/chemtrail activity in the past 3 months, often followed by flu-like symptoms. I’m going to call this the “Geoengineering Escalation of 2016.”

If you’re not familiar with chemtrails/geoengineering, you might want to research the well documented and easily verifiable history of the US government experimenting on citizens with biological creations, often sprayed out of airplanes: from the 1966 San Francisco spraying of bacteria on unsuspecting civilians, to the 1955 “Operation Drop Kick,” which released infected mosquitoes on poor African American populations i... without their knowledge or consent. A comprehensive timeline of experiments on US citizens can be found here.

For the geoengineering aspect of “chemtrails,” widely considered to be the more prevalent application of aerosol technology, you could watch Dane Wigington and his team of experts at Shasta County townhall, or this 2005 documentary entitled “Aerosol Crimes,” or the wildly popular “What in the World Are They Spraying” documentary, or Peter A. Kirby’s comprehensive history of geoengineering, either in audio form or article form.

Note: “chemtrails” for geoengineering (altering the weather) and “chemtrails” for biological purposes are understood to be two different things. They are difficult to differentiate, so for the purposes of this article, we will use the slang term “chemtrails.” Aerosols sprayed out of aircraft can be used for many things.

This is my personal experience: about 3 months ago, I started noticing heavy chemtrailing in my area: Sacramento, California.

I took several videos. The audio is taken out, I was just exclaiming how intense the trails were: this is the first set of videos I took, in February 2016.


Then one day about a month ago, we received a wave of chemtrails that far surpassed anything I’ve ever seen. As an observant lover of the Sun and outdoors, it was blatantly obvious to me when this new phase of spraying kicked off in early 2016.

This video was recorded on March 15th, 2016.


My friends in South Carolina, Houston, Cincinnati, and all over California experienced a wave of spraying at the exact same time. Facebook groups and online communities dedicated to monitoring aerosol activities exploded with photographic evidence and theory.

Fellow writer and researcher Brandon Turbeville of Florence, South Carolina had this recent account to contribute:

Basically, at about 6:30 a.m. I noticed heavy chemtrailing over the horizon. By 7:30, the chemtrails were as thick and heavy as you see in the picture. By about 8:30, the horizon was completely milky white. For the rest of the day, the entire sky was covered in a thick white haze. This lasted for the entire day.
Toward the end of the day and in the morning of the next day, myself and many other individuals in the area began exhibiting signs of what appeared to be allergy attacks and respiratory illness. It was that strange feeling that you were coming down with something but you were not actually sick, just exhibiting the symptoms of being sick, i.e. burning/watery eyes, burning/itching nose, sneezing, coughing, and something deep within your lungs.


The chemtrails have continued, although not to the same extent as the day in question and so has the illness. It seems that the heavier the spray, the worse the illness tends to be and the more people it tends to affect.”


Like many across the US, including renowned geoengineering researcher and author Peter A. Kirby, I didn’t see as much chemtrailing activity in 2015: the last time it was this severe in Sacramento was probably 2013, with the exception of certain bursts of activity.

Further up in Northern California, leading geoengineering researcher and conservationist Dane Wigington observed a much more consistent program of spraying in the last several years.


The chemtrails this time have an extremely distinct smell: I’ve never actually been able to notice any odor from them, but this time there is the same distinct odor every time spraying occurs. They smell starchy, like needles to the nose, a little bit metallic, kind of “hospital-like” although I can’t quite put my finger on an accurate comparison to this smell.

Every time someone opens a window during spraying in a house in my area, the whole house will get filled with this odor. It’s a powdery, metallic, starchy, irritating to the nose odor, that seems to settle and largely disappear within 24 hours of windows being opened. It seems to be occurring every day, only becoming less noticeable when there are true rain clouds in the sky. For some reason the smell is gone when thick rain clouds are in the sky.

Every time I get exposed to this smell, it’s followed by an onset of flu-like symptoms.

Experiencing this firsthand is very clear indication to me that these aerosols are causing the flu-like symptoms. I also experience itchy skin, dry skin, and some kind of red bumps on my shoulders, back, and arms that were not there before February.

There’s a reason why people are making videos about “chemtrail-flu” right now, recounting stories that parallel mine, and there’s a reason why they would get thousands of views on YouTube so quickly: we’re all going through some kind of escalation of aerosol spraying right now. For example, here is another person’s recent recollection of chemtrail-flu and their remedy, published on March 3rd, 2016.


Here is another recent observation of this chemtrail-flu, and here is another.

Geoengineering is widely believed to be the primary reason for “chemtrails,” altering the weather, but why is it causing these flu symptoms? People who understand chemtrails contain barium, aluminum, strontium and other... recognize that these materials make us sick too, but it would seem as if there’s some kind of biological component to this newest cocktail of toxins being rained down upon us.

At the moment I write this, I feel another wave of flu-like symptoms (that seem to disappear before I get a full blown cold, thank you good health, natural diet and exercise).

I’m feeling mental fog, an unusual dull pain in my chest, a clogged up feeling in my lungs, congestion in the back of my throat, a metallic taste in my mouth, and dizziness. It’s not unbearably intense, as intense as I predict it would be if I were going outside more often and breathing this in more, but I’ve been making efforts to avoid it. Others around me are doing a bit worse.

Hopefully this info helped. Please don’t hesitate to speak up about chemtrails, and please carefully observe your health to see if your flu-like symptoms are  preceded by a heavy spraying in the skies. Perhaps you could sit down and watch one of those videos or documentaries with a family member.

Many people with a healthy sense of observation and reason have been correlating aerosol activity with these flu-like symptoms, and this wouldn’t be the first time our government tested biological materia...

And if you weren’t aware, chemtrail-conscious country musician Merle Haggard died of pneumonia last week. Many speculate it was due to this “chemtrail flu,” though the correlation is not yet definitive. On a personal note, a girl I went to High School with in Texas died of an asthma attack..., after accounts of heavy spraying in Houston, San Antonio, and Central Texas, may her soul rest in peace. I’m not sure there is a correlation there.

Please share this with as many people as possible, click the links, do the research, and pay close attention. The mainstream media never dares speak of things like this, and have remained silent throughout the last 6 decades of aerosol crimes happening to us, until the incidents were impossible to deny.


This article (The Geoengineering Escalation of 2016: Accounts of “Chemtrail Flu” Rise) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Era of


Author: Era of Wisdom Staff

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