The history of vaccination as a method of biological warfare

David Rothscum Reports
Creating an avant-garde for the Truth movement, one mind at a time.

The history of vaccination as a method of biological warfare
As I have explained before, links can be found between the American biological warfare program, and the creation of vaccines. As governments worldwide were beginning to find out the potentials that viruses and other pathogens had to murder human beings, they required a method of spreading the pathogens, and vaccines provided the ideal method, since injections bypassed most of the natural lines of defense in the human body, because as they themselves found out, viruses that are almost harmless when administered through the nose, can be lethal when injected.

This article is meant to provide a more complete documentation of this history, starting with the development of cancer viruses, and continuing with the creation of influenza vaccines during World War II, finally moving into the variety of vaccines developed afterwards. An attempt will also be made to explain the reasons the various people involved had for the mass murder they encouraged, and in many cases carried out themselves.

Most of the early biological warfare dates back to the various Institutes set up by the Rockefeller family. As I mentioned in the Rockefeller timeline, John D Rockefeller set up the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research is founded by John Davison Rockefeller in 1901. Eight years later, a young scientist by the name of Francis Peyton Rous joined the Rockefeller Institute. In 1911, Francis Peyton Rous was searching for a filterable agent that could cause cancer in fowls. Eventually the man managed to isolate a virus in chickens that was capable of causing small tumors. In a document from 1911, he describes his efforts to isolate this virus, increase it's potency, spread it to other breeds of chicken, and eventually his unsuccesful attempt to use the virus to cause cancer in mammals. This virus would later come to be known as the Rous Sarcoma virus, named after the man who discovered it. In 1937 the Rockefeller Institute brought it's first vaccine on the market, the 17D Yellow Fever vaccine. As the Rockefeller timeline documents, this vaccine was "contaminated" from the moment of it's introduction, with the Rous Sarcoma virus, and when later tested, the virus was found to cause tumors in monkeys.
Although this report will focus on vaccines, it's important to remind the readers that the Rockefeller foundation was also involved in funding eugenicists in Nazi Germany, and Cornelius Rhoads, a scientist working for the Rockefeller Institute, was caught admitting that he injected Puerto Ricans with cancer. This pattern of death is seen in every project these groups are involved in.

The Rockefeller Institute was also involved in the creation of the first Influenza vaccines.
The Influenza vaccine was developed by a man named Thomas Francis Jr.
Thomas Francis Jr joined the Rockefeller Institute in 1928, and continued to work at various institutions founded and controlled by the Rockefeller family. In 1934 he became the first American to isolate the Influenza virus. In 1940 Francis published a study he did into the Influenza virus. Francis tried to create an influenza virus that specifically targeted the brains of those exposured to it. As the report itself mentions, the study was conducted under a grant from the International Health Division of The Rockefeller Foundation.

The report begins with Francis explaining that his own efforts to create a virus that would persist in the brains of those exposed failed:

In our laboratory repeated efforts to adapt the virus of epidemic influenza
to the brains of mice had been completely unsuccessful. The virus ordinarily
failed after intracerebral inoculation to survive in the brain more
than one or two days.

However, Francis found out about a different strain that did infect the brain of chickens, and he himself went on using this strain in his new attempt to find a potent virus that killed mice by attacking their neural cells:

It was decided, therefore, to attempt a similar adaptation by
cultivation of influenza virus in tissue cultures containing embryonic
chick brain and either Tyrode's solution or physiological salt solution.
Since our earlier unsuccessful attempts had all been made with the PR8
strain while the reported positive results had all been obtained with the
W.S. strain, the W.S. strain was used.

After using an experiment to prove that this strain is more potent than the other strains of Influenza in targetting the human brain, Francis goes on to explain how the mice he exposed to this strain of Influenza died from convulsions:

On the llth passage definite neurological signs in the form of
hyperesthesia and tremor were observed and one mouse died in convulsions.
All mice of the 12th passage presented marked signs on the 3rd and 4th
days and were sacrificed. Two of the mice of the 13th passage were killed
when quite sick on the 3rd day, two others were found dead on the 6th day.
Since that time the virus has been uniformly pathogenic by the intracerebral
route, producing a consistent clinical picture and a fatal infection 4 to 5
days after inoculation with 5 per cent brain suspension (Experiment 1,
Table II). This strain (WS-7) has been carried through 67 serial passages.
The usual course of the disease is briefly as follows: On about the 3rd day
the mice appear huddled, their fur is ruffled, and they are hypersensitive to
external stimuli. A generalized tremor is present. On the 4th to 6th
day the animal dies in tetanic convulsions.

As his own report goes on to prove, this experiment was not meant to simply create a virus that would grow well in cultures of brain cells. Francis went on to test whether the virus would still persist in the brain if it had been retrieved from the lungs

Since the present experiments have dealt solely with strains of virus
grown in tissue culture, it was of interest to know whether the W.S. strain
of virus maintained by intranasal infection of mice also possessed neurotropic
attributes. Accordingly, virus of the W.S. strain, which had been
carried for 9 to 15 intranasal passages since removal from regular tissue
culture medium, was tested. Suspensions were made of the infected lungs
and with them mice were inoculated intracerebrally. Virus prepared from
lungs of the 9th and 13th passages failed to survive serial intracerebral
passage--in the first instance probably because passages were made at 7
day intervals. With virus from the 14th and 15th intranasal passages,
however, fatal nervous infections were obtained after 6 and 3 intracerebral
passages, respectively (Experiments 4, 5, 6, 7, Table II).
On the basis of the foregoing investigations, it seems clear that a period
of prior adaptation in embryonic chick brain is not required in order to
bring out the neurotropic qualities of the W.S. strain of influenza virus.

Francis goes on to report something remarkable, that the virus will infect the brain when the mice are injected with it, but will not infect the brain when the mice are exposed through their nose, instead the virus will simply persist in their lungs:

The neurotropic activity does not develop at the expense of the pneumotropic.
Where one exists, there the other is found in equal concentration.
The effect produced is, however, strictly governed by the route of inoculation.
While both pneumotropic and neurotropic virus can be recovered
from the brain after intracerebral inoculation or from the lung after intranasal
inoculation, the neurotropic effect is not produced by intranasal
injection nor is the pneumotropic effect observed after intraeerebral
injection of the virus.

In 1941, a year after publishing this study he was recruited by the American military to develop a vaccine against Influenza.

In my previous report, I tied this development of Influenza virus that was suitable for use as a biological warfare agent into the fact that George W. Merck headed both the Merck pharmaceutical concern, and also the American biological warfare program. However, the ties go far deeper than I initally assumed. The firm that was tasked with creating the Influenza vaccine for the military was named Sharpe and Dohme. From 1935 onwards, Sharpe and Dohme was headed by a man named John S. Zinnser. Before he became the chairman of the board of this company, he worked for the Chemical warfare program of the American military, and he worked for Merck, the company that back in these days was already headed by George W. Merck. What this comes down to is that George W. Merck effectively let the Influenza vaccination program be carried out by his own protegé, John S. Zinnser. Interestingly enough, the companies headed by these men merged in 1953. Merck is thus the descendant of the company headed by Chemical warfare veteran John S. Zinnser, and biological warfare veteran George W. Merck.

The story of the Influenza vaccine is not limited to the United States. The W.S. strain of Influenza that Thomas Francis jr. talked about was also known to an Australian man named Frank Macfarlane Burnet, a member of the Eugenics society of Victoria. In a report by Macfarlane Burnet from 1953, we find out about how he used the W.S. strain, that Thomas Francis Reported was so effective at destroying the brains of rats on which he tested it, to create new strains of Influenza that were even more destructive.
His report mentions:

The lability of influenza viruses is known to every worker in the subject.
As an example of this lability, it may be of interest to trace the origin of
two sub-strains of the classical WS virus with which we have worked.
WS virus was isolated in January 1933 from an individual whose case was
presumed to be typical of the rather severe epidemic prevalent in Britain
at that time. The virus, as isolated, was pathogenic for human beings
and for ferrets; it was not pathogenic for mice. In the light of later work
we can be reasonably certain that it would not have grown in the allantoic
cavity of the chick embryo, it would certainly not have produced lesions
on the chorio-allantois, and it would probably have agglutinated human
but not fowl red-cells. After several passages in ferrets, it was passed
intranasally to mice where, after a few passages, it rather suddenly developed
the capacity to produce fatal pulmonary consolidation.
The virus in the mouse-adapted form was sent from Hampstead to
Melbourne in 1936. There it was passed on the chorio-allantois of the
12-day chick embryo. At first no indubitable lesions were produced, but
after 10 passages distinct proliferative foci were observed. These became
better developed with further passage, and between the 20th and 30th
passages the embryos began to be affected. By the 40th passage the embryos
were invariably dead within 60 hours with gross haemorrhagic lesions in
brain and muscles. This strain, subsequently maintained by infrequent
allantoic passage and storage in dry ice, is WSE (Burnet & Lush 21).

Another strain he created was called the NWS strain:

Subsequently Stuart-Harris, starting from similar material, confirmed
that WSE-type variants could be obtained by chorio-allantoic passage,
and then succeeded in transferring infective material from embryo brain
to the mouse brain. After merely surviving there for 11 passages, the virus
gradually became more virulent, eventually killing mice to high titre, with
acute encephalitic symptoms. After 100 such mouse-brain passages, the
strain was sent to Melbourne and, when transferred to the allantoic cavity,
represents our strain NWS (Stuart-Harris's " Neuro-flu "56).
Some of the main differences between these strains are shown in table I.
Without specific analysis of the process it is impossible to be dogmatic,
but the impression is very strong that each of the major changes in pathogenicity
was the result of several mutational steps.

It's important to document why Burnet was so obsessed with creating lethal viruses.
Burnet was worried about what he considered overpopulation in 3rd world countries. The British News paper The Age reported that Burnet asked the Australian government to develop biological weapons to use against the "overpopulated" countries of South East Asia:

World-famous microbiologist Sir Macfarlane Burnet, the Nobel prize winner revered as Australia's greatest medical research scientist, secretly urged the government to develop biological weapons for use against Indonesia and other "overpopulated" countries of South-East Asia.

The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archives of Australia, despite resistance from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Sir Macfarlane recommended in a secret report in 1947 that biological and chemical weapons should be developed to target food crops and spread infectious diseases.


"Specifically to the Australian situation, the most effective counter-offensive to threatened invasion by overpopulated Asiatic countries would be directed towards the destruction by biological or chemical means of tropical food crops and the dissemination of infectious disease capable of spreading in tropical but not under Australian conditions," Sir Macfarlane said.


Sir Macfarlane also urged the government to encourage universities to research those branches of biological science that had a special bearing on biological warfare.

Unfortunately the biological warfare does not end here. A direct link can be made from the work by the Rockefeller's scientist Thomas Francis Jr, to the work of Jonas Salk, the man who created the first polio vaccine. Jonas Salk helped Thomas Francis with the development of the Influenza vaccine:

Jonas Salk is among the most venerated medical scientists of the century. Though his first words were reported to be "dirt, dirt," his early thoughts were not on studying germs but on going into law. He became interested in biology and chemistry, however, and decided to go into research. He went to New York University medical school for training. There in 1938 he began working with microbiologist Thomas Francis, Jr., who was looking for an influenza vaccine. They developed one that was used in the armed forces during World War II.

As the SV40 foundation explains, SV40 and other viruses "contaminated" the vaccine developed by Salk, and as a result, these viruses spread through the population. SV40 is responsible for many of the different forms of cancer seen today.

America's biological warfare program never seems to have ended. As Boyd Graves' excellent research shows, the experimental Hepatitis B vaccine was used to spread the HIV virus through the gay community in the United States, and the Smallpox vaccine to spread the virus in Sub-Saharan Africa. As unbelievable as it may appear, the evidence strongly suggests that this epidemic is man made. Publicly available Internal memo's from the World Health Organization, and other organizations, show that there was a strong interest in developing viruses that target the immune system. Because this has already been well documented by others, I encourage anyone interested in this subject to look into the research done by Boyd Graves, Dr Len Horowitz, Tom Keske, and Alan Cantwell.

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