Will President Trump really get a fair deal?
Since 2015 when Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the 2016 Presidential race the negative reporting, the Democrats lies, and plans for impeachment were underway. Donald J. Trump went from an admired Hollywood celebrity and much applauded real estate billionaire to practically becoming Public Enemy Number One as far as the press, the Democrats, and even his own party, the GOP, were concerned! It made no difference that he resonated with the people and dared to address policies that both the Democrats and Republicans had ignored sitting in their ivory towers in the Beltway. What Donald Trump represented were the true concerns of the working class under siege from the lies of Globalist propaganda and the leftist goals of an unconstitutional government.
The siege
A blitz of false accusations by the media, Democrats, and members of his own party ensued. Truth was nothing more than a rare commodity that was irrelevant to the public discourse and issues that needed to be addressed. It was all out war on Donald J. Trump! Some people have speculated that this was all a show that the powers that be had merely put on another charade with which to distract the American people with as they tightened the noose of more bad legislation and restriction of Constitutional rights. Others actually condoned the public persecution of a candidate buying into the diatribe of name calling labeling Trump and his followers as bigots, KKK, White Supremacists, hate mongers, war hawks, a threat to the LGBTQ, you name it, and every false narrative used by the Communists was being deployed by the Democrat propaganda machine. As Trump had predicted the fix was already in. From voter fraud to the orchestrated street riots, the left and the Democrats were on a rampage!
Ignoring the patriots
But, as the US sold out lap dog media repeated the “Big Lie” over and over again feeling confident that Hillary Clinton would win as being the first woman president in history, the arrogant, belligerent, and corrupt Democrat ignored an essential factor. Most of the low information voters willing participants in the welfare state within the rust belt of Democrat ruled big cities like New York, Detroit, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and other near bankrupt and decaying cities didn’t stop to take into consideration that hard working middle class of smaller communities. For them, there was no accepting government handouts, no leftist paradise of regurgitated Marxism. For them, there was hard work in order to make a living beneath the enslavement of income taxes and more federal government restriction. They had had enough and as one reporter said as he drove through small town and rural America there was a sea of “Trump for President” signs on virtually every lawn. Beyond the islands of “Blue Dog” cities were huge regions of the US where few agreed with the Democrat big government out of control spending juggernaut of lies.
The kingdom of flies
Subsequently, the Democrats would call for an end to the Electoral College so that the concentrated inner cities vote of low information voters, illegal aliens, corrupt polling operations, and the full influence of Democrat donors would succeed-those who did not represent the whole of the country only the concentrations of those ruled by failed Democrat policy. The Democrats obvious hostility for those they could not buy off with wasted taxpayer money resonated throughout the campaign as Hillary Clinton used terms such as the “Basket of deplorables” to label Trump supporters! The radical leftist vacuum of the DC Establishment, the arrogance of their corrupt big spending, propaganda driven lies would fall on deaf ears in places where votes would be cast outside of the decaying inner cities full of the indoctrinated dwelled.
Illegal overthrow
The question of politically motivated impeachment using hatred, inadmissible hearsay, third party witnesses who were clueless when interviewed or obviously biased and coached, not allowing the GOP Senators to cross examine the so-called witnesses, a full falsely stated interpretation of President Trump’s actions over foreign relations with an inherently corrupt Ukraine, and even with proof of no wrong doing the Democrat charade continued. A widely uneducated American audience looked on listening to the lies of MSNBC and CNN and actually believed the staged drama of tricks and smoke screen being used by the left to make a non-existent case against the President. In violation of all Constitutional remedies to keep such a perverse exhibition of corruption was simply overrun and ignored! The show went on!
Toppling an effective leader
Question: Why were the DOJ lawyers not descending upon the antics of Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler who were obviously conducting an unlawful witch hunt against a sitting president whose influence has restored the US economy, boosted US employment to levels not realized in 50 years, was finally securing the US border, and was strengthening the US military that had been laboring under typical Democrat negligence? How did a president who had greatly benefited America and for the first time in decades made America energy independent and the largest producer of energy in the world become so demonized, hated, and politically attacked?
The hidden enemy
From deep within the US federal government is an intelligence apparatus of rogue actors who have no special allegiance to America or any country. Just as the world bankers who own the Federal Reserve have no special fondness for America other than profiting off her and hedging against competing international economies! This unholy shadow government from within has other much more sinister designs for the future of America and the future of mankind and President Trump is a fly in their ointment! He threatens the gravy train of a corrupt system that refuses to be accountable for fiscal responsibility or legislation that is voted in not dictated by unelected bureaucrats! A threat like President Trump must be stopped at any cost without it being as obvious as the assassination of JFK was though that bill of goods sold in the beginning held off the watch dogs long enough to label the early conspiracy theorists like District Attorney, Jim Garrison, from being taken seriously.
Trojan horse at the gates
If they could get away with it, the shadow government was going to conduct a bloodless coup through administrative precision amputation. This they hope to accomplish with impeachment. Why has the GOP majority Senate under Mitch McConnell simply refused to allow the charade to go on any longer? They could easily have voted the procedure out! Instead, President Donald Trump is anxious to get on with the trial thinking that the facts alone will exonerate him, but just has been planned all along the facts have nothing to do with a fair trial. This is a political crucifixion! A power grab that refuses to honor the rule of law has been unleashed right in front of a partying, dumbed down, distracted, and intentionally misinformed public who have been hypnotized by a media largely in league with the Democrats! According to the MRC editorializing 93% of the time negatively on President Trump!
How the deal will go down
Supreme Court Justice, John Roberts, who stabbed the American people in the back as he cast the final vote in favor of Obamacare and refused to uphold the questionnaire of the Census Bureau which required those being interviewed to identify themselves as being either citizen or noncitizen, will preside over the procedure of the impeachment trial. Does anyone smell a rat here? Is there a set up in the making? In the past President Clinton was impeached while holding office and convicted of lying to a Grand Jury! However he was not unseated. Andrew Johnson, a southerner, who succeeded President Lincoln after his assassination was vilified by the Democrats whose charges were later disproved and President Johnson was exonerated, yet his reputation was forever tarnished! Remember, the Deep State just hit back by appointing a former Obama holdout as the overseer to the corrupt FISA Court!
As for President Donald Trump the Democrats are frothing at the mouth waiting to dethrone him or at least tarnish his re-election chances enough that they can once again grab the power of the Oval Office, undo all tax cuts, re-establish EPA restrictions that killed jobs, and reawaken the welfare state they so badly need in order to seduce ignorant voters into accepting the transformation of America into a socialist regime! America, right before our eyes is being railroaded into becoming another Soviet Union! President Trump may be the last hope and perhaps last president to ever stand in the way of this abomination to the US Constitution and every noble intention of our founding fathers! The “Big Lie” is alive and well in America thanks to Americans who chose to remain ignorant and uninvolved in the process and politicians on Capitol Hill who sold out their countrymen and the greatest nation ever to have been conceived!
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