The Leuchter Report - The scope of this report includes a physical inspection and quantitative data obtained at Auschwitz -

THE LEUCHTER REPORT ONLINE BOOK LINK - Read and decide for yourself.

There are few times in history when one document has the potential to shatter such a major historical myth and legend as that of the Jewish "Holocaust," the claim that the Germans gassed millions of Jews to death in concentration camps in Poland during the Second World War.

The Leuchter Report is one of those rare and most precious documents. Prepared and written by Fred A. Leuchter, a consultant in the United States for the design, construction and maintenance of execution gas chambers, the Report sets out the methodology and findings of the first forensic investigation of the actual sites in Poland where the gassings are alleged to have occurred. Leuchter's conclusion, after inspecting the sites and having samples analyzed by a competent laboratory, taken from the walls and floors for total cyanide content, was unambiguous: the alleged gas chambers could not have been used, then or now, as execution gas chambers.

David Irving, the distinguished British historian, has called the Leuchter Report a "shattering" document which was instrumental in hardening his belief that the whole of the Holocaust mythology was now open to doubt. It is a document which "Holocaust" historians can ignore only at the peril to their reputations as objective scholars. After the Leuchter Report, the allegations of genocide perpetrated by the Germans against the Jews, using gas chambers as the murder instrument , can no longer be upheld.

The Publisher is proud to present The Leuchter Report.


The Leuchter Report - Background of Fred A. Leuchter

The principal investigator and author of this report on design and fabrication of execution hardware has specifically worked on and designed hardware in the United States used in the execution of condemned persons by means of hydrogen cyanide gas.

The investigator has inspected the facilities at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, made measurements, taken forensic samples, reviewed design and procedural literature on DEGESCH delousing chambers and procedures, Zyklon B gas, and materials on execution procedures. Much of the reviewed material was literature purchased and viewed at the sites in Poland, including copies of original drawings of Kremas I, II, III, IV and V.


Holocaust Denial & The Big Lie

The attempt to justify an evil deed has perhaps more pernicious consequences than the evil deed itself. The justification of a past crime is the planting and cultivation of future crimes. Indeed, the repetition of a crime is sometimes part of a device of justification; we do it again and again to convince ourselves and others that it is a common thing and not an enormity. (Eric Hoffer, The Passionate State of Mind. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1954.)
Versión en Español
Introduction & Editorial Notes
Copyright Notice
Point, Counterpoint - Holocaust Denial Claims Addressed
Disparities in Hydrocyanic Compound Levels
Explosive Property of Zyklon B & Furnace Proximity
Gas Chambers Could Not Have Been Opened Safely
The Extermination Chambers Were Actually Morgues
Impossible to Kill 6 Million People at Auschwitz
Doors of Gas Chambers Too Weak to Prevent Escape
They Would Not Have Used Zyklon-B for Gassing
The gas chambers were never sealed, or...
The gas would have killed everyone outside when ventilated
Where did all the ashes from the cremations go
People who dropped the gas into the gas chamber would have been killed by it
The Auschwitz death list doesn't show all those people were killed
Why would there be a swimming pool at a death camp
The high water table made it impossible to burn bodies in ditches
How did witnesses to the gassings survivei
Toxicity of fumes from a diesel engine
There were not enough Jews in Europe to account for six million victims
The "myth" of the Holocaust was created solely for the financial benefit of Israel
Leuchter's credibility
Leuchter's perjury in Canadian court
Leuchter's credibility among American prison admins
Research Sources & Other Useful Appendices
Recommended Reading
Works Cited
"The scope of this report includes a physical inspection and quantitative data obtained at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek..." (from the Leuchter Report)

"The group spent three days in Auschwitz/Birkenau and one in Majdanek surreptitiously and illegally collecting bricks and cement fragments - Leuchter called them 'forensic samples' - from a number of buildings, including those associated with the killing process." (Lipstadt, Deborah. Denying the Holocaust. New York and Toronto: MacMillan, 1993. pp 162-3)

des-e-crate 1: to violate the sanctity of: PROFANE 2: to treat disrespectfully, irreverently, or outrageously (Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary)

The most current plaintext version of Part One and Part Two of this FAQ is available via ftp.

An online edition of the Leuchter Report itself is available from Ernst Zündel's website.

The Leuchter Report


After reviewing all of the material and inspecting all of the sites at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, your author finds the evidence as overwhelming. There were no execution gas chambers at any of these locations. It is the best engineering opinion of this author that the alleged gas chambers at the inspected sites could not have then been, or now, be utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.

Prepared this 5th day of April, 1988 at Malden, Massachusetts.

Fred Leuchter Associates

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