The Mechanism Of Value And Suffering

What's Going On - Part 5
The Mechanism Of Value And Suffering
By Dr Joseph and Sophia Chiappalone
Our Motto - Take it or leave it


The suffering of others to whom we have become emotionally attached is also used as a means of exploiting us. And this leads us to the understanding of the mechanism and significance of the emotional body which is also part of the evil, anatomical, metaphysical make-up of beings. The True Beings in their true nature did not have an emotional body or emotions. These are mechanisms for exploitation of energy from True Beings. Conditions which call for emotional ties and bonds, such as families, children, siblings, connection to jobs, possessions, wealth and so on and the threat of loss of these things, and the fear associated with the loss, are all mechanisms for exploitation.

In personal tragedies, for example, in the death of a child, the child is suffering karmic consequences, but the parents and ones who care and are emotionally attached are emotionally exploited and energetically depleted by the death of the child, thus rendering great energy to the evil usurper. They too are paying karmic debts. Everyone loses in a situation such as this except the evil system.

No good can come from it, unless it is the realization in those beings that to be emotionally attached and drained like this is wrong. But the likelihood that they have reached this realization and understanding in this fashion is very, very remote.

It appears a natural part of this system that we are emotionally attached to people and things and yet it is ridiculous that this should be so, because if we see through the filtering mechanism and observe each other throughout many lives, some are enemies in one life and then loved ones in the next, some love us and then exploit us in consecutive lives, and so on. It is all an illusion, a mechanism to exploit us emotionally.

In cases of long-term suffering, as in mentally defective cases, in cancer cases, in physically handicapped cases, the mechanism is used to drain those associated with the victim. It is a cruel thing to do to these people and yet that is the system which has developed because of evil.

Many have used the experience of suffering and the experiences of pain, disease, degeneration and their wait for death to awaken, to self-realize, to question the significance of their lives and to return to a spiritual pathway and the thought of "God".

Many more, however, have been so stricken by the severe suffering, pain, degeneration, death and unjustifiable karmic consequences in their lives that they were driven to the point of despising the system and blaming "God" for their afflictions. They turned hatefully against any Divine essence and denied the existence of a just, loving "God".

They became bitter, resentful, anti-social and hateful because of the punishment and suffering they had to endure. Many have been unable to see the reason behind the punishments, the suffering, the injustices and the apparent lack of a Divine Will.

And so they have turned against their own Divine nature. And in this way they have lost much awareness and much more emotional energy as a consequence.

Then they have become subjects of evil, throwing away any idea that there is ultimately a loving, just "God" who would eventually liberate them. And they have been severely programmed and polluted and have become instruments of the evil societies with which others are trapped.

And so a vicious cycle has been set up in which the real aim of the suffering mechanism has not been revealed. And because of the lack of understanding, people have turned against the Divine and they have allowed themselves to be trapped more and more in the evil system, accepting more and more programming and pollution which then caused more and more suffering, loss of energy and awareness.

It is difficult without an understanding of the mechanism and significance of suffering for human beings to understand what is going on in this dimension.

It is difficult for people to remain unaffected by all the suffering and injustices to which they are subjected. And the evil demigod knew this very well. It knew the people would react emotionally and would not realize that emotional reactions would further exploit them and hence, give it more energy.

It was difficult for people to reach the understanding because this information was never allowed to be revealed on this plane before this Endtime.

And so, with the suffering and injustices of this plane, the True Beings became more and more emotionally disturbed at this situation and more and more depleted of their Divine energy.

More harm than good has come from this suffering imposed by Evil. Most did become angry and denied God, because of the unjust suffering they had to bear.

Those who turned to the "God" of their origin and asked for answers when querying the need for this suffering and injustice have been denied these answers, knowledge and realization because the evil system simply did not permit it. And so it is that many struggled under this burden of unjust suffering to remain faithful to their true source and to their true "God". It just shows how evil the whole plane is and how evil the plan was to extract every ounce of energy from the True Beings.

In thinking about this topic of suffering, bear in mind that this dimension has been constructed in such a way by Evil to allow the maximum amount of suffering for the maximum number of people in the shortest possible time, so that its energy yield would be maximal. This may appear a cynical attitude to have, but look around you.

Look at all the suffering in underdeveloped third world countries. Look at the exploitation in the wealthy countries, at the poverty, disease, ignorance, degeneration and fears to which all populations are subjected.

Take a glance at the cruelty and evilness of "Mother Nature" and the callous way insects, birds, fish and animals are treated by it and their own kind, the majority of whom are also evil just as most humans are.

The lives of creatures in the lower classes are filled with even more exploitation, fear and horror. It may be what is "natural" in that it is what happens. But it is certainly unjust and not part of the Divine Plan for the evolution of consciousness.

Suffering can be physical, emotional and/or mental. Those who live a long time are not necessarily free of suffering. In fact, they may be the most exploited due to suffering in other ways. Beings are subjected to suffering at all times in order to exploit them emotionally.

Even in the Etheric, Astral and Underworlds, beings are continually exploited of their positive energy. If you ever needed anything to convince you that this plane is not controlled by a loving, just "God", but by an evil, destructive usurper it would have to be the degree of suffering in the world.

--- No loving, just "God" would allow such suffering.

--- No loving, just "God" would allow the humiliation, degradation and destruction of His own creation as exist on this plane.

--- No loving, just "God" would be so cruel as to allow beings to live in despair, declaring "God is dead".

It is no wonder then that the orders from the Divine Hierarchy have been to allow the complete destruction of this evil system and all those who supported it, including the demigod, the mock beings and the unfaithful True Beings who turned against the Divine and are guilty of Treason.

These will all be removed and this system will be totally destroyed, for it is evil and against the very nature of the Divine. Not a trace will be allowed to remain.

All True Beings should rejoice that all signs of this evil will be destroyed totally with no chance of this suffering and emotional exploitation ever recurring.

We can all rejoice that the countless prayers of all those members of the Light throughout the countless ages are being answered in this generation and that they will be delivered from all the suffering, pain and fears of this valley of death.

The faithful beings should look forward to this time ahead, for, although this time of cleansing and change will necessitate some degree of suffering for all, it heralds the re-establishment of the True Divine Order. And this should fill us with all the Peace, Joy, Patience, Harmony and Beauty that it is our Divine right to express.

Just think, there will never be any more suffering, pain, disease, fears or physical death ever again, once this dimension is completely cleared and the Divine order re-established.

This must be the most joyous and momentous news anyone, anywhere could ever receive.

Some evil fools, and that is an appropriate name for them, spuriously claim that suffering is part of the evolving pathway for (physical) evolution, meaning that as we suffer we adapt and evolve for the better. This is simply not so. Physically and in awareness, the world has regressed as have the consciousnesses trapped in this dimension. This can be verified by those with special extended vision.

This spurious claim about suffering is another attempt by evil to make people accept suffering and to conceal the true purpose it serves Evil. To even consider that the genetic material, including the DNA spirals, can change for the better because the shell or the psyche in which they are housed feels pain and eventually dies, is an absurdity in the extreme, for as an individual dies, his genes die with him. He does not procreate after death when any change would need to occur in order to accommodate the influence of suffering and death. Those who suffer at a young age often die without reproducing. Those who live do their best to avoid suffering in their offspring.

Suffering does no good to anyone. Those who tell you otherwise are part of the evil conspiracy.

In the wild, a weak, trapped, diseased or injured animal is usually put out of its misery quickly by predators. But the more evil human society has developed cruelty into an art form. Those who suffer from lingering malignancies and other diseases, degenerative and otherwise, are made to suffer, by law, until the last drop of energy can be wrung out from them and from the ever more apprehensive relatives who care for them. Many are poisoned by opiates near death and the drugs increase their burden of negativity to be removed somehow in the future.

Where are the care and the compassion which would spare such drainage and sorrow?

Society has none, for it is evil. If it was not, it would temper its intolerance and greed for energy with mercy, and allow those thus trapped and exploited to leave the plane and keep their inner energy stores so that their awareness would not fall. But then that would be opposite to the aims of Evil.

This mechanism, set up to exploit the last erg of energy is the reason why the evil society condemns euthanasia. It objects, not to the rights of any individual, but to interference to its evil process of energy exploitation.

Whenever it suits the evil essence, it kills millions in wars which it sets up. And this too, is in order to extract massive amounts of energy quickly. It does nothing and has done nothing which does not favour itself.

This is the same reason why all jails and prisons are such horrid places. They are not about rehabilitation of wrong doers. They are about inflicting further punishment and extracting the maximum amount of energy in the cruelest possible ways from the beings trapped within them, many of whom are True Beings and ET aliens who have been easily programmed to defy the laws of society. And they have been easily programmed because of the confusion they suffer on this evil plane and because of their inability to cope in their search for their pathway back to their Source.

And their internment, apart from extracting all the energy it can, inculcates them with a hatred for the cruel society so that the outcome is further criminality on their release. And this gives society more and more opportunities to exploit their energy.

Within jail and prison walls are found the tools for easy energy exploitation: drugs, violence, sexual exploitation, etc.

The system actively intervenes to destroy any love such beings may hold for the Divine and any hope they may have had for love, fairness, compassion and understanding.

Most jailers are overt robots and demons, the sadism of which would not be believed by the general public whose attitude appears to be that, having broken the laws, the inmates are getting what they deserve anyway. Do not take our word for this. Speak with anyone who has experienced jail or prison. You will be amazed at the efficiently cruel system for energy extraction which exists in this world and about which most people know nothing. And to its shame, the USA has the greatest number of jails of any country on earth and the highest percentage of its population in jail or prison at any one time, according to UN statistics. And they reveal the fact that the US is the most criminally violent nation on earth.

No True Beings with the slightest remnants of love, understanding and compassion could possibly remain in the environment of jails or prisons and not rebel against the system. Many have, but hitting their heads against the concrete hardness of the evil, cruel system, are forced to abandon their protests, for up until this time, the system has been stronger.

The day is not too far away when Divine Justice will prevail and the cycle will be reversed. Those evil ones who inflicted such cruelty will have to experience it, all of it, for themselves, in order to realize their own unworthiness and why they cannot remain in creation. They need to realize why they must undergo transmutation.

Like all evil beings, they will need to make these realizations and then they will want to be transmuted.

Regulatory processes, review committees, rehabilitation projects concerning jails and prisons are all part of the charade of this plane. Inspite of the best intentions of True Beings in them, such boards and processes are nearly always circumvented by the evil system so that the final result is always zero improvement. The system is so cruel that it always appears able to find new ways to avoid regulation and reduction of its cruelty and energy exploitation. And if you think that is not so, just cast your mind to government projects similar to jail reform, etc. and examine the end results. Very little is usually accomplished.

One is reminded of the many welfare agencies which operate around the world for sick children, waifs, cancer patients, the elderly, etc., etc. In most cases, people are exhorted by a plea for compassion, to give large sums generously. And many of these agencies have been exposed as being fronts for cruel, greedy, evil con artists. It is not unusual to find that they often give less than 1% of the proceeds (sometimes it is 0%) to the people and institutions for whom they solicited.

How much more proof do you need of the evilness of human nature? If this were some isolated instance, there would be doubt. But the fact is, the majority of humans cheat like this. And given the opportunities, the evil beings would all do so to a 100% level, 100% of the time. And that is why this system cannot be tolerated. It has to go!


To Be Continued...

Copyright 2010 - All Rights Reserved
Joseph and Sophia Chiappalone

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