The Most Common Mental Disorder in America Today

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With the Democrats busy destroying America, its economy, and the lives of its citizens we have a number of mental disorders that have been introduced and caused by the continued stress of a corrupt federal government. We have dysphoria which is not so much an occurring mental disorder as it has been the mental state of mind of choice, a choice the Democrats have advocated as part of their social engineering. We have wide spread depression which is understandable with many out of work, paid to remain out of work, or living in an economically depressed area under Democrat control. We have widespread drug and alcohol abuse thanks to people self-medicating thanks to the political climate and policy failures of the federal government.

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Asymmetry of causes

We have obsessive compulsive disorder, largely a symptom of a brain chemistry deficiency. Many people suffer from this mental ailment made worse by people’s constant pre-occupation with the cell phone as a substitute for having a social life. American society is under siege by the left using an asymmetrical approach to the disruption of our culture, our heritage, and our values. It has led to much domestic violence and divorce here in the modern day America. Even with the onset of unprecedented levels of autism, still there is a more deadly mental disorder disrupting the ranks of our society.

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The main culprit

With all this though there is a mental condition defined by the American Society of Psychiatry known as “Cognitive Dissonance” it is responsible for perhaps more damage to our culture than any other mental disorder. Why? Cognitive dissonance is the refusal of a person to accept blatant evidence when that proof is right in front of them. However, this is not a disorder that is caused by defective brain chemistry, a polluted environment, a poor diet, or even abuse. It is created through a long process of learned behavior, of conditioning, of the failure of objective teaching in schools who have resorted to politically oriented consensus so that what a group agrees upon even if it is dead wrong is the preferred answer. The same as being politically correct, where the truth might exist but is unacceptable because politically it does not concur with a corrupted consensus.

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A weapon of conquest

Yuri Bezmenov, a defected KGB Agent, who escaped to Canada, explained how the Soviet long-haul system of overthrowing a targeted society relied heavily on producing the state of mind that would allow for people to accept the unacceptable even if it caused them suffering so it took time and gradual conditioning to produce this state of mind. An aggressor has won the war before an army even needs to enter the territory of that country when the people are so overcome with Cognitive Dissonance that they will vote for and support the destructive political party that is busy disrupting their society and they will decade after decade as we have seen black Americans remaining on a Democrat plantation that does nothing for them but repeat rhetoric and demonize the rival political party. Human nature is flawed enough to be easily deceived.

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The compromised mind

The Democrats have achieved exactly what they were after-division within America. As Yuri Bezmenov once said, the people can be so cognitively dissonant that will they not believe that they are going to a concentration camp even while they are being driven there because their belief system has been so corrupted and conditioned to ignore critical logic. Just as we have Americans today who are stubbornly supporting a political party (The Democrats) who have blood on their hands, and are causing out of control inflation as their failed policies create havoc on our streets. Still these blinded and conditioned fools will support the unacceptable! The Democrats can make the most outlandish untrue accusations and the cognitively compromised followers will bite hook, line and sinker. Today America is deeply divided because half or more of the population cannot bring themselves to face reality and acknowledge the facts because the federal government has stripped them of their critical thinking skills with bad education in the public classroom and false narratives repeated over and over again! This will be America’s downfall.

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Just think of it people. Your beloved country could be completely torn apart and even collapse due to a state of mind, not because a foreign army defeated us, not because we don’t have the resources, not because we lack the demographical feasibility for future prosperity, but because the people have been dumbed down to accept the destruction of their nation by a party whose policies have lobotomized them! Cognitive dissonance has reduced the intellect and logic of generations of Americans until it has finally come to this.

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